N°429 - Wed Oct 3, 2007, Duration: 58min
=> Archive of the 'Emissions du Capricorne' from 2002 until now!
Production and realisation by Claudie Zandriny and Claudia Solofolandy.
With the aid of Gaby, Aurélie, Claude, Philippe, Jean-Luc.
Interview of the Association "LCDM Lutte Contre la Drépanocytose à Madagascar" with Pascale Jeannot about Drepanocytose. Drépanocytose is a Genetic illness also called hémoglobinose S, sicklémie or weaken falciformes in cells. The sickle cell anemia is a hereditary illness touching one newborn baby about of 6 000 and is characterized by deterioration of the haemoglobin protein assuring the transport of the oxygene in blood.
1/ Goulam SK
2/ Mpihira Gasy - Edgard Ravahatra
3/ Soro - Miary Lepiera
4/ Ankizy mitondra kilema - Rajery
Salama nareo tompoko o - Rakotozafy
Tombo Daniel
Echos du Capricorne
27, rue de la Gare - Porte 7501
Tél 00 33 6 66 19 54 67
Radio Fréquence Paris Plurielle 106.3 MHz FM
Echos du Capricorne Wednesday 20h30-21h30 & Thursday 11h-12h
Zooma Capricorne Friday 5h30-7h30
On Internet:
https://emap.fm: on demand
https://rfpp.net: direct