Wed Feb 25, 2004, Duration: 60min
=> Archive of the 'Emissions du Capricorne' from 2002 until now!
Programed by Claudia Solofolandy
Contents in french and malagasy by Claudie Benoit
Engineer: Yann Kevin Andriamparany
- Harry Ravonjisoa Rajaonarimanana, manager and singer of the MR Razafy's group told us briefly the story of this well-known artist that she tried to store in memories and in scene all over Madagascar.
News by Fano Rakotoarisoa
- Marc Ravalomana outside Madagascar: Burkina Faso and Lybie. The president favoured MBS's reporters and journalists in his trip.
- Madagascar has rallied FAA "Force Africaine en Attente" for a long time.
- Amnistie Law: Madagascar always obliged by France otherwise she won't get any financial help.
- The political parties
RPSD Vaovao - on opposition
Leader Fanilo - criticize and want explanations
- Agenda of the concerts, meetings and parties in Paris and surrounds.
1/ Ombilahy masiaka (Gastafaray)
2/ Tsy ho anao (MR Razafy)
3/ Vazon'ny Tatsambo (MR Razafy)
4/ Viavy (Rajery)
5/ Sulawazi (Tarika)