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OnDemand - Echos & Zooma Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2024/12/22: Guest: Nampoina Nomenjanahary aka Pouina, Comedian.
Zooma Capricorne
2024/12/15: Freedom of expression, social criticism, ...
Echos du Capricorne
2024/12/11: Guests: Richard Randriambololona, Simon Randrianarivelo & Phone call with Madagasikara Benay Bary / News and history from Madagascar.
Zooma Capricorne
2024/12/08: Guest: Stéphano BOUDI, "Bousno" presents "NOS AMIS LES ARBRES".
Echos du Capricorne
2024/12/04: Guests: Representatives of the TA.MI.MA Association Taranak'Andriana Miray Eto Madagasikara.
Zooma Capricorne
2024/12/01: Guest: Gwen Rakotovao, “Promoting the transformative impact of dance on individuals and communities”, artistic director, choreographer, dancer.
Echos du Capricorne
2024/11/27: Guests on the phone: Anita Ratsimba Durand, President-Founder of the Dera France association & Bénédicte Ranaivosolofo Razafimbelo, organizer of the Justin Vali Trio concert.
Zooma Capricorne
2024/11/24: Calls, Reviews, Info, Announcement, Agenda, ...
Echos du Capricorne
2024/11/20: Guests: Voara Rheal Razafindrambinina, "Artisane d'équilibre" - Artisan of balance & Bénédicte Ranaivosolofo Razafimbelo, organizing a concert with Justin Vali Trio.
Zooma Capricorne
2024/11/17: Information, announcements, agenda, ...
Echos du Capricorne
2024/11/13: Guest: Olombelo Ricky on tour "Mivibra mozika ny Madagasikara".
Zooma Capricorne
2024/11/10: Guests: The Miandra association, represented by Claire RAZAFIMANDIMBY & Christian RABEFANIRAKA, towards the pediatric department of the Befelatanana public hospital in Antananarivo Madagascar.
Echos du Capricorne
2024/11/06: Water problems: a call for solutions and mobilization of the Malagasy diaspora.
Zooma Capricorne
2024/11/03: Social criticism
Echos du Capricorne
2024/10/30: Madagascar's water problems / Information, discussions, criticism, suggestions, call for sharing solutions.
Zooma Capricorne
2024/10/27: Guests: Fanny Zimbler: Journalist & Lova Nantenaina: Filmmaker, Director.
Echos du Capricorne
2024/10/23: Guests: Representatives of ACTOM, the Madagascar Taxi Drivers Association, celebrating its thirtieth anniversary / Madagascar Oludum Brazilian music by Francis Rakoto / Links mentioned during the program by Emma Robin.
Zooma Capricorne
2024/10/20: Guest: Esther Lefranc, actress
Echos du Capricorne
2024/10/16: Chronicles: RIC Constituant: Citizen Initiative Referendum Constituent (Malagasy Constitution) / Brazilian song by the group Olodum "Madagascar" - Return to African values, Symbol of resistance to slavery.
Zooma Capricorne
2024/10/13: Call, Interpellation, Idea, Transmission, Information, Agenda, Invitation.
Echos du Capricorne
2024/10/09: Guest: Sylvie C., Origin and arrival of the Dog in Madagasikara.
Zooma Capricorne
2024/10/06: Comments, Questions, Explanations
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2024/09/29: Clearance of attic, garage, cellar, saddle / RFPP / Zama 2024 Info.
Echos du Capricorne
2024/09/25: Guest: Patrick Pasin, Talma Editions Director: Constituent Citizen Initiative Referendum - RICC N7.
Zooma Capricorne
2024/09/22: Broadcasting Resuming, sharing messages and expressions.
Echos du Capricorne
2024/09/18: Citizen Initiative Referendum "Active" Constituent / Simone Veil, Philosopher: Language manipulations.
Zooma Capricorne
2024/09/15: Malagasy Interpellation, Invitation, Wisdom.
Echos du Capricorne
2024/09/11: Guests: Bopo Randrianasolo & Railovy Boyer: History of Buddhist monks and nuns of the Xizu Temple in Andranovelona / European Musical Tour for Peace with Master Shi Wule and the Symphony Orchestra.
Zooma Capricorne
2024/09/08: Lies, Nonsense / Readings of Poems & Filozofia Malagasy RP Antoine de Padoue Rahajarizafy.
Echos du Capricorne
2024/09/04: various information
Zooma Capricorne
2024/09/01: Guest: Mosesy Herininahary, President of the Association Observatory of Public Life of Madagascar - AOVPM.
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2024/08/25: Hack Error / Corrupted records / Interpellations, Rambling, Article Poem Comments Reading.
Zooma Capricorne
2024/08/18: Rantings, ramblings, readings of poems, solicitations, requests.
Echos du Capricorne
2024/08/14: Information, stories, legends, lies, nonsense.
Zooma Capricorne
2024/08/11: The great gathering of the Malagasy diaspora. Guests: ZAMA (Zanak'i Madagasikara Ampielezana), Rado Andrianarijaona & Setry Rabejaona.
Echos du Capricorne
2024/08/07: 4th part about the RIC Constituent.
Zooma Capricorne
2024/08/04: The economic life of Madagascar - deception and betrayal have not only existed since today.
Echos du Capricorne
2024/07/31: Reviews, Call for Rally, Information
Zooma Capricorne
2024/07/28: Unbearable humor, Complaint, Wrath, Judgment, Warning, Exhortation and Calling for Condemnation nor Encouragement, Recriminations with Criticisms.
Echos du Capricorne
2024/07/24: Third Chronicle on the Constituent RIC: Constitutional Initiative Referendum.
Zooma Capricorne
2024/07/21: Recriminations, Criticisms, Condemnations, Complaints, Anger, Judgment
Echos du Capricorne
2024/07/17: Tales, legends, lies, nonsense.
Zooma Capricorne
2024/07/14: Fake trial in Madagascar: Patrick Raharimanana (President of the Political Party “Vitantsika io” & Candidate for the presidential elections in 2013) appears in court.
Echos du Capricorne
2024/07/10: Reflection, Proposition and Questioning for the establishment of the right to referendum initiative Le RIC: Référendum d'Tnitiative Citoyenne.
Zooma Capricorne
2024/07/07: Criticisms, Invitations, Procrastinations, Interpellations, ...
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
2024/06/26: Guests: Nanah Randria & Olombelo Ricky, preparing concert on the phone.
Zooma Capricorne
2024/06/23: Diversion, digression, free expression, self-proclaimed license to speak.
Echos du Capricorne
2024/06/19: Guests: Tsilavina Ravelomanana & Fetra Andriambelomanana, Ichthyologists in Madagasikara - “Preserving the biodiversity of a Malagasy river”.
Zooma Capricorne
2024/06/16: Guests: Perrine Piketty, Carole Rouquet: Musi'Col & Nanah Randria: Singer Nanahary Group.
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
2024/06/05: Guests by phone call from Hienghène de KANAKY: Joel Tjibaou & Léon Razafindrakoto.
Zooma Capricorne
2024/06/02: Guest: Hary Razafindrazaka, Entrepreneur, Politician, Initiator of citizen movements "Hetsika Fotsy".
Echos du Capricorne
2024/05/29: Guests: Musikaco Association “Creating connections through music, between neighborhoods and between generations” / Jean-Jacques Ratsietison Economist, Politician.
Zooma Capricorne
2024/05/26: Guests: Dina Rabearivelo, David Hardy aka Suisse Marocain & Vincent Bardi / MADA GASY ART 10th edition.
Echos du Capricorne
2024/05/22: Guests: “Bousno” and “Fadmadart” about the KIDY Enfants du Monde association.
Zooma Capricorne
2024/05/19: Comments on information, awareness, sensitization, poems.
Echos du Capricorne
2024/05/15: Guest: Monique Rakotoanosy: "Who deals the cards?"
Zooma Capricorne
2024/05/12: Telephone interview from Ottawa/Ontario, Canada with Jean Razafindambo, retired GdC journalist, novelist, conscience awakener and author.
Zooma Capricorne
2024/05/05: Guest: Gilles Renaud - Radio conference: “Populations in Africa and Madagasikara”.
Echos du Capricorne
2024/05/01: Guests: Rojo Rakotozafy, Using the word “Gasy” / Gilles Renaud, Comparative study economy history Africa Madagascar.
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
2024/04/24: Information, Lies, Tales, Legends, Nonsense.
Zooma Capricorne
2024/04/21: Guest: Manantsoa Andriamiarina alias Andrymann Dorian: Union of Malagasy Poets and Writers French Section celebrating its 20th anniversary .
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
2024/04/10: News / Rio Tinto lawsuits.
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
2024/04/03: Guest: Christian Robin. Family legend: Grandfather and Rastaquere Jonas Robin welcome the last Queen of Madagascar Ranavalona III. in the name of France...
Echos du Capricorne
2024/03/27: Guests: Simon Randrianarivelo, Johny Razakarisoa, Alain Andriamiseza, François-Levy Dawidson. Debate about the catastrophic situation from which the Malagasy people suffer in their daily lives.
Zooma Capricorne
2024/03/24: Interview with: Mamy Rakotosheno “Tsika Jiaby” festival manager and Ravalitera Nalisoa Académicien, culture and entertainment are an integral part of education.
Echos du Capricorne
2024/03/20: Justin Vali and Valian in concert on Saturday, March 23rd
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2024/03/10: Carte blanche to 4 women invited by Cécilia Razakandretsa: Peggy Wate, Sabine Adje, Julia Ctrs & Catherine.
Echos du Capricorne
2024/03/06: Guest: François-Lévy Dawidson: Focusing on business and education / Money laundering and its environment / Geopolitics and development for Madagascar.
Zooma Capricorne
2024/03/03: “Place auX mondeS” Festival in Nantes.
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2024/02/25: Deplorable, bitter, derogatory observation - Critical situation - Call for participation.
Echos du Capricorne
2024/02/21: Guests: Fihavanana - OMAD for Madagascar - Randriamasy Natanaela / "One Meal A Day" Hanta Carson in person & Telephone calls.
Zooma Capricorne
2024/02/18: From Washingtown DC: The Malagasy elections and all its organization / The authority and citizenship of the Malagasy.
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
2024/01/31: Guest on the phone from Washingtown District Columbia: Adèle Rahelimihajandralambo - “The Malagasy with technical know-how and relations with international aid” / Agronome, Grazing and soil management.
Zooma Capricorne
2024/01/28: Guests: Chef Frank Williams Hart, Assessment of the national team (2024 Bakery World Cup) & Chef Ramà Toky, Rainibenalahatra Toavina, Herinjaka Tojonirina Joachim.
Echos du Capricorne
2024/01/24: Songs, poems, tsetsatsetra tsy aritra, education, awareness ... and the rest.
Zooma Capricorne
2024/01/21: Guest on the phone: Mabadi AHMED ALI, President of the ONS Neo Pan-African Sovereignty Organization Comoros.
Echos du Capricorne
2024/01/17: Phone call from Mosesy Herininahary, AOVPM: Association Observatory of Public Life in Madagascar.
Zooma Capricorne
2024/01/14: Guest: Chef Franck Williams Hart, Coach of the Malagasy national bakery team for the 2024 Bakery World Cup.
Echos du Capricorne
2024/01/10: News / Call for contributions to share thoughts and ideas around Madagasikara.
Zooma Capricorne
2024/01/07: Call for statements, comments, opinions and free ideas.
Echos du Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
2023/12/27: Guests: Cécilia and Eve Razakandretsa / “My Mada”: Association focused on solidarity tourism, aims to improve living conditions in Madagascar.
Echos du Capricorne
2023/12/20: Guest: Richard Andriambololona - The inauguration of December 16, 2023 / Information on the political, economic and social situation in Madagasikara / End of year diary.
Zooma Capricorne
2023/12/15: Second Part of the Podcast's Production with Sambatra Rabefarinotrona / Mahe Rami Prod
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2023/12/10: Calls for urgently and permanent necessary commitment to enlighten, explain and discuss.
Zooma Capricorne
2023/12/08: Mahe Rami Prod
Echos du Capricorne
2023/12/06: Guests: Representative of the Mijoro Collective. Patrick Ando Rarivoaritsimba & Patrick Rakotomalala alias Lalatiana Pitchboule.
