Emap.FM - Internet Radio for World Wide Ethno Music and Reports
Echos du Capricorne 2010/04/14

N°542 - Wed Apr 14, 2010, Duration: 55min

speaker Listen to Echos du Capricorne

=> Archive of the 'Emissions du Capricorne' from 2002 until now!

With Gaby, Philippe, Claudie, Mahatsangy, Claudia.

Interview with Nirintsoasily HASINIHANITRA, Mamisoa and Jean-Christophe on artistic project called "We Malagasy".

1- Halako - Madagascar all stars
2- Razandry - Abasy
3- We Malagasy
4- Fijeriko - Lalao Rabeson

Salama nareo tompoko o - Rakotozafy
Tombo Daniel
Indro - Datita Rabeson

Echos du Capricorne
27, rue de la Gare - Porte 7501
94 230 Cachan - FRANCE
Tél 00 33 6 66 19 54 67


Radio Fréquence Paris Plurielle 106.3 mHz FM
Echos du Capricorne Wednesday 20h30-21h30
Zooma Capricorne Friday 5h-7h

On Internet:
https://emap.fm: on demand
https://rfpp.net: on direct line