Emap.FM - Internet Radio for World Wide Ethno Music and Reports
Echos du Capricorne 2003/09/17

Wed Sep 17, 2003, Duration: 60min

speaker Listen to Echos du Capricorne

=> Archive of the 'Emissions du Capricorne' from 2002 until now!

Wednesday 17 September 2003

- Edito by Claudia: contents in malagasy and in french

- Interview: Ranaivo Andrianasolo is a malagasy businessman, but also a sportsman. He plays golf and wins the world wide "Peugeot Challenge Cup" this 2003 year, in Paris. Ranaivo Andrianasolo explains the rules of this "rich people sport", and gives his point of view according to the way to play this sport in such a country as Madagascar.

- News from Madagascar:
- the clash between Marson Evariste and Voninahitsy Jean Eugene in the RPSD party: V.J.E. creates his own "New RPSD"
- communals elections in November: the FFKM (the malagasy christians churches federation" intends to intergrate the presidential movement.
- the Kobama "affair": another politico-financial scandal, involving the "La gazette de la Grande Ile" newspaper.
- economics: Madarail, the new malagasy railways holder, has imported two new locomotives and rehabilited the station of Toamasina.

- Agenda of the concerts, shows and parties in Paris and surrounds.


1/ Fararano (Spesialista)
2/ Ragnitse (Miary Lepiera)
3/ Belina (Arison Jaha)
4/ Raha misy sorisory (Vandeirs)
5/ Ny fijerinao (Lalao Rabeson)