Zooma Capricorne
2023/12/03: Musical program
Echos du Capricorne
2023/11/29: Guest: Collective Mijoro in order to Mobilize the Malagasy Diaspora with its 400,000 people and the friends of Madagasikara for the supreme interest of the Nation at "A March to Save Democracy".
Zooma Capricorne
2023/11/26: Musical program
Echos du Capricorne
2023/11/22: Bodo Fabre-Rahajason: The Nation is falling into a ditch / The messiah is rising to deceive the people.
Zooma Capricorne
2023/11/19: Bodo Fabre-Rahajason: "He is not elected by the people even if he will be elected" (speaking of the malagasy former president, supposedly re-elected hands down) / Mino Rakotozandriny, Author of the book «Je cultive le Minimalisme» interviewed by Richard Randriambololona.
Echos du Capricorne
2023/11/15: Why Rajoelina absolutely wants the elections to be held - General informations / Guest: Patrick Rakotomalala, Lalatiana Pitchboule.
Zooma Capricorne
2023/11/12: Support for the "Hetsika Fotsy" "White Movement" in Madagascar. Demand for clean elections, transparent elections, not dirty and without fraud / Guest: Mat Jé in Concert.
Echos du Capricorne
2023/11/08: Social chronicle: “From the absurd to the unacceptable: pre-electoral situation” / Guest: Radio conference by Jean Andrianaivo Ravelona, Artist Academician: The problems faced by the Malagasy nation - according to the cultural perspective.
Zooma Capricorne
2023/11/05: Questions surrounding the sad events in Madagascar.
Echos du Capricorne
2023/11/01: Guests: Razafindrakoto Mamy Nirina - Tangalamamy & David Hardy - Association Madagasik'Art. Promotion of: Exhibition “Madagascar, moment of happiness”.
Zooma Capricorne
2023/10/29: Chronicles: Predator - Spy Software / Tools of Oppression - Part 2 / Actions & Political Agreements / Political agreements. . . and the population.
Echos du Capricorne
2023/10/25: Guest: François-Lévy Dawidson - Do Malagasy people know how to pray?
Zooma Capricorne
2023/10/22: Bodo Fabre-Rahajason: PREDATOR: "Heinous crime that abuses everyone's life" / Patrick Andriamahefa: “Against all odds?» / Changing the system in the Malagasy country.
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2023/10/15: Guest: Jean-André Tsakaison, President of Political Party HAFA: Ho an'ny Fandrosoan'i Madagasikara.
Echos du Capricorne
2023/10/11: Support for Malagasy people in struggle.
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
2023/10/04: Guest: Tovo Ratovoarisoa, Politician, Entrepreneur / RMDM Diaspora France: Rodoben'ny Mpanohitra, Alliance of opponents of the regime / Post-election crisis.
Zooma Capricorne
2023/10/01: Guest: Jean André Tsakaison, President of HAFA-M Political Party. Ho an'ny Fandrosoan'i Madagasikara / History and news on the electoral political crisis situation.
Echos du Capricorne
2023/09/27: Chronicles: Bodo Fabre-Rahajason - Arrival of the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General coincidence of the calendar or indicator of a critical situation of chaos in Madagascar? / Guests: Richard Andriambololona, Monique Rakotoanosy, François-Lévy Dawidson.
Zooma Capricorne
2023/09/24: Guest: Jacquot Andriandafimanana, Treasurer of the AOVPM - Association Observatoire de la Vie Publique de Madagascar.
Echos du Capricorne
2023/09/20: Guest: François-Lévy Dawidson, President of CEM - Madagascar Excellence Club.
Zooma Capricorne
2023/09/17: Guests: Philippe Beaujard - "The Zafiraminia of South-Eastern Madagascar". Reflections on sacred kingships.
Echos du Capricorne
2023/09/13: Guest: Richard Randriambololona examines the situation, simply presents his "view" without going deep.
Zooma Capricorne
2023/09/10: Guest: Razafisambatra Louis de Mon Désir, President of the FPO Political Party. Exit from Yesterday's Unchanging Politics.
Echos du Capricorne
2023/09/06: Guest Marco Randrianisa, Police Officer. Who is who? Where is his responsibility? / “No to the candidacy of Andry Rajoelina in the Madagasikara presidential election".
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
2023/08/30: Guest Marco Randrianisa: How long will the Malagasy continue to suffer?
Zooma Capricorne
2023/08/27: Chronicles by Patrick Andriamahefa: Island Games Talk / Overview of political elections / Those running for office.
Echos du Capricorne
2023/08/23: Radio Gasy with Jean André Tsakaison as a guest President of the political party "Ho an'ny Fandrosoana" HAFA.
Zooma Capricorne
2023/08/20: Madagasikara University / Political overview / Should there be an "Election" on the 9th of November 2023.
Echos du Capricorne
2023/08/16: Guest Tovo Ratovoarisoa: Interview on scandalous news from Madagascar.
Zooma Capricorne
2023/08/13: Chronicle by Patrick Andriamahefa about election in Madagascar on november 9.
Echos du Capricorne
2023/08/09: Guests: Jean André Tsakaison, President of the Political Party HAFA / Marc Chemillier: Reminder of the 26th Festival of the Imagination of June.
Zooma Capricorne
2023/08/06: Chronicles by Patrick Andriamahefa: Political overview / Public transport (taxi be) / Election column.
Echos du Capricorne
2023/08/02: Guests: Tin Rakotomalala & Haja Ramaholimihaso, ApoGENIIES Representatives: Foreshadowing Alliance for the Organization of a Government of Intermediate National Accord for Stable, Secure and Sincere Institutions and Elections in Madagascar / Richard Randriambololona, Chronicle on Nathanael Lessore author of the best seller "Steady For This". Artwork in UK slang language. Young mixed-race woman with a Franco-English father and a Malagasy mother.
Zooma Capricorne
2023/07/30: Chronicles Andriamahefa Patrick: "Overview of Madagasikara politics" / Interview with Clara Othon Andriamboavonjy: Use of plants in Madagascar / Sharing experience with Malagasy Expatriates.
Echos du Capricorne
2023/07/26: Guests: ApoGENIIES : Alliance de Préfiguration pour l'Organisation d'un Gouvernement d'Entente Nationale Intermédiaire pour des Institutions et des Eléctions Stables, Sécurisées et Sincères à Madagascar / Guests: ApoGENIIES : Alliance de Préfiguration pour l'Organisation d'un Gouvernement d'Entente Nationale Intermédiaire pour des Institutions et des Eléctions Stables, Sécurisées et Sincères à Madagascar / How to avoid a post-electoral crisis.
Zooma Capricorne
2023/07/23: With: Ralimo ex-manager and owner Chef of Le Lémurien Montrouge restaurant. Association "Ravao io Colisé io" / Micro sidewalk Ravalomanana Marc - Politician, Entrepreneur, Former President of Madagasikara (2002-2009). Candidate for the Presidential elections of November 9, 2023 / Non-insert sympathetic support from Ravalomanana Marc.
Echos du Capricorne
2023/07/19: Guest: Judith Rabeharisoa. Life outside Madagascar. Philosophy of Sharing Practical Information.
Zooma Capricorne
2023/07/16: Interview with Ravoninjatovo Onjatiana Entrepreneur, his relationship with Madagasikara and the Malagasy / Sharing experience with Expatriates / Perspectives, Reflections, Ideas, Vision for the future, Needs
Echos du Capricorne
2023/07/12: Guest: Olivier Sicard, Master 7th Dan, Vice President of the Malagasy Federation of Taekwondo & Vice President of the AFTU - African Taekwondo Union / Island Games in Madagascar - end of August 2023.
Zooma Capricorne
2023/07/09: Patrick Andriamahefa: Overview of Andry Rajoelina's "Naturalization" / "Self-proclamation" on the candidacy of Marc Ravalomanana.
Echos du Capricorne
2023/07/05: Guest: Raderanirina Sendrison Daniela, President of FY-M political party 'Fandrosoa Faritsy Iaby ho an'i Madagasikara' / Bodo Fabre Rahajason: "Article 42 of the Malagasy nationality code: all concerned".
Zooma Capricorne
2023/07/02: Patrick Andriamahefa's ancestral home / Fraud, a trick, a strange court case by the Ekar Mahamasina church / Vigilance / CNAPS Madagascar / Politics in general in Madagascar.
Echos du Capricorne
2023/06/28: Guest: Robin Campillo: Editor, Screenwriter, Director.
Zooma Capricorne
2023/06/25: Patrick Ando Rarivoaritsimba, Representative of 2CO2M (Collectif des Citoyens d'Origine Malagasy Monde) / Patrick Andriamahefa: "Putting out the fire of the leader and the burning fire of the opposition".
Echos du Capricorne
2023/06/21: Interview with Laurent Le Gac, Photographer & Christophe Berthelot-Sampic, Master Chocolatier, Chocolate Ambassador of the State of Tabasco - Mexico.
Zooma Capricorne
2023/06/18: Guest: Vola Alice, Valiha player, percussionist, dancer, Traditional music.
Echos du Capricorne
2023/06/14: Guests: Georgette Chenot & Lala Haingo Rajaoarisoa. SOATATA association celebrates its 20th anniversary.
Zooma Capricorne
2023/06/11: "Be Wise, Part Two": Election, Jirama, Rajoelina in Paris, Political Overview of Madagascar.
Zooma Capricorne
2023/06/09: Writing Skills, Ny Fahaiza-manoratra. Litera Société Malgache d'Edition 1985
Echos du Capricorne
2023/06/07: "Madagascar Airlines debts: who benefits from the crime?"
Zooma Capricorne
2023/06/04: Guest: Herizo Randria, MGCpartner.
Echos du Capricorne
2023/05/31: Guests: Justin Val & Marc Chemillier.
Zooma Capricorne
2023/05/28: Guest: Dina Rabearivelo, Artist. Mada Gasy Art Collective - 9th edition.
Echos du Capricorne
2023/05/24: Guest: Thierry Fabre, Editor-in-Chief of Challenges Magazine - Enigma and Paradox of Madagascar.
Zooma Capricorne
2023/05/21: Call for accountability, Mobilization & Sensitization.
Echos du Capricorne
2023/05/17: Guests: François-Lévy Dawidson & Richard Andriambololona. Models, organizational characteristics of Governance and Finance in Madagascar.
Zooma Capricorne
2023/05/14: Guest: Herizo Randria, Association of Malagasy Architects.
Echos du Capricorne
2023/05/10: Guest: Marco Randrianisa, Fiainam-bahoaka: ireo fandrembirebena ataon'ny Mpanao Politika.
Zooma Capricorne
2023/05/07: Guests: Gilles and Marie-Christine Renaud
Echos du Capricorne
2023/05/03: "Not respecting the law has become a fashion". Guest: François-Lévy Dawidson, Report of the meeting of April 22, 2023.
Zooma Capricorne
2023/04/30: Elections in Madagascar - Presidents Ravalomanana, Rajaonarimampianina, Rajoelina. The Bonnie and Clyde of Malagasy Justice.
Echos du Capricorne
2023/04/26: Guests: Laurent Le Gac & his daughter: Enora Voahirana Le Gac, Photographers.
Zooma Capricorne
2023/04/23: General theme: Political overview of Madagascar. Ability to vote. Guest: Tinah Madonyah, Foreign and Malagasy festivals RNS & CSM.
Echos du Capricorne
2023/04/19: Guest: Francois-Levy Dawidson, Founding President of Club Excellence Madagascar.
Zooma Capricorne
2023/04/16: Guest: Herizo Randria, Director of Maritrano Global Consulting Partner.
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2023/04/09: Guest: Patrick Andriamahefa, Journalist.
Echos du Capricorne
2023/04/05: Guests: Hanitra Razafimanantsoa, Lawyer at the bar of Madagascar, Member of the Malagasy parliament / Tovo Ratovoarisoa, Manager, Entrepreneur, Coordinator and party office TIM Frantsa.
Zooma Capricorne
2023/04/02: Guest: Mabadi Ahmedali, Coordinator of the Collective for the Defense of the Integrity and Sovereignty of the Comoros (CDISCOM).
Echos du Capricorne
2023/03/29: Madagascar Commemoration - Holiday of mourning, homage and contemplation. Guest: François-Lévy Dawidson, Professor in Mathematics, PhD in Game Theory, Economist, President of the association Club Excellence Madagascar.
