Emap.FM - Internet Radio for World Wide Ethno Music and Reports
Zooma Capricorne 2003/09/26

Fri Sep 26, 2003, Duration: 91min

speaker Listen to Zooma Capricorne

=> Archive of the 'Emissions du Capricorne' from 2002 until now!

Speaker: Claudia Solofolandy, Fano engineering.


Aurélie Ranivoarisoa, Perrin Ratovoherivony and Haja Ratovoarivony are members of the Sport Asa Tany Association. This Association created, a few years ago, a new sport in Madagascar: the soil ploughing. The malagasy rural people have been enthusiastic about this new sport. Aurelie and her fellows are exporting this idea to Africa, Europe and other countries.

1/ Tontolon'ankizy (Mireille)
2/ Mahaiza manetsa ravaly (Tropy Jeannette)
3/ Mitady kandra (Dama)
4/ Andranovory (Kilema)
5/ Mandiadiasa (Tianjama)
6/ Ndao hihira (Bessa)