Emap.FM - Internet Radio for World Wide Ethno Music and Reports
Zooma Capricorne 2003/10/24

Fri Oct 24, 2003, Duration: 91min

speaker Listen to Zooma Capricorne

=> Archive of the 'Emissions du Capricorne' from 2002 until now!

Speaker: Claudia Solofolandy, Fano engineering.

Interview: In collaboration with the Musée de l'Homme (Paris Human Museum), the CNRS (the french National Centre for Scientific Researches), an association named GASSARY, the IRD (french institute for the development) is organizing during 6 days (from 22nd october till 26th october) the projection of more than 50 films about Madagascar at the Musée de l'Homme in Paris. Mr Jacques Lombard, an anthropologist working on the malagasy west-area people and culture, is the instigator of this event.
Some films had been shot at the beginning of the last century (1910, 1930,...) in Madagascar ; others have been produced by great film-director such as Mr Alfred Hitchcock, in 1944.


1/ Ho zaraiko (Ricky) http://takelaka.dts.mg/vazimbamozika
2/ Jejy (Tarika) http://www.froots.demon.co.uk/tarika.html
3/ Mifankatiava (Miary Lepiera) http://www.miarylepiera.com
4/ Tokatrano tsisy foko (Ninie Doniah)
5/ Ledama (Jaojoby)
6/ Tanisa (Naly Rakotofiringa/Noëlson)