Zooma Capricorne
2023/03/26: Guest: Jean André Tsakaison. Why has poverty increased exponentially in Madagascar? No to President = King.
Echos du Capricorne
2023/03/22: Guests: Marie Ranjanoro, Author: "Feux, fièvres, forêts". Novel published by Laterit and distributed by Karthala / Marie-Clemence Andriamonta-Paes, Filmmaker, Editor, Producer.
Zooma Capricorne
2023/03/19: Telephone interview with Vidharshini Ferrelloc, Computer Communication Expert, life coach. Specialization: Women of foreign origin.
Echos du Capricorne
2023/03/15: Tribute to Nelson Mandela on the tenth anniversary of his death.
Zooma Capricorne
2023/03/12: Guest: Interview with Herizo Randria, Director of the MGCpartner group.
Zooma Capricorne
2023/03/10: Interview with Romuald and Andréa, 2nd year of Master's degree at the University of Saint Quentin en Yvelines Saclay / Continuation of the extract from the initiated meeting by the political party MMM - Malagasy Miara Miainga.
Echos du Capricorne
2023/03/08: Guest: Ngita, songriter and performer from Vohipeno Manakara, south-east of Madagascar. Presentation of his 2nd album "Mangina".
Zooma Capricorne
2023/03/05: Guest: Marc Randrianisa, activist, report of the situations.
Zooma Capricorne
2023/03/03: Extract from the meeting of the political party MMM-Malagasy Miara-Miainga, at the initiative of its President Hajo Andrianainarivelo and Senator Rakotondrainibe Michel.
Echos du Capricorne
2023/03/01: Judicial Chronicle with Bodo Fabre Rahajason: "The new Minister of Justice and her hot Rollygate file" / Interview IDEES Madagascar Student Humanitarian Association ESM Ingénieurs pour le Développement et les ÉchangES / Kirakira Mahaleo with Jean-Claude Rabeherifara: "Ny Karana ao Madagasikara".
Zooma Capricorne
2023/02/26: Chronicle of Bodo Fabre Rahajason: Power and Justice, this infernal couple in Madagascar. Guest: Martial Rahaririaka Politician, Engineer-Entrepreneur, company manager. Founder of the association Mampitasoa Handicap Madagascar, MHM
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
2023/02/08: Guest: Marco Randrianisa, Militant-Activist
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2023/01/27: Radio MalaGasy interviewed by Collectif des Citoyens d'Origine Malgache Monde - 2CO2M represented by members of the Malagasy diaspora and their vision in this year 2023.
Echos du Capricorne
2023/01/25: Guest: Marco Randrianisa, Activist. History, objectives, actions, Resources, Messages, Call...
Zooma Capricorne
2023/01/22: Interview with Angel, President and Founder of the Association Nouvel Espoir pour Madagascar - A N E M.
Zooma Capricorne
2023/01/20: New programs + texts.
Echos du Capricorne
2023/01/18: Guests: Vincent Bardi & David Hardy (Moroccan Swiss) representatives of the Collectif MadaGasyArt which will organize the Madagasyart exhibition.
Zooma Capricorne
2023/01/13: Interview with Randrianantenaina Etienne, specialty chef Mofo Gasy. Malagasy situation abroad.
Zooma Capricorne
2023/01/08: Extract from the Micro-trottoir at the end of Raderanirina Sendrison Dany's presentation conference. President of the political party FY-M "Fandrosoa mirindra isitrahan'ny faritra Jiaby" / Interview with Angel, President of ANEM - Association New Hope for Madagascar.
Zooma Capricorne
2023/01/06: Micro-sidewalk on Tuesday, January 3, 2023, at the end of the presentation conference of the political party FY-M Fandrosoa mirindra isitrahan'ny faritra Jiaby by Raderanirina Sendrison Dany.
Echos du Capricorne
2023/01/04: Unexpected guest: Malika - Poet. Nice, Good and pleasant surprise.
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2022/12/30: Music program
Echos du Capricorne
2022/12/28: Guest: François-Lévy Dawidson, Brief report on the actions of Club Excellence Madagascar & Brief report on the actions of Club Excellence Madagascar.
Zooma Capricorne
2022/12/25: Micro-sidewalk with Wendy R. / Call for Contribution-Collaboration / SOS Whistleblowers / Voankazo Mamy: Ny Mpihatsarivelatsihy - Hypocrites.
Echos du Capricorne
2022/12/21: Guest: Auguste Patrick Rakotomalala, Associate Director of the Many to Many Consulting Agency President of the Institute of Governance of Madagascar (IGM), President of Tam Tam PhytoAroma.
Zooma Capricorne
2022/12/18: Music program.
Echos du Capricorne
2022/12/14: Guest: Marc Chemillier, Director of research at the EHESS in Paris, Computer scientist, Ethnomusicologist, Anthropologist, Ethnomathematician.
Zooma Capricorne
2022/12/11: Radio MalaGasy with guests: Rasolofonjanahary Tina Soa and Titina. Tourist couple having agreed to share their testimony on the current situation in Madagascar and their vision of Europe, where they are short-lived.
Echos du Capricorne
2022/12/07: Guests: Telephone interview with Jean Razafindambo, writer, former journalist from Ottawa Canada "L'Absurdistan? Ici l'enfer 261!" / Telephone interview with Noro Vololona Rajaoson, Painter from Bourgogne: On display at Espace Ysmaïloff.
Zooma Capricorne
2022/12/02: Radio MalaGasy with: Jose Luis Guirao, President of the NGO Bel Avenir + Co-founder NGO Eau de Coco / Haingo Randrianasolo, Tulear Child Protection Platform.
Echos du Capricorne
2022/11/30: Guests: - Rabearivelo Dina, Visual artist-Painter-Poet / Taraoo Ranarison, self-taught by nature, under the instructive supervision of his father: Ranarison Joseph (Painter Artist) / Hobinjatovo Henintsoa, Naturalist painter - Open to different styles / Amir J., Impressionist Painter, Draftsman, in perpetual search for artistic experimentation.
Zooma Capricorne
2022/11/25: Radio Gasy with François-Lévy Dawidson: History, Analysis, Adaptation of Christianity and Rationalization: "Can religion be used as a lever for the country's development?"
Echos du Capricorne
2022/11/23: Guests: Volavie who will be in Concert Espace Guarlande / Rojo Ranaivoarisoa who represents Malagasy Charity and Club 18 for the Madagasc'Art 1st edition exhibitions at the Embassy of Madagascar.
Zooma Capricorne
2022/11/18: Malagasy artists specializing in tsapiky present at the Studio de L'Ermitage in Paris / Jean-Pierre Razafy-Andriamihaingo: former Ambassador of Madagascar to France, Honorary lawyer at the Paris Bar.
Echos du Capricorne
2022/11/16: Guests: Volatiana Rahaga, Member of Royal African Society & Chatham House / Hery Frédéric Ranjeva Attorney-at-law, Member of the Paris Bar.
Zooma Capricorne
2022/11/11: Tribute to & interview of Dédesse, Author, Composer, Musician, Performer.
Echos du Capricorne
2022/11/09: Guest: Gilles Lefebvre. Testimony on his recent first stay in Madagascar.
Zooma Capricorne
2022/11/04: "Le plus long film du monde" / "Ifano et la reine Ranavalona".
Echos du Capricorne
2022/11/02: Guests: Dawidson Francois-Levy: Professor of Mathematics, Club Excellence Madagascar, Gilde Razafitsihadinoina: Professor-Teacher, Documentary Filmmaker, Claude Chevallier: Publishing Director Tangerine nights, Geneviève Buono: Editor, Author, Poet, Mathematics teacher, actress... Themes: Release, Law and equal opportunities, Literary popularization, Reorganization.
Zooma Capricorne
2022/10/28: Radio MalaGasy invites the mathematician, Francois-Lévy Dawidson, President of the CEM.
Echos du Capricorne
2022/10/26: Guests: Volavie Feno Mazava, Hary Limo Andrianjafy, Henri Rakotomalala & Navalona. The Malagasy and the relationship with the world / Culture and heritage of Madagascar.
Zooma Capricorne
2022/10/21: Awareness-raising action on knowledge of biodiversity, in favor of the protection of turtles and sustainable development in Madagascar.
Echos du Capricorne
2022/10/19: Guests: Tovo Ratovoarisoa, Hery Frederic Ranjeva, Mpanarivo Rakoto & Rado. Discussion on their Vision regarding the situation in Madagascar State of play & Perspectives.
Echos du Capricorne
2022/10/12: Guest: Maxime Bobo, musician, alto saxophonist, composer, presents "Electric Vocuhila" and his 4th album "Kiteky".
Echos du Capricorne
2022/10/05: Guests: Léong Rajaona & Patrick Ando Rarivoaritsimba Presidents, co-founders of the two associations: "Vehivavy Vonona Sahy Diaspora" VVSD & "Collectif des Citoyens d'Origine Malgache Monde" 2CO2M.
Echos du Capricorne
2022/09/28: Guests: Mirasoa Randrianarisata & Tsaiky Francisco Soariziky, representatives of the Junior Pour Madagascar association.
Echos du Capricorne
2022/09/21: Guest: Ralimo (Hary Limo Andrianjafy). Report of activity and demonstrations of August 24 and September 10.
Echos du Capricorne
2022/09/14: Guests: Berikely, Bema & Eric Doboka - Presentation of the album "Elaela".
Echos du Capricorne
2022/07/27: Guest: Francois-Levy Dawidson, Mathematician, Philosopher, Teacher of econometrics and finance / Manifestation and forms of the presence of spirits in Madagascar / Realities and forms of failure of the Malagasy State (data analysis).
Echos du Capricorne
2022/07/20: Guest: Hery Frédéric Ranjeva, Lawyer, International advocate, for sovereign States, companies and individuals.
Echos du Capricorne
2022/07/13: Guest: Tovo Ratovoarisoa, Entrepreneurs, Representing the Opposition Abroad, not in a political party / Interpretation of news.
Echos du Capricorne
2022/07/06: Political, economic, social, cultural, sports news and agenda: Covid19, deforestation and land affairs, casting horror, Ninie Doniah, Fed up with the lower house of the mismanagement of state affairs, Military uniforms and publication in social networks prohibited, Amending finance law, promise to end load shedding, Prevalence rate of stunting down, Madagascar paradise of crooks, Sidonie Fiadanantsoa ... and so on ...
Echos du Capricorne
2022/06/29: Guest: Tovo Ratovoarisoa / News, Perspectives and Solutions for Madagasikara.
Echos du Capricorne
2022/06/22: Guests: François-Lévy Dawidson & Maurice Andriamihaja. The teaching of mathematics in Madagascar and its application in everyday life.
Zooma Capricorne
2022/06/17: Interview with Ange and Sylviane of the incongruity of Madagascara's new ministerial directives, on departure obligations for Malagasy people from the Middle East.
Echos du Capricorne
2022/06/15: Guest: Francois Levy Dawidson PhD, Professor of Mathematics - Game Theory.
Zooma Capricorne
2022/06/10: Friday May 13, 2022, 50 years after May 13, 1972 What happened there? Testimonies on the student movement and popular mobilization.
Echos du Capricorne
2022/06/08: Chronicles: Situation of Air Madadagascar / Assassination of Rakotoarisoa Henri, 70 years old, Environmental activist, whistleblower / Therapeutic Termination of Pregnancy, Position and pressure of the FFKM / Psychosis Kidnapping of young women and girls by 4x4 with tinted windows / World Bank tackles the education system...
Echos du Capricorne
2022/06/01: Subjects: Report of the conference debate at FIAP ADM / Political, Social, Economic, Cultural, Sports news / Tanamasoandro project entrusted to the founder of Dubai / Corrupt site, victim of malicious intent or just maintenance work / Diary.
Zooma Capricorne
2022/05/27: Guests: Bruno Vignal - Vice-President of Club Export / Francine Ranaivo, President AIFM - International Alliance of Women of France and Madagascar / Fanambaràna avy amin’ny Fikambanana TANY miaro ny tany Malagasy / Press release from the TANY Collective, Collective for the Defense of Malagasy Lands.
Echos du Capricorne
2022/05/25: Interview with Fanirisoa Ernaivo, Lawyer, President RMDM Diaspora, Coalition of Opponents, Founder-President of ADM: Association for the Rights and Development of Madagascar.
