N°722 - Fri Jul 12, 2019, Duration: 120min
=> Archive of the 'Emissions du Capricorne' from 2002 until now!
TangalaMamy - RAZAFINDRAKOTO Mamy Nirina, Agricultural Agronomist - Photographer.
Reforestation and forest restoration project manager, on the Zafimaniry territory where he realizes a hundred hectares of reforestation per year.
Until June 30, he exhibited at 59 rue de Rivoli, in Paris.
As part of the 8th edition of Madagasyart: "Tsara Bango" 2019,
Work of about twenty artists in paintings, photographs, sculptures, illustrations ...
focused on hairstyles, makeups and "traditional" tattoos malagasy.
1/ Salegy motro - Din
2/ Gasy tsara - Arison Vonjy
3/ Salegy - Ny Voninavoko
4/ Malagasy Blues song - Lala Njava
5/ Soava - Johary
6/ Raha mba manan'elatra - Mahaleo
7/ Aza misara-mianakavy - Mahaleo
Musics of the generics:
Salama 'nareo tompoko ô - Rakotozafy
Danse du sud - Michel Randria
Emissions du Capricorne
2, rue François Delage – A 70
94 230 Cachan – France
33 - 9 54 63 27 99
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Radio Fréquence Paris Plurielle - 106.3 Mhz FM
Echos du Capricorne: wednesday 20h30-22h
Zooma Capricorne: Friday 05h-07h
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