N°377 - Wed Sep 13, 2006, Duration: 59min
=> Archive of the 'Emissions du Capricorne' from 2002 until now!
Production and realization by Claudie Zandriny and Claudia Solofolandy.
News are prepared and given by Philippe Randrianarimanana.
Guest: Hery J., author, composer for his new released album 'Miala satroka' - 11 titles.
Ndrambavy tsara - Bilo
OGM - Julia Raphael
Malagasiko - Mamy gotso
Fanantenana - Hery J.
Radio live of Hery J. - Kabary - unplugged kabosy
Lova - Hery J.
Grande festo (extract) - Trait d'union songs in esperanto in competition in Internet Site dedicated to this tentative universal language.