Zooma Capricorne
2022/05/20: Guest: Fanirisoa Ernaivo: Lawyer, President RMDM Diaspora, Coalition of Opponents & President ADM: Association for the Rights and Development of Madagasikara.
Echos du Capricorne
2022/05/18: Guest: Eric MOSCARDO RABENJA, actor, comedian / "Les ecchymoses invisibles" by Djamel Saïbi.
Echos du Capricorne
2022/05/11: Guests: Tovo Ratovoarisoa, Entrepreneur, Politician, Banker, Professor-Teacher, Turner ... / Marie-Clémence Andriamonta Paes, Producer, Director, Author, Screenwriter, Documentarist ... Founder of Laterit Productions.
Zooma Capricorne
2022/05/06: Mamy Rakotondrainibe, President of the Collectif TANY, brings us necessary and essential proposals against the unjust, iniquitous land law 2021-016, very controversial and unfounded for the Malagasy.
Echos du Capricorne
2022/05/04: Musical program
Echos du Capricorne
2022/05/04: Guest: Gwen Rakotovao - Dancer, Choreographer, Artistic Director, Professor-Teacher, Model, Writer, Photographer ...
Echos du Capricorne
2022/04/27: Guest: Mamy Rakotondrainibe President of TANY - Collective for the defense of Malagasy lands.
Echos du Capricorne
2022/04/20: Political, Social, Economic, Cultural, Sports & various News / Literature from Ed. Hemispheres: History of Madagascar "The construction of a nation" / Nirhy lanto Ramamonjisoa "Bilingual anthology of Malagasy literature" / popular oper Vakodrazana.
Zooma Capricorne
2022/04/15: Amina Siata Aboudou, tells how for 5 years, she devotes her life to getting in touch with the ancestors, teach and disseminate communication codes.
Echos du Capricorne
2022/04/13: Chronicles: Histoire de Madagascar: La construction d’une nation Maisonneuve & Larose / Women, feminism, politics and power in Madagasikara ...
Echos du Capricorne
2022/04/06: Guests: Amina Siata Aboudou interprets codes based on the Bible / Angelique Decampe, President of the Razan'ny Vohibola association.
Zooma Capricorne
2022/04/01: Musical Program.
Echos du Capricorne
2022/03/30: Guests: Amina Siata Aboudou about hidden writings and secret codes of "Tsiambaratelondreo 18" of Zanahary and others / Marie-Clémence Andriamonta-Paes invites to the event organized by Latérit.
Zooma Capricorne
2022/03/25: Martial Georges Safeno invites us to support the humanitarian actions in Madagascar of the association MASOVA.
Echos du Capricorne
2022/03/23: Guest: Tovo Ratovoarisoa about Entrepreneurship in Madagascar.
Zooma Capricorne
2022/03/18: Guests: MADIA Association with Tiana Smadja-Rakotondramanitra and Bernard Baudry / Association Ny Violety in tribute to the Malagasy veterans who died for France during the First World War 1914-1918.
Echos du Capricorne
2022/03/16: Guest: Monique Rakotoanosy about the failure of the "Malgachisation" in 1972 and where did the "Malgachisation" lead?
Zooma Capricorne
2022/03/11: Micro-sidewalk Demonstration in front of the Embassy of Madagascar, for the dismantling of the Colosseum in the Queen's Palace in Antananarivo.
Echos du Capricorne
2022/03/09: Guest: Tsimoka Association represented by Hugues Rajoharison.
Zooma Capricorne
2022/03/04: EDC Discovery: Hoby Rajaonah, Musician, Author-Composer. Production: EP "Parce que J'y crois".
Echos du Capricorne
2022/03/02: Music / Statement by 36 organizations (Land conflict, arrests, violence in Mampikony and Port-Bergé) / News (Social Economic Cultural Politics Sports) / Solidarity agenda (Zanak'Ambodibonara, Madia, Masova).
Zooma Capricorne
2022/02/25: Mamy Rakotondrainibe, President of the TANY collective, Advocating the Unjust Law 2021-016 Regarding Untitled Private Land.
Echos du Capricorne
2022/02/23: Mamy Rakotondrainibe, President of the Collectif TANY, French version of her intervention on the Advocacy of the 149 civil society organizations, against the iniquitous law 2021-016, for the Malagasy who are already too impoverished, concerning untitled private land properties.
Zooma Capricorne
2022/02/18: Musical program
Echos du Capricorne
2022/02/16: The association "Ravao io Colisée io" Destroy that Colosseum is against the construction of the Colosseum in the Rova Manjakamiadana at the Queen's Palace.
Zooma Capricorne
2022/02/11: Musical program
Echos du Capricorne
2022/02/09: Guest: Honoré Rabekoto, from the Mahaleo group / Bekoto en concert.
Zooma Capricorne
2022/02/04: Musical program
Echos du Capricorne
2022/02/02: Candy Cannelle, President co-Founder of the association "Ny Violety" / Tribute to Malagasy veterans of the First World War 1914-1918.
Zooma Capricorne
2022/01/28: Musical program
Echos du Capricorne
2022/01/26: Guests: Claire Razafimandimby, President of the Miandra Association & Claire Razafimandimby, President of the Miandra Association.
Zooma Capricorne
2022/01/21: Musical program
Echos du Capricorne
2022/01/19: Monique Rakotoanosy gives us her thoughts, studies and his testimony on the year 1972, 50 years ago, in Madagasikara.
Zooma Capricorne
2022/01/14: Musical program
Echos du Capricorne
2022/01/12: Monique Rakotoanosy and Jean-Claude Rabeherifara reminds us of the History of MONIMA, PSD, AKFM ..., testify on the Events of 1972 and the fiftieth anniversary.
Zooma Capricorne
2022/01/07: Musical program
Echos du Capricorne
2022/01/05: Monique Rakotoanosy Presentations.
Zooma Capricorne
2021/12/31: Musical program
Echos du Capricorne
2021/12/29: Christian Razafinimanana, President-Founder presents his "Association Entraide et Developpement de Madagascar".
Zooma Capricorne
2021/12/24: Dina Raharimbahoaka, member of the Board of Directors of the Eau de Coco association tells us about the actions of the Eau de Coco network and the NGO Bel Avenir, in the southwest of Madagasikara.
Echos du Capricorne
2021/12/22: Marie-Clémence Andriamonta Paes announces us the release of the DVD of the film "Haingosoa".
Zooma Capricorne
2021/12/17: Philippe Beaujard, agronomist, anthropologist, historian, Director of Emeritus Research at CNRS, Narrates what can be read in his work: "Ritual and society in Madagascar - The Antemoro of the southeast coast".
Echos du Capricorne
2021/12/15: Joêl Broquet presents the activities of the "Carrefour des Acteurs Sociaux" and recent or future actions of the "Partenariat Eurafricain".
Echos du Capricorne
2021/12/08: Renaud Chavanne, presents the organization and administration of the SoBD 2021 - 11th edition "Le Salon de la Bande Dessinée au cœur de Paris", where Malagasy artists were invited.
Echos du Capricorne
2021/12/01: Interview with Master Olivier Sicard, Head of Senior Officers at the Malagasy Taekwondo Federation.
Zooma Capricorne
2021/11/26: Micro-sidewalk in Villeneuve-le-Roi "Escale au Zoma" (Second and last part).
Echos du Capricorne
2021/11/24: Interview with Marie-Clémence Andriamonta Paes Director, Filmmaker, Producer, Editor ... from Laterit Productions - Sarl
Zooma Capricorne
2021/11/19: Micro-sidewalk in Villeneuve-le-Roi (First part).
Echos du Capricorne
2021/11/17: Interview with Rabetsimialona Maminiaina Abel (Totem Savatry Milamina: since 2004) Deputy President of the Tily Association in Madagascar TEM.
Echos du Capricorne
2021/11/10: Tnterview with Mamy Rakotondrainibe President of the Collectif TANY (Association for the Protection of Malagasy Lands) about the law of untitled private land established by the Property Reform.
Echos du Capricorne
2021/11/03: Interview of Hugues Rajoharison, project manager at Tsimoka France (12-year-old), who talks about past, current and future activities.
Zooma Capricorne
2021/10/29: Interview with Bruno Vignal and Sylvia Rajaonary, co-organizers of "Escale au Zoma".
Echos du Capricorne
2021/10/27: Interview with Alfred José Andriamasy, who presents "Escale au Zoma", organized by Club Export France Madagascar.
Zooma Capricorne
2021/10/22: Interview with Alfred José Andriamasy, owner-manager of Hostel Design Booking and president of Club Export France Madagascar, which organizes "Espace Zoma".
Echos du Capricorne
2021/10/20: Bodo Fabre Rahajason's interview with Manu Rajaonarivony, General Secretary of the political group Tiako i Madagasikara TIM France - I love Madagascar as our guest.
Echos du Capricorne
2021/10/13: Our guest is Françoise de Brugada, granddaughter of Robert Boudry, interviewed by Jean-Claude Rabeherifara, about Robert Boudry and the exhibition of his paintings.
Zooma Capricorne
2021/10/08: Interview with Lalanirina Delaporte, SOS Madagascar.
Echos du Capricorne
2021/10/06: Interview with François-Lévy Dawidson, of the association "Club Excellence Madagascar".
Echos du Capricorne
2021/09/29: Interview with Lala Haingo Rajaoarisoa, Communication officer within the association "Tous Ensemble pour Madagascar - TEM".
Echos du Capricorne
2021/09/22: Interview with Sylvie Laporte, "Sister Varavarana" French Picardy of British and Malagasy origin. Performer - Actress - Songwriter - Orchestrator. Actress Cinema Theater Self-taught painter.
Zooma Capricorne
2021/09/17: Following the birth of the publishing house "Les Editions Project'îles", interview with Jean Luc Raharimanana during its launch at the Calypso bookstore, in Paris.
Echos du Capricorne
2021/09/15: Musical program.
Echos du Capricorne
2021/09/08: Interview with Joel Broquet and Noelle Auphan of the Association Carrefour des Acteurs Sociaux and Partenariat Eurafricain, to discuss about their actions.
Echos du Capricorne
2021/09/01: Interview with Tovo Ratovoarisoa, Representative of non-political militant citizens in the RMDM Diaspora.
Echos du Capricorne
2021/08/25: Interview with Angélique Decampe, Owner and manager of the Pangalanes Jungle Nofy hotel, president of the Razan'ny Vohibola association, which works with the village community to protect the forest.
Echos du Capricorne
2021/08/18: Interview with Christian Rabefaniraka and Laingo Soa Robel, representatives of Association Miandra France - Miandra-Mada, History, Summary, Assessment, State of play, Prospects.
Echos du Capricorne
2021/08/11: Interview with François-Lévy Dawidson, declaration on education, training and the world of work in France for foreigners.
Echos du Capricorne
2021/08/04: Chronicle of the "NIOUZES" / Literary chronicle.
Echos du Capricorne
2021/07/28: Discussion with Jean-André Tsakaison, Politician. President of the HAFA "Ho An'ny FAndrosoana" Association for Development.
Zooma Capricorne
2021/07/23: Micro-sidewalk with Thierry, Fafah, Ryan, Rija, Dahmama, Ando, Fara, Bakoly ... during the demonstration by opponents of the Malagasy regime.
Echos du Capricorne
2021/07/21: Interview with Fanirisoa Ernaivo, President of Association for Law and Development of Madagasikara ADM / Malagasy opposition platform RMDM Diaspora.
Zooma Capricorne
2021/07/16: Denis Rion, Visual Arts Photographer, exhibiting the world and Madagasikara: "ONE DAY, ONE PHOTO, Ephemeral and Permanent Exhibition".
Echos du Capricorne
2021/07/14: Interview with Lydia, artist & Patrick Raharison alias Rappa, manager, producer Jiaby-Jiaby Prod
Zooma Capricorne
2021/07/09: Second and last part of the interview on June 26, 2021, during the celebrations for the 61st anniversary of the return of Madagascara's independence.
Echos du Capricorne
2021/07/07: Interview with Mamy Rakotondrainibe, President of Collectif TANY - Collective for the defense of Malagasy, which works against land grabbing in Madagasikara.
Zooma Capricorne
2021/07/02: Interview during the celebration of the 61st anniversary of the return of the independence of Madagasikara.
