Fri Feb 28, 2003, Duration: 91min
=> Archive of the 'Emissions du Capricorne' from 2002 until now!
Speaker, Railovy ; Fano engineering
First part: speech the malagasy President Marc Ravalomanana made Friday 21st February at the UNESCO Centre, in Paris, while meeting the malagasy “diaspora”. About one thousand persons were there. Marc Ravalomanana appears as a “non conventionnal” President, as well in his manners as in his way of speaking: direct and without any complex.
Second part: interview of Talike and Zetike from the TIHAREA group. They tell the very story of this especially “vocal group”, and announce their next album “Ry ampela”, which will be available on March 8th, the world “Women day”, but they refuse to be labelled as “feminist” although their words generally tell the women misfortune.
1/ Sarotra ny miaina (Rajery)
2/ Variana variana (Tarika Sammy)
3/ Ry Ampela (Tiharea)
4/ Mafé (Tiharea)
5/ Ignone ‘ty anto e ! (Tiharea)
6/ M’vibra (Ricky & Mbasalala)