N°271 - Fri Dec 15, 2006, Duration: 121min
=> Archive of the 'Emissions du Capricorne' from 2002 until now!
French bilingual emission and Malagasy realized and produced By Claudie Zandriny and Claudia Solofolandy thanks to the assistance of The Friends of the Echoes of the Capricorn.
- songs and musics by artists, performer from Madagascar or malagasy in France ...,
- News prepared and presented by Muriel
- Reading of the internet users discussions at this time of elections.
- Manifestations in Ile de France presented by Gabrielle Fould
1/ Ditsoka - Olombelo Ricky
2/ Moussavy - Dah' Mama
3/ Ohabolana Kabosy - Fenoamby
4/ Iray minitra monja - Naly Rakotofiringa
5/ Toe-draharaha 2002
6/ Hopitalim-bahoaka - Belahy
7/ Kidaombaramita - Mala
8/ Fitia zistoara - Samoela
9/ Efa - Olombelo Ricky
10/ Redalandy - Nicolas Rakotovao
11/ Mitsitsy lalana - Samoela
12/ Vahiny - Ny any aminay
13/ Embona - Mbolatiana
14/ Hody izy - Raya
15/ Foot baligny - Dodol
16/ Hifandao - Kiaka
Instrumental musics:
Salama 'nareo (Rakotozafy)
Lasa aiza ilay zoma (Erick Manana)
Diora (Datita Rabeson)
Echos du Capricorne
27 rue de la Gare - Porte 7501
94 230 Cachan
06 66 19 54 67
Radio Fréquence Paris Plurielle 106.3 Mhz FM
Echos du Capricorne: wednesday 20h30-21h30 & thursday 11h-12h
Zooma Capricorne: Friday 5h30-7h30
Thanks to the Networkers - you can listen the programm all over the world with:
https://emap.fm: live and on demand
https://rfpp.net: on direct line