Echos du Capricorne
2021/06/30: Interview with Volavie, singer artist, concerning her news.
Zooma Capricorne
2021/06/25: Interview with Tao Ravao, author-composer, métisse franco-malagasy. "Piment Bleu", the new album by the duo Tao Ravao & Vincent Bucher.
Echos du Capricorne
2021/06/23: Interview with Master Olivier Sicard, Malagasy Taekwondo Federation.
Zooma Capricorne
2021/06/18: Musical Program.
Echos du Capricorne
2021/06/16: Radio conference presented by Monique Rakotoanosy, research professor at the University of Antananarivo Responsible for the Study of Multimedia Communication ILONTSERA "Mey 1972 : Hope murdered, hope betrayed"
Zooma Capricorne
2021/06/11: Musical Program.
Echos du Capricorne
2021/06/09: Return of live under Coronavirus with Jean-Claude Rabeherifara, Manitra Ratovohery Ratobison, Claudia Solofolandy.
Radio conference "1960-2020 Depression or Liberation?" presented by Monique Rakotoanosy.
Zooma Capricorne
2021/06/04: Musical Program.
Echos du Capricorne
2021/06/02: Musical Program.
Zooma Capricorne
2021/05/28: Dera RANAIVOZANANY, President of the AIKO Association, calls for support through a chain of solidarity, their actions against Covid 19 in Madagascar, by providing protective equipment for health professionals.
Echos du Capricorne
2021/05/26: Musical Program.
Zooma Capricorne
2021/05/21: Interview with VIMVA - Vondrona Iraisana Miaro ny Vakoka Anatirova, Anatirova Patrimony Protect Group, which wants to deconstruct the Colosseum in the Anatirova Palace in Antananarivo.
Echos du Capricorne
2021/05/19: Musical Program.
Zooma Capricorne
2021/05/14: Musical Program.
Echos du Capricorne
2021/05/12: Musical Program.
Zooma Capricorne
2021/05/07: Musical Program.
Echos du Capricorne
2021/05/05: Musical Program.
Zooma Capricorne
2021/04/30: Musical Program.
Echos du Capricorne
2021/04/28: Musical Program.
Zooma Capricorne
2021/04/23: Zoom & FB meeting with Alliance Diaspora, represented by Amirale Van Alexander, Rijade, Rakotoarisoa Angélico and Plateforme des Etudiants Internationaux, represented by Mahery Andrian, about the misfortune and difficulties of Malagasy students and workers in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.
Echos du Capricorne
2021/04/21: Lantoarisoa Rajaofera aka Faravololona Ratsimba Radio Conference on her trip to Madagascar last year between March and July 2020 amid the coronavirus pandemic.
Zooma Capricorne
2021/04/16: Musical program.
Echos du Capricorne
2021/04/14: Book: "Ny Menalamba sy Tanindrazana" of Jeanne Rasoanasy. Short extract reading by Aurélie Ranivoarisoa.
Zooma Capricorne
2021/04/09: Musical program.
Echos du Capricorne
2021/04/07: Musical program.
Zooma Capricorne
2021/04/02: Interview of Emeline Raholiarisoa, Call for Solidarity.
Echos du Capricorne
2021/03/31: Musical program.
Zooma Capricorne
2021/03/26: Interview with Ginette Léa Randriamifidy, alias Nanah Randria about "Tsiahy" her CD new album.
Echos du Capricorne
2021/03/24: Musical program.
Zooma Capricorne
2021/03/19: Radio conference by Bodo Fabre Rahajason on the introduction of the rule of law in Madagascar.
Echos du Capricorne
2021/03/17: Musical program.
Zooma Capricorne
2021/03/12: Interview with "Volavie": artist, singer, performer, actress.
Echos du Capricorne
2021/03/10: Musical program.
Zooma Capricorne
2021/03/05: First interview of "Emissions du Capricorne" because stoping of Coronavirus, with Angélique Decampe.
Echos du Capricorne
2021/03/03: Musical program.
Zooma Capricorne
2021/02/26: Musical Program.
Echos du Capricorne
2021/02/24: Musical program.
Zooma Capricorne
2021/02/19: Musical Program.
Echos du Capricorne
2021/02/17: Musical program.
Zooma Capricorne
2021/02/12: Musical Program.
Echos du Capricorne
2021/02/10: Musical program.
Zooma Capricorne
2021/02/05: Musical Program.
Echos du Capricorne
2021/02/03: Musical program.
Zooma Capricorne
2021/01/29: Musical Program.
Echos du Capricorne
2021/01/27: Musical program.
Zooma Capricorne
2021/01/22: Musical Program.
Echos du Capricorne
2021/01/20: Musical program.
Zooma Capricorne
2021/01/15: Musical Program.
Echos du Capricorne
2021/01/13: Musical program.
Zooma Capricorne
2021/01/08: Musical Program.
Zooma Capricorne
2021/01/01: Musical Program.
Echos du Capricorne
2020/12/30: Musical program.
Zooma Capricorne
2020/12/25: Musical Program.
Echos du Capricorne
2020/12/23: Musical program.
Zooma Capricorne
2020/12/18: Musical Program.
Echos du Capricorne
2020/12/16: Musical program.
Zooma Capricorne
2020/12/11: Musical Program.
Echos du Capricorne
2020/12/09: Musical program.
Zooma Capricorne
2020/12/04: Musical Program.
Echos du Capricorne
2020/12/02: Musical program.
Zooma Capricorne
2020/11/27: Musical Program.
Echos du Capricorne
2020/11/25: Musical program.
Zooma Capricorne
2020/11/20: Musical Program.
Echos du Capricorne
2020/11/18: Musical program.
Zooma Capricorne
2020/11/13: Musical Program.
Echos du Capricorne
2020/11/11: Musical program.
Zooma Capricorne
2020/11/06: Musical Program.
Echos du Capricorne
2020/11/04: Musical program.
Zooma Capricorne
2020/10/30: Musical Program.
Echos du Capricorne
2020/10/28: Musical program.
Zooma Capricorne
2020/10/23: Musical Program.
Echos du Capricorne
2020/10/21: Musical program.
Zooma Capricorne
2020/10/16: Musical Program.
Echos du Capricorne
2020/10/14: Musical program.
Zooma Capricorne
2020/10/09: Musical Program.
Echos du Capricorne
2020/10/07: Musical program.
Zooma Capricorne
2020/10/02: Musical Program.
Echos du Capricorne
2020/09/30: Musical program.
Zooma Capricorne
2020/09/25: Musical Program.
Echos du Capricorne
2020/09/23: Musical program.
Zooma Capricorne
2020/09/18: Musical Program.
Echos du Capricorne
2020/09/16: Musical program.
Zooma Capricorne
2020/09/11: Musical Program.
Echos du Capricorne
2020/09/09: Musical program.
Zooma Capricorne
2020/09/04: Musical Program.
Echos du Capricorne
2020/09/02: Musical program.
Zooma Capricorne
2020/08/28: Musical Program.
Echos du Capricorne
2020/08/26: Musical program.
Zooma Capricorne
2020/08/21: Musical Program.
Echos du Capricorne
2020/08/19: Musical program.
Zooma Capricorne
2020/08/14: Musical Program.
Echos du Capricorne
2020/08/12: Musical program.
Zooma Capricorne
2020/08/07: Musical Program.
Echos du Capricorne
2020/08/05: Musical program.
Zooma Capricorne
2020/07/31: Musical Program.
Zooma Capricorne
2020/07/24: Musical Program.
Echos du Capricorne
2020/07/22: Musical program.
Zooma Capricorne
2020/07/17: Musical Program.
Echos du Capricorne
2020/07/15: Musical program.
Zooma Capricorne
2020/07/10: Musical Program.
Echos du Capricorne
2020/07/08: Musical program.
Zooma Capricorne
2020/07/03: Musical Program.
Echos du Capricorne
2020/07/01: Musical program.
Zooma Capricorne
2020/06/26: Musical Program.
Echos du Capricorne
2020/06/24: Musical program.
Zooma Capricorne
2020/06/19: Musical Program.
Echos du Capricorne
2020/06/17: Musical program.
Zooma Capricorne
2020/06/12: Musical Program.
Echos du Capricorne
2020/06/10: Musical program.
Zooma Capricorne
2020/06/05: Musical Program.
Echos du Capricorne
2020/06/03: Musical program.
Zooma Capricorne
2020/05/29: Musical Program.
Echos du Capricorne
2020/05/27: Musical program.
Zooma Capricorne
2020/05/22: Musical Program.
Echos du Capricorne
2020/05/20: Musical program.
Zooma Capricorne
2020/05/15: Musical Program.
Zooma Capricorne
2020/05/08: Musical Program.
Echos du Capricorne
2020/05/06: Musical program.
Zooma Capricorne
2020/05/01: Musical Program.
Echos du Capricorne
2020/04/29: Musical program.
Zooma Capricorne
2020/05/01: Musical Program.
Echos du Capricorne
2020/04/22: Musical program.
Zooma Capricorne
2020/04/17: Musical Program.
Echos du Capricorne
2020/04/15: Musical program.
Zooma Capricorne
2020/04/10: Musical Program.
Echos du Capricorne
2020/04/08: Musical program.
Zooma Capricorne
2020/03/13: Jacques Aubert, ASAM-DOURDAN association's President, is organizing a PROJECTION-CONFERENCE by Alexandre and Sonia POUSSIN on March 29
Echos du Capricorne
2020/03/11: Various Chronicles.
Echos du Capricorne
2020/03/04: Radio Gasy with Manitra Ratovohery Ratobison, Aurélie Ranivoarisoa, Claudia Solofolandy.
Zooma Capricorne
2020/02/28: Gilles Renaud, Mission report to Madagascar Partenariat Eurafricain & Roberto Sambahita, President of the International TGV - Tanora Gasy Vonona Women's Rights Day 8th March
Echos du Capricorne
2020/02/26: Édouard Joubeaud, producer, publisher, director... inspired by the universe of a family from southern Madagascar, made his first feature film, "Haingosoa", in 2018.
Zooma Capricorne
2020/02/21: Angélique Decampe, resident of Vohibola, visiting Paris, founding member of the association Razan’ny Vohibola, "Vohibola's ancestor".
Echos du Capricorne
2020/02/19: Joel Broquet tells us about the Europe Africa partnership, "Français en Partage"-French sharing,
Zooma Capricorne
2020/02/14: Heri Andriamihaja talks to us about Education on Madagasikara.
Echos du Capricorne
2020/02/12: Interviews with: Lia Giraud - artist, scientist and photographer, Térence Meunier - audio son coordinator & Angélique and Stéphane Decampe, from Vohibola, currently visiting Paris.
Echos du Capricorne
2020/02/05: Radio Gasy with Aurélie Ranivoarisoa, Manitra Ratovohery Ratobison, Bertrand Bonnet, Jean-Claude Rabeherifara, Kaladia.
Zooma Capricorne
2020/01/31: Twin girls, Mialy Andriatsimahavandy (Doctor of History and Anthropology) & Mino Andriatsimahavandy (Doctor in English), had played to the game of questions and answers, in sidewalk microphone on public transit.
Echos du Capricorne
2020/01/29: Chronicles news politics, economics, social, sports, diary.
Zooma Capricorne
2020/01/24: Music Program
Echos du Capricorne
2020/01/22: Heri Andriamihaja, Industrial or mechanical machine manufacturer, talks about his short stay of 6 weeks in Madagasikara.
Echos du Capricorne
2020/01/15: Chronicles, news, diary.
Zooma Capricorne
2020/01/10: Musical program
Echos du Capricorne
2020/01/08: Marie-Clémence Andriamonta Paes and Madagascar through the commitment of the Mahaleo group.
Zooma Capricorne
2019/12/27: Musical program
Echos du Capricorne
2019/12/25: Musical program
Zooma Capricorne
2019/12/20: Musical program
Echos du Capricorne
2019/12/18: Politico-economics, Social, cultural, sports and rendez-vous chronicles ...
Zooma Capricorne
2019/12/13: Clovis Razafimalala, Ecologist, Member of the National Coalition for Environmental Advocacy (CNPE - Madagasikara) throughout the Lampogno Association.
Echos du Capricorne
2019/12/11: Social, cultural, sports and rendez-vous chronicles ...
Zooma Capricorne
2019/12/06: Events diary.
Echos du Capricorne
2019/12/04: Interview with RANAIVOARISOA Rojontsoa Tsihoarana aka "Masoandrontsoa" author, writer, for the release of her book "Ampelahasinoro".
Echos du Capricorne
2019/11/27: Political, social, cultural, sports and rendez-vous chronicles ...
Zooma Capricorne
2019/11/22: Exhibition "Malagasy" of Rijasolo.
Echos du Capricorne
2019/11/20: Interview with Gregory Sileny and Fabien Razakandraibe for the promotion of, an information site specializing in Malagasy news.
Zooma Capricorne
2019/11/15: Andry Ratovo, entrepreneur, comments on the situation of Madagasikara.
Echos du Capricorne
2019/11/13: Political, social, cultural, sports, sciences and rendez-vous chronicles ...
Zooma Capricorne
2019/11/08: Birthday greetings of the Malagasy program "Echos du Capricorne" in Paris 2019-1998 = 21.
Echos du Capricorne
2019/11/06: Political, social, cultural, sports, tribute and birthday event, and rendez-vous chronicles ...
Zooma Capricorne
2019/11/01: Heri Andriamihaja - View of the Malagasy community outside of Madagascar, cites misleading remarks about us who are far from home.
Echos du Capricorne
2019/10/30: Political chronicles, social, cultural, sports, events ...
Echos du Capricorne
2019/10/23: Tribute to FAFA - Rajaonarison Famantanantsoa Chronic political, social, cultural, sports ...
Zooma Capricorne
2019/10/18: Meeting with 3 representatives of MADIA Association which works in Fianarantsoa Madagasikara, to the integration of poor people.
Echos du Capricorne
2019/10/16: Chronic health, political, social, cultural, sports ...
Zooma Capricorne
2019/10/11: Tahiry Ny Rina Randriamasinoro, Candidate Tiako Iarivo - Tiako I Madagasikara (TIM) in elections for the post of Mayor of Antananarivo, to succeed Lalao Ravalomanana, in Conference-Debate organized by TIM France.
Echos du Capricorne
2019/10/09: We take the antenna again after the summer holidays. News Chronicles on the program.
Zooma Capricorne
2019/08/16: Hina Razanamasy - Referer pole culture of Madagascar Will Rise Association.
Zooma Capricorne
2019/08/09: Rasamoeliarisoa Rabearisoa Pascaline. First woman Speaker in Madagasikara, on 1963. Lawyer Consultant.
Zooma Capricorne
2019/08/02: Payton Hansen, "Vazaha Miteny Gasy" Lovers of Madagasikara. American, Student, Carpenter.
Echos du Capricorne
2019/07/31: Interview with Philippe Suveraie, writer. Author of the novel "Eva vit et meurt d'amour" which was just published by Harmattan, in the collection "Rue des écoles".
Zooma Capricorne
2019/07/26: Clara Othon Andriamboavonjy : "Inona avy no maha-malagasy antsika?" What and How are we Malagasy? Malagasy identity.
Echos du Capricorne
2019/07/24: Interviews with Rojo Razanatefy, conference Officer for the external TGV & Hasina Andriamahay, Head of International Relations and relations with the diaspora of the Tanora Malagasy Vonona (external TGV).
Zooma Capricorne
2019/07/19: Worker of the MadagasyArt Collective Nirina Muriel Simone Ratsimahalo has exhibited the 8th "Tsara Bango" focused on hairstyles, makeups and traditional tattoos malagasy, in paintings, photographs, sculptures, illustrations ...
Echos du Capricorne
2019/07/17: Interview of Sylvianne Ralaiarinosy, who makes us report of his brief and not too far stay in Madagasikara.
Zooma Capricorne
2019/07/12: TangalaMamy - RAZAFINDRAKOTO Mamy Nirina, Agricultural Agronomist - Photographer. Reforestation and forest restoration project manager, on the Zafimaniry territory where he realizes a hundred hectares of reforestation per year.
Echos du Capricorne
2019/07/10: Interview with Nirina Muriel Simone Ratsimahalo, Manager, founding member of the MadagasyArt Collective, the major arts festival of Madagasikara.
Zooma Capricorne
2019/07/05: Perline Rakotovololomahefa, member of "SOS Madagascar" for 5 years, tells us about his commitments within the association, which celebrates 25 years of existence.
Echos du Capricorne
2019/07/03: Meeting with Méris Couraud who plans to be more involved in different projects aimed at highlighting the Malagasy culture and to meet Malagasy people or not who today decided in their own way to help with the difficulties facing Madagascar (education, health, deforestation ...)
Zooma Capricorne
2019/06/28: Brief talks during the opening of the exhibition "Tsara Bango" @madagasyart. At the microphone: David Hardy (Suisse Marocain), Eric Soumondronga, Miako, Pierrot Men, Vincent Bardi, Ihangotiana, Guy.
Echos du Capricorne
2019/06/26: TangalaMamy - RAZAFINDRAKOTO Mamy Nirina, Forest Agronomist Engineer - Photographer, Works on the territory of Zafimaniry, an ethnic group in east-central Madagascar whose manual know-how is declared intangible heritage of humanity by Unesco As Reforestation Project Manager and Forest Restoration, he carries out a hundred hectares of reforestation per year.
Zooma Capricorne
2019/06/21: Vincent Dictor, Elisabeth Baron, Aline, Perline Rakotovololomahefa, interview of SOS Madagascar members at one of their monthly meetings in Roissy-en-Brie, on June 8th 2019.
Echos du Capricorne
2019/06/19: Radio Gasy with Manitra Ratovohery Ratobison, Razaiarimalala Anatolie Joséphine, Jean-Claude Rabeherifara & Claudia Solofolandy Under the observation of Hery José
Zooma Capricorne
2019/06/14: During his visit to France, President of the Republic of Madagascar, Andry Nirina Rajoelina, met Malagasy nationals at UNESCO in Paris on Saturday, 1 June.
Echos du Capricorne
2019/06/12: Rites and ceremonial organization, festivals of traditional commensalities, cements of social cohesion between members of a family or a village community.
Zooma Capricorne
2019/06/07: Rakotomalala Lanto, Mpikabary, Urgent Surgeon & Gasigasin'andafy.
Echos du Capricorne
2019/06/05: Interview with Eric Rosa Edmond Community Development Consultant.
Zooma Capricorne
2019/05/31: Fruit of Jean-Claude Rabeherifara's trip in Madagasikara.
Echos du Capricorne
2019/05/29: Lalaina Razanamandimby (LALAH) Havàtsa UPEM (Union of Malagasy Poets and Writers) General Secretary. Interview on the Day on Malagasy Literature, Inalco, Saturday, June 8, 2019 room 4.07 which will also be a tribute to Abel Andriarimalala.
Echos du Capricorne
2019/05/22: Sylvain Savoia, L'île des Sables, an island lost in the middle of the Indian Ocean ... "Les esclaves oubliés de Tromelin", historical documentary.
Echos du Capricorne
2019/05/15: Interview with the leaders of the political commission of the association "Tous Ensemble pour Madagascar": Ramambazafy Andrianasolo and Sileny Grégory (Communication Commission also).
Zooma Capricorne
2019/05/10: Reading of communications from Civil Society Organizations.
Zooma Capricorne
2019/05/03: Reading of communiqués from civil society organizations: Collectif TANY, ROHY & ILONTSERA.
Echos du Capricorne
2019/05/01: Rakotomalala Lanto, mpikabary, doctor, teacher-researcher. Explanation of the malagasy value "Ny Jaka".
Echos du Capricorne
2019/04/24: FMG Association - "Fiaraha-Mientan'ny Mpiavy Gasy" with Olden Rasamoelson / Association MIANDRA with Claire Razafimandimby & Christian Rabefaniraka.
Zooma Capricorne
2019/04/19: Rakotondrainibe Mamy president of the TANY Collective for the defense of Malagasy lands.
Echos du Capricorne
2019/04/17: Political, cultural and sports news.
Zooma Capricorne
2019/04/12: "Ny vola" second part.
Echos du Capricorne
2019/04/10: Interview with Ravomanana Jossie & Hammen Stéphanie Onjatiana of the Association Miora France.
Echos du Capricorne
2019/05/10: Reading of communications from Civil Society Organizations.
Zooma Capricorne
2019/04/05: Text and poems.
Echos du Capricorne
2019/04/03: Political, economic, cultural and sports news, Chronic rendez-vous, Event report at Fontenay Sous-Bois and Nantes.
Zooma Capricorne
2019/03/29: "Iary" Rajaofera Lanto alias Faravololona Ratsimba . Metal artist Biography
Echos du Capricorne
2019/03/27: Political and Sports News, Chronic rendez-vous, theater report ...
Zooma Capricorne
2019/03/22: Razaiarimalala Josephine Anatolie: Testimony, digression, ephemeris diary, reflections of life, divagation, lyrics, thoughts, tales and literary vagabond.
Echos du Capricorne
2019/03/20: Collective TANY, whistleblower actions, with Mamy Rakotondrainibe, President, summary of communications, pleadings and communique.
Zooma Capricorne
2019/03/15: Razaiarimalala Anatolie Joséphine: Testimony, digression, lyrics, ephemeris diary and reflections of life.
Echos du Capricorne
2019/03/13: Chronicles, news, rendez-vous, ...
Zooma Capricorne
2019/03/08: Rakotomalala Lanto, Mpikabary Teacher-Researcher, Gastroenterologist, Specialist doctor emergency hospital.
Echos du Capricorne
2019/03/06: Chronicles, news, rendez-vous, ...
Zooma Capricorne
2019/03/01: Fully musical program.
Echos du Capricorne
2019/02/27: Chronicles, news, rendez-vous, ...
Zooma Capricorne
2019/02/22: Master Olivier SICARD, Métis, World Champion in Martial Arts, 6th Dan Chung Do Kwan and 6th Dan Kukkiwon.
Echos du Capricorne
2019/02/20: Volavie (aka Mazava Volafeno) and Dominique Charmelle, crowned Miss Maman Diaspora 2018, come to defend their image.
Zooma Capricorne
2019/02/15: Presentation speech of André Delpuech: Director of the Musée de l'Homme - General Commissioner of the season.
Echos du Capricorne
2019/02/13: Chronicles, news, rendez-vous, ...
Zooma Capricorne
2019/02/08: Razafimandimby Claire and Rabefaniraka Christian present the social work of the Association MIANDRA.
Echos du Capricorne
2019/02/06: Andrianantoandro Vonjy, president of the Hetsika Association, tells us about the activities of Hetsika in Madagascar.
Zooma Capricorne
2019/02/01: "Gasigasin'andafy" by Rakotomalala Lanto, mpikabary teacher-researcher, gastroenterologist, hospital emergency physician.
Echos du Capricorne
2019/01/30: Toutain Ramerijaona Bakolinirina (Cristale Vera), president of "Comité Miss Maman Malagasy" organizes with "Tous Humains et Solidaires" the "GALA Miss Maman Madagascar".
Zooma Capricorne
2019/01/25: Razaiarimalala Anatolie Joséphine : Gifts / Let's find Ando.
Echos du Capricorne
2019/01/23: Marie-Clémence Andriamonta-Paes, director, for the national release of her film "FAHAVALO" Madagascar 1947.
Zooma Capricorne
2019/01/18: Rakotomalala Lanto: Mpikabary: The gifts and presents for malagasy people on new Year / Razaiarimalala Anatolie Joséphine: wishes.
Echos du Capricorne
2019/01/16: Rabefaniraka Christian and Razafimandimby Claire are responsible for the Miandra association.
Zooma Capricorne
2019/01/11: Communiqué published at the end of the first round of the presidential elections / Press review of Jan 9th following the proclamation of the results of the presidential elections from Madagasikara / Agenda of festive events in Paris.
Echos du Capricorne
2019/01/09: Hugues Rajoharison in conversation, about the Tsimoka Association and its activities.
Zooma Capricorne
2019/01/04: Rajaobelison Nirisoa (President) and Rajoharison Hugues (Project Manager) of the Tsimoka association, Review and Prospects.
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2018/12/28: Rabako Ralambonirina Jean-Jacques, Director of Training and Research at FIMPIMA-Madagascar / Nataly Andria, Artist, Event agency "Be Live Productions" - Creator of experiments musician graduated in project management.
Echos du Capricorne
2018/12/26: informations, chronicles, topics ...
Zooma Capricorne
2018/12/21: Rakotomalala Lanto: Mpikabary, teacher researcher, Gastroenterologist, emergency physician / Rahaririaka Martial Reflections on political problems and elections in Madagascar Before the second round between Rajoelina and Ravalomanana, about presidential elections on wednesday, December 19, 2018.
Echos du Capricorne
2018/12/19: Edouard Joubeaud, Producer of film, show, concert, professor at sciences-po, editor of the Malagasy encyclopedic dictionary; "Rakibolana ho an'ny ankizy" is the director-scriptwriter of the feature film "Haingosoa", which is both documentary and fiction.
Zooma Capricorne
2018/12/14: "Gasigasin'andafy" of Rakotomalala Lanto / Olivier Vallée, economist, political scientist.
Echos du Capricorne
2018/12/12: The KATRO team project is a creation in digital platform of valorization of the word-of-ear.
Zooma Capricorne
2018/12/07: Rabefitseheno Hanitra & Andrianatoandro Vonjy of the Hetsika Nantes association at the Quai Branly Museum / Vincent Dictor, Webmaster of the SOS Madagascar Association website, which has just celebrated its 27th anniversary.
Echos du Capricorne
2018/12/05: Lova Ravelonanosy - IT engineer. "Mamifa = My family" . Gather forces to support future improvement projects, by the social enterprise turned towards education.
Zooma Capricorne
2018/11/30: Rakotomalala Lanto, mpikabary Teacher-Researcher. gastroenterologist, hospital emergency physician / Mpilalalao Hira Gasy - Théâtre musical des Hautes-Terres de Madagascar par la kaompania Rasoalalao Kavia à Paris.
Echos du Capricorne
2018/11/28: Ilotsaina Razanamasy, from the communicating team of the group FB "Jubilee 50 years of painting Jean Andrianaivo Ravelona".
Zooma Capricorne
2018/11/23: Interview of Aurélien Gaborit, head of the Africa Collections and the Pavillon des Sessions (Musée du Louvre). Curator of the Madagascar Exhibition at the Quai Branly Museum and interview of Voninahitsy Jean Eugene, President of "RPSD Vaovao", Malagasy political party in Madagasikara, on the 2018 presidential elections.
Echos du Capricorne
2018/11/21: Camille Coll, President and Laura Lalièvre, Vice President of IDEES Madagascar, engineering students from ESME Sudria, was on a mission with 6 of their teammates, in Alakamisy Ambohimaha commune this 2018's summer.
Zooma Capricorne
2018/11/16: Interview with Rasamoeliarisoa Rabearisoa Pascaline, first woman Speaker in Madagasikara.
Echos du Capricorne
2018/11/14: Interview of Elliot Randriamandrato, Junior Consultant, Management of risks and crises in business or community / Administrator of the FB group "Za koa hifidy", Platform for Presidential Elections symbolic of the diaspora of Madagasikara.
Zooma Capricorne
2018/11/09: Interview with: Marie Brisson, Consultant at TNP Consultants.
Echos du Capricorne
2018/11/07: Interview with Joel Broquet, for his return from the Normandy Tripartite Mission / Eurafrican Partnership / University of Rouen in Toamasina on the 24th, 25th and 26th of October 2018.
Zooma Capricorne
2018/11/02: Interview with Razaka Oliva, Certified Expert in Journalism and Communication.
Echos du Capricorne
2018/10/31: Statements concerning the presidential elections 2018 by Voninahitsy Jean Eugène on 29th October 2018 / Bilal Tarabey «Madagascar Dahalo» No comment, Editions.
Zooma Capricorne
2018/10/26: Interview with Razafindranaivo Olivier, Andriamasy Alfred, Randrianandrasana Mendrika, Friday organizers "AFTERWORK VALIMBABENA", supporters of the candidate N°4 Rasolofodraosolo Zafimahaleo 2018 Madagasikara president election.
Echos du Capricorne
2018/10/24: Interview with Randrianasolo Brice Elisa, Co-Founding President of the Association «TANTARAKO».
Zooma Capricorne
2018/10/19: Interview with Nosy Rabejaona, archaeologist, historian, and Mamelomaso Association president, about safeguarding, preservation and heritage knowledge.
Echos du Capricorne
2018/10/17: Interview with Rakotomalala Andriamanivohasina (filmmaker-Ethnologist) and Razafintsalama Anja Tovo (computer scientist).
Zooma Capricorne
2018/10/12: Interview with Hary Razafindrazaka which supports to the elections of the presidential candidate 2018 Jean Max Rakotomamonjy N°31.
Echos du Capricorne
2018/10/10: Interview of JPM - Junior Pour Madagascar members with: Princy Ducheman, Antsa Razanakolona, Mino Randriamanivo, Hanitsoa Rajaonary.
Zooma Capricorne
2018/10/05: Interview with Joel Ravoahangy Andrianavalona / Support of candidate N°6 in the 2018 Malagasy presidential elections.
Echos du Capricorne
2018/10/03: Back from vacation for the animators and new recruits of the Radio Gasy.
Zooma Capricorne
2018/07/27: Tsilavina Andriamanantsara, Director, Customer Relations at Humania BPO subsidiary of Utopia Image Group.
Echos du Capricorne
2018/07/25: Chronicles.
Zooma Capricorne
2018/07/20: Rachelle Rasolofo Czerwinski, living in Canada, disembarking from the Red Island, passing through Paris, talks about her actions in Madagasikara with the Vonjy 3F Association.
Echos du Capricorne
2018/07/18: "Why not us?" Fampitaha - Soa fianatra Radio Conference of Clara Othon Andriamboavonjy, on the incomprehensible situation of Madagasikara, compared to the evolution of other countries, such as Rwanda, Seychelles, Ivory Coast, Senegal, who are doing their best despite courses and a history almost identical.
Zooma Capricorne
2018/07/13: Faly Rasamimanana of Faly Export Group, explains the implementation and the HOREB repository approach.
Echos du Capricorne
2018/07/11: Exchanges with Faouzi Elayouni, new volunteer trainee at the technique for Les Echos du Capricorne.
Zooma Capricorne
2018/07/06: Born in Madagascar, Olivier Vallée, economist and political scientist, worked for 38 years in Africa / Olivier Vallée interview with Jean-Claude Rabeherifara.
Echos du Capricorne
2018/07/04: Interview with Rado Andrianarijaona who present Zama Paris 2018.
Zooma Capricorne
2018/06/29: Sidewalk at the reception at the residence of the Embassy of Madagasikara, on the occasion of the national holiday of Tuesday, June 26, 2018.
Echos du Capricorne
2018/06/27: Interview with Joseph Paris and Lise Chatellier, for the IDEES Madagascar association.
Zooma Capricorne
2018/06/22: Hery Rabejaona Textile Engineer, contractor building MIKALY Trano in Madagascar. "Back home, how to prepare for malagasy diaspora? What do we need to know before returning? Are the fears justified?"
Echos du Capricorne
2018/06/20: Chronicles, news and current events on Madagasikara news, by the volunteer animators of the Malagasy Paris radio program.
Zooma Capricorne
2018/06/15: Interviews of
- Justin Vali: Madagascan musician, Justin Rakotondrasoa master of the valiha (bamboo harp).
- Georgette Chenot: President of "SOATATA" association Sceaux aux couleurs de Madagascar
Echos du Capricorne
2018/06/13: Interview with Laurinda Hofmeyr and Jean Christian Randrianampizafy / Tribute to Regis Gizavo
Zooma Capricorne
2018/06/08: Diffusion de Communiqués:
- Rohy 5 June 2018 Communiqué of the Civil Society Movement ROHY
- Rohy 28 May 2018 Communiqué of the Civil Society Movement ROHY, following Decision No. 18-HCC / D3 of 25 May 2018
- Lapabe tia Maro 4 June 2018 Ilay fanonganam-panjakana andrandraina ...
Echos du Capricorne
2018/06/06: Like every wednesday, sport, politico-social and cultural news. Thanks to the interventions of the Chronicler volunteers.
Zooma Capricorne
2018/06/01: I - Lova Zakariasy Raharimihaja Rognitsara, Doctor of Mathematics, General Director of the Diégo Suarez Antsiranana Institut Supérieur de Technologie (IST-D) Professor-Researcher, ...
Echos du Capricorne
2018/05/30: Radio Gasy with Henri, Manitra, Jean-Claude and Claudie Z. Visitor: Dominique
Zooma Capricorne
2018/05/25: "Ny teny malagasy sy ny fampiasana azy anaty kabary" with Herisoa Andrianaina Rakotojaona, Consultant, Translator, Teacher, Trainer, Journalist, Honorary President FIMPIMA Association of Madagasikara Speakers.
Echos du Capricorne
2018/05/23: StartUp Sam'Salama: entrepreneurship and investment project for Madagascar from health microinsurance at a lower cost, easy, convenient and accessible to all Malagasy through mobile money.
Zooma Capricorne
2018/05/18: Interview conducted on Thursday, April 26, 2018, of Rabako Ralambonirina Jean-Jacques, Telecommunication Engineer, Professor of Mathematics, FIMPIMA Trainer Association of Madagasikara Speakers.
Echos du Capricorne
2018/05/16: Guest: Vanina Christophe Raliterason, author "Madagascar Notre Alliée 1914-1918"
Echos du Capricorne
2018/05/09: Radio Gasy with Henri, Manitra, Jean Claude, Abel, Claudie and Claudia. Brief visit of Hélène.
Zooma Capricorne
2018/05/04: Miminy, Caleb Andrianasitera, Henri Walawala, Jean-André Tsakaison and Adèle still moved, following the soldiers's crime in Belo-sur-Tsiribihina, but also because of the general situation of Madagasikara.
Echos du Capricorne
2018/05/02: Martial Rahaririaka, Mining Engineer of the MADAGASCAR Ecole Polytechnique, was a member of the MONIMA Party at the time of MONJA JAONA, General Director of the Malagasy Institute of Innovation, elected to the Chamber of Commerce of Industry and Commerce of Lyon ...
Zooma Capricorne
2018/04/27: Patrick Auguste Rakotomalala - "What Development for Madagascar?" "Vita malagasy" (made in Madagascar).
Echos du Capricorne
2018/04/25: Rabako Ralambonirina Jean-Jacques, Director of Training and Research at FIMPIMA-Madagascar - Fikambanan'ny Mpikabary Malagasy - Association of Malagasy Speakers.
Zooma Capricorne
2018/04/20: Martial Rahaririaka, mining engineer, Expert-Consultant (on business & politics).
Echos du Capricorne
2018/04/18: Seheno Andriamahatana at "La Scène du Canal"
Zooma Capricorne
2018/04/13: Texts, poems, release.
Echos du Capricorne
2018/04/11: Shortcuts and rediscoveries "Education and Malagasy literature".
Zooma Capricorne
2018/04/06: Marie-Clémence Andriamonta Paes, author-director of documentary film "Madagascar 1947 FAHAVALO".
Echos du Capricorne
2018/04/04: "The practice of the Malagasy language within Malagasy, living outside the country".
Zooma Capricorne
2018/03/30: Interview with Luc Rabemila, citizen of three countries: Madagasikara, France (Guyana), Denmark. Danish nationality.
Echos du Capricorne
2018/03/28: Discussions with Master Olivier Sicard.
Zooma Capricorne
2018/03/23: Jean-Luc Raharimanana, writer, director, poet, ...
Echos du Capricorne
2018/03/21: Interviews with : 1- Marie-Clémence Andriamonta Paes, Author-director about crowdfunding for "Madagascar 1947, Fahavalo" & 2- "Henri Walawala" group, with artists Henri, Fafa and Richard.
Zooma Capricorne
2018/03/16: José Michel Andrianoelison, politician. Reflection, idea, thought on the situation of Malagasy and Madagasikara.
Echos du Capricorne
2018/03/14: Discussion with Teta Jean Claude and Chrysantho Zama. Release of the CD "Volo hazo" of the Malagasy Guitar Masters.
Zooma Capricorne
2018/03/09: Interview with Arison Jaha, Wellbeing Coach. "Milay le life".
Echos du Capricorne
2018/03/07: Interview with members of the bureau and the committee leaders of the new association "Tous Ensemble pour Madagascar".
Zooma Capricorne
2018/03/02: Interview with José Michel Andrianoelison, preparing for the elections of November 2018 as Candidate for the Presidency of the Republic of Madagasikara.
Echos du Capricorne
2018/02/28: Radio Gasy with Manitra, Henri, Jean-Claude, Claudia and Vola.
Echos du Capricorne
2018/02/21: Interview with Jean-Jacques Ratsietison, presents a candidate to the Malagasy presidential elections of November 2018.
Zooma Capricorne
2018/02/16: Interview with Jaona Ravaloson, from "Arborescence Capital", Training Center for Financial Analysis in Paris.
Echos du Capricorne
2018/02/14: Interview with José Michel Andrianoelison, Politician. Preparation for 2018 elections for the Presidency of the Madagasikara Republic.
Zooma Capricorne
2018/02/09: Micro-sidewalk made during the preview screening of the documentary film, "Madatrek" / Mahery, child of expatriates of Madagascar, Responsible of travel agency, Responsible of the association Zazakely Sambatra, Faly Robinson, Raphael, Rasolojaona Irina & Herilala, Vonimanitra.
Echos du Capricorne
2018/02/07: Interview with Erick Rakotozaka, President of Ambohimalaza France Association.
Zooma Capricorne
2018/02/02: Reading selected texts: Research "Bainga" "amboara" "hevitra tera-bary" (following). Works of Hippocrate, Jung and Heymans "Toetoetry ny olona" - Edition Ambozontany Fianarantsoa 1994
Echos du Capricorne
2018/01/31: Radio Gasy with Nathalie, Hery José, Manitra, Henri, Claudie, Claudia.
Zooma Capricorne
2018/01/26: Reading selected texts: Research, radio theater, poem. "Toetoetry ny olona" - Edition Ambozontany Fianarantsoa.
Echos du Capricorne
2018/01/24: Radio Gasy with Abel, Nathalie, Hery José, Manitra, Claudie, Claudia. under the eyes of Brigitta
Zooma Capricorne
2018/01/19: Reading selected texts: Poems, philosophy, stories.
Echos du Capricorne
2018/01/17: Interview with Waka and Paulo, Baham Arts Association, who organizes the Music Festival intersection to the "La Parole Errante".
Zooma Capricorne
2018/01/12: Lise Chatelier, Vice President and Thomas Juilla Treasurer, of the IDEES Madagascar association which works for 24 years in Madagascar.
Echos du Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2017/12/29: Return of the country for JAT: Jean-André Tsakaison.
Zooma Capricorne
2017/12/22: Clovis Razafimalala of the Advocacy Coalition against networks of corrupt officials, powerful mafia traffickers and illegal logging of rosewood in Madagasikara.
Echos du Capricorne
2017/12/20: Raccourcis et redécouvertes by Abel Andriarimalala & Sports by Manitra Ratovohery Ratobison.
Zooma Capricorne
2017/12/15: Baholy shows his troubles with the mafieu network transport, freight forwarders, customs, stores, insurance, Malagasy administration of the charter service in Madagasikara.
Echos du Capricorne
2017/12/13: Nirisoa Rajaobelison & Hugues Rajoharison inform, mobilize to vote and comment favorably on facebook for the TSIMOKA project.
Echos du Capricorne
2017/12/06: Chronicles, informations, diary, report ...
Zooma Capricorne
2017/12/01: Madagascar All Stars on "Valibabena Tour" - Concert-Tribute to Régis Gizavo.
Echos du Capricorne
2017/11/29: Interview of Tao Ravao artiste chanteur- compositeur Poly-instrumentist on valiha, kabosy, litungu, krar, mandoline malgache, dobro, lapsteel ... with Jocelyn Maillé.
Zooma Capricorne
2017/11/24: Interview of the students entrepreneur-founding of "Fakotech" Junior Pour Madagascar - Startup Weekend Project: Narindra Ranaivomiarana & Matthew Razafimandranto.
Echos du Capricorne
2017/11/22: Interview of Jaojoby, Madagascar all Stars.
Zooma Capricorne
2017/11/17: Interview with Francine Ranaivo, President of AIFM, Association Internationale des Femmes de Madagascar - International Women's Association of Madagascar.
Echos du Capricorne
2017/11/15: Interview of Joseph Paris and Lise Chapellier, President and Vice-President, IDEES Madagascar Association, from the Ecole des Ingénieurs Sudria Paris.
Zooma Capricorne
2017/11/10: Interview of Dama alias Rasolofondraosolo Zafimahaleo, Founding member of the Mahaleo group.
Echos du Capricorne
2017/11/08: Celebration of the 19 years of "Echos du Capricorne" / Interview with Solo Razafindrakoto.
Zooma Capricorne
2017/11/03: Interview of Erick Rajaonary alias "Batman" Winner of the Africa Awards for Entrepreneurship Trophy in 2013.
Echos du Capricorne
2017/11/01: Micheline Ravololonarisoa, resident of London interviewed in Rome Italia at ZAMA Miara-dia meetings / Zanak'Ampielezan'i Madagasikara Miara-dia. Madagasikara children scattered around the world together.
Zooma Capricorne
2017/10/27: Interview with "Zokibe" Alain Valency RaKotondrandria, living in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Echos du Capricorne
2017/10/25: Abel Andriarimalala, "Shortcuts and Rediscoveries" Chronicles about Malagasy - Man, Society, Language and Philosophy / Baovola Michelle, "L'Ile Rouge - Au pays de ma mère".
Zooma Capricorne
2017/10/20: During the Comex and advice Zama Miara-Dia meeting in Rome at YWCA UCDG guest of the Association Tetezana onlus on 1, 2 and 3rd september, 2017
Echos du Capricorne
2017/10/18: Abel Andriarimalala, Professor, artists, songwriter Chroniques: "Raccourcis et Redécouvertes" / Zina Raveloson, Faly ROBISON ; Mialinjava Randriamanivo (Mino) Juniors Pour Madagascar, in view of the Startup weekend 3rd edition
Zooma Capricorne
2017/10/13: Andry Rakotomavo Rungi, active member of YWCA Italy, hosted the meeting of ZAMA - Zanak'i Madagasikara am-pielezana miara-dia on 1, 2 and 3 September 2017 in Rome.
Echos du Capricorne
2017/10/11: "Être métis en Imerina (Madagascar) aux XIXe-XXe siècles" - Edition Karthala.
Zooma Capricorne
2017/10/06: End of the holidays, return to volunteer work for EDC with today, for our first, as illustrious guest, a genius from the Malagasy diaspora: Désiré Dauphin Rasolomampionona Andriamialivololondrainibe.
Echos du Capricorne
2017/10/04: Interview with Nini, Deba, Mponina, Rojo, Ken, Jacquot of the Malagasy Rock Star: Kiaka, Green, Apost, Mage 4
Zooma Capricorne
2017/07/28: Tribute to Régis Gizavo.
Echos du Capricorne
2017/07/26: Abel Andriarimalala, professeur de malagasy: "Ny soatoavina malagasy sy ny teny frantsay".
Zooma Capricorne
2017/07/21: Ralainirina Yves Sobinson, owner and manager of Gasy Food, Transfer of money, transit import export, sales of products of Madagascar.
Echos du Capricorne
2017/07/19: Discussion "Tora-po" with Vorimana Maneke, Composer, lyricist and Ando Jaboady, Socio-Educational Animator, anthropologist.
- death of Régis Gizavo on Sunday 16 July 2017 in Corsica
- Madagasikara and Malagasy disastrous situation.
Zooma Capricorne
2017/07/14: Texts by Toetra Raja, poet, author of the work: "Tiako - tiako foana!" / Critics of the Embassy Feast of June 26, 2017.
Echos du Capricorne
2017/07/12: Marie Clémence Andriamonta Paes, Laterit Production, talks about the musical documentary film "Songs for Madagascar" directed by César Paes.
Zooma Capricorne
2017/07/07: Rado Andrianarijaona presents "Zanak'i Madagascar Ampielezana, Rally of the Madagascar Children disperized from all over the world".
Echos du Capricorne
2017/07/05: Performance of the artist "Syna".
Zooma Capricorne
2017/06/30: Clara Othon Andriamboavonjy, retired teacher, presentations for the Research and investigation about the teaching and educational, in Madagasikara / Haingo Rakotosamimanana Madazikart - Photographer recounts his interest having been interviewed.
Echos du Capricorne
2017/06/28: The performance of the artist "Adri", our guest today on the Echos du Capricorne.
Zooma Capricorne
2017/06/23: Exhibition of contemporary art TEMANDROTA «Coups de fil - Lia Akata».
Echos du Capricorne
2017/06/21: Radio Gasy with Henri, Manitra, Jean-Claude and Claudia.
Zooma Capricorne
2017/06/16: French version interview with Jean-Jacques Ratsietison, Economist - President founder association FMI-Malagasy.
Echos du Capricorne
2017/06/14: David Hardy and Vincent Bardi present the 6th edition of Madagasyart.
Zooma Capricorne
2017/06/09: The FMI-Malagasy association will support or present for the 2018 presidential elections.
Echos du Capricorne
2017/06/07: ZAMA Lille 2017 - Zanaka Madagasikara Ampielezana. Presented by Pascale Jeannot, Patrick Rakotomalala and Rado Andrianarijaona.
Zooma Capricorne
2017/06/02: Andrianarijaona Jacky: Portrait of one Malagasy from the diaspora in France.
Echos du Capricorne
2017/05/31: Ujjaya Ethno ambient - Hery Randriambololona presents his closest news.
Zooma Capricorne
2017/05/26: Daniel & Feno Razanajatovo present their radio web broadcast.
Echos du Capricorne
2017/05/24: Jean-Jacques Ratsietison, FMI Malagasy "Fahefa-mividy izao no ilain'ny Malagasy" / Andry Rasolo & Thierry Rakoto present The rock concert of the two groups "Ankoay" and "Vaika".
Zooma Capricorne
2017/05/19: Clara Othon Andriamboavonjy retired / State of Poverty in Madagasikara.
Echos du Capricorne
2017/05/17: Present events.
Zooma Capricorne
2017/05/12: Interview with Lanto Gilles Andriamamonjy, Anthropologist and Professor at the Catholic University of Morondava.
Echos du Capricorne
2017/05/10: Two anniversaries: 20th year of the creation of the Jacaranda agency of Madagascar and 40 years of Erick Manana's scene.
Echos du Capricorne
2017/05/03: Radio Gasy with Manitra, Jean-Claude and Claudia.
Echos du Capricorne
2017/04/26: Simone Clara Othon Andriamboavonjy discussion on efforts to contribute to the economic and social development of Madagasikara.
Echos du Capricorne
2017/04/19: Radio Gasy with Manitra and Claudia.
Echos du Capricorne
2017/04/12: Nosy Rabejaona, Historian archeologist, President of the Mamelomaso association working for the Safeguarding and Restoration of Heritage.
Echos du Capricorne
2017/04/05: 1/ Maxence Habran, Student historian Master 1 of Paris 7 Diderot University, discuss with Xavier about the meeting organized by "Mémoires de Madagascar" at INALCO on March 29 in which he participated. 2/ Lucien Raharison, Doctor of History of the Paris 7 University, Teacher at Majunga and Antananarivo University, exchange with Dzao, about the Colloquium at Sorbone on March 31 in which he intervened and also talk about his "Gazetiko" newspaper In which he is Editorial Director.
Echos du Capricorne
2017/03/29: Joel Ravoahangy Andrianavalona, Son of Joseph Ravoahangy Andrianavalona the deputy under colonization, founder of MDRM - Democratic Movement for the Renovation of Madagascar - explains what exactly and truly corresponds to the date of March 29, 1947.
Echos du Capricorne
2017/03/22: Mam'Rakoto present the concert and new album "live au Tamanoir" on saturday event, 25th march.
Echos du Capricorne
2017/03/15: Radio Gasy with Jean-Claude, Manitra, Henri, Nathalie, Claudia.
Echos du Capricorne
2017/03/08: Radio Gasy with Jean-Claude, Manitra, Henri, Aurélie, Claudia.
Echos du Capricorne
2017/03/01: Radio Gasy with Manitra, Henri, Dzao, Aurélie, Kaladia.
Echos du Capricorne
2017/02/22: Radio Gasy with Manitra, Henri, Dