Korea - Land of the Morning Calm: Four Styles of Sanjo performed by Park Chong-sil
presented by Peter Duffy (29 September 2002)

Park Chong-sil is an instructor at Seoul Traditional Arts High School and Chung-Ang University in Seoul. She is also a well-known performer on the haegum, which is a two-stringed spike fiddle. In the past, she has studied with haegum masters Chi Young-hee and Kim Young-jae. This presentation features Park Chong-sil performing four styles of haegum sanjo.

1. Chi Young-hee ryu
2. Hahn Pom-su ryu
3. Suh Yong-sok ryu
4. Kim Young-jae ryu
The Haegum Sanjo of Four Ryu, 2001
TOPCD-014, JIGU, Seoul, Korea
