Emap.FM - Internet Radio for World Wide Ethno Music and Reports
Echos du Capricorne 2004/04/14

Wed Apr 14, 2004, Duration: 61min

speaker Listen to Echos du Capricorne

=> Archive of the 'Emissions du Capricorne' from 2002 until now!

Programming Claudia Solofolandy.
Technique sound & Logistics: Jean-Louis Benoit.
Presentation: Claudie Benoit

Interviews of Fano Rakotoarisoa with
- Tao Ravao, artist: musician, composer - author - interprets.
- Michele Rakotoson, writer: launch the call with solidarity of the Collective of associations Miray Aina for the mobilization in favour of the disaster victims of the cyclones in Madagascar.

- RNS 2004 in Vichy on the Olympic site: Meet National Sporting with culture this time.
- Law of amnesty and the collective of the members of Parliament SPDUN, less aggressive emanation of the AREMA and the CRN.
- Meeting of crisis in Tuléar in prevention with the provocations of tribal wars.
- Confrontation in the south between Berthil Akesson and its workmen of the Company of the Plantations of the Sisal.

Diary of the concerts, demonstrations, evenings, meetings in Paris and Ile-de-France area

1/ Aya lakilé (Olombelo Ricky)
2/ Eritreritra (Nary Arthur)
3/ Marary (Tao Ravao)
4/ Live (Tao Ravao)
5/ Rivo doza (Tao Ravao)

Echos du Capricorne
27 rue de la Gare - appt.7501
94 230 Cachan
01 45 46 27 99
06 62 49 97 09
Radio Fréquence Paris Plurielle 106.3 mhz FM
mercredi 20h30 - jeudi 11h - vendredi 06h30

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