N°419 - Fri Jul 22, 2011, Duration: 120min
=> Archive of the 'Emissions du Capricorne' from 2002 until now!
Webmaster: Jean-Luc Andriamifidy.
Interviews performed on sunday, 10th July, 2011 with Alain Lapierre, Florence Deslandres, André Paris, of the Zoma Association (http://www.zoma.org) which objective is to support solidarity initiative of equitable sale in Madagascar.
Jean-Luc Raharimanana, free speaking.
1/ Tsodrano - Baba Gasy
2/ Joro - Baba Gasy
3/ Loharano - Olombelo Ricky
4/ Vola - Balafomanga
5/ Te - Bessa
6/ Maditra foana - Dynam'hit
7/ Makua - Tiga
8/ Malagasy mifankatia - Max
9/ Lahatra sa ozona - Tex
10/ Lapa be - S&K
11/ Amboromalandy - Lego
12/ Vaokely - Jean Emilien
13/ Namana - Wazimba
Musics of the generics:
Salama 'nareo tompoko ô (Rakotozafy)
Lasa aiza ilay zoma (Erick Manana)
Echos du Capricorne
Claudia Solofolandy
27, rue de la Gare - 7501
94 230 Cachan
0 33 6 66 19 54 67
0 33 9 54 63 27 99
Radio Fréquence Paris Plurielle 106.3 mhz/FM
Echos du Capricorne: wednesday 20h30-21h30
Zooma Capricorne: Friday 05h-07h
Thanks to the Networkers
we can listen the french-malagasy program all over the world with:
https://emap.fm/ondemandpart.php?id=13: live and on demand
http://radio.toile-libre.org:8000/fpp.mp3: on direct line