Emap.FM - Internet Radio for World Wide Ethno Music and Reports
Echos du Capricorne 2004/09/22

N°290 - Wed Sep 22, 2004, Duration: 60min

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=> Archive of the 'Emissions du Capricorne' from 2002 until now!

Bilingual emission French and Malagasy.
Produced by Jean-Louis Benoit - Claudia Solofolandy - Claudie L. Benoit - Fano Rakotoarisoa - Hery Ramanisamanana.

Interview of "Gasy Miray" Association (with Fabiola Rakotomihamina & Mamitiana Randrianatoandro) and The "Mutuelle de Madagascar" with Dera Ramandraivonona.

Information on economic, political and social realities of Madagascar.
- Marc Ravalomanana at the meeting of "the leaders of this world" in the USA in New York.
- Zafy Albert satisfied and relieved of adhesions in his fight for National Reconciliation.
- "Olala", Maître Willy Razafinjatovo emits criticisms against Ravalomanana's dealing.
- Shortage and speculations on Rice.
- Malagasy oil market: no problem according to operators'.

Diary of the malagasy rendez-vous (or for Madagascar) on Paris and Ile-de-France.

1/ Mpanao politika (Raoul-Mahaleo)
2/ Tsofy rano (Feo Gasy)
3/ Diso fiantefa (Kiaka)
4/ Akory ataoko anao (Tirike)
5/ Omena azy (Rossy)
6/ Harenako (Lalao Rabeson)

Echos du Capricorne
27 rue de la Gare - appt.7501
94 230 Cachan
01 45 46 27 99
06 62 49 97 09

Radio Fréquence Paris Plurielle 106.3 mhz FM
Echos du Capricorne wednesday 20h30-21h30 & thursday 11h-12h
Zooma Capricorne Friday 06h00-8h00

Thanks to the Networkers - you can listen to us all over the world:
https://emap.fm: live and on demand
http://gazety.malagasy.org/radio.pls: in loop and remote
https://rfpp.net: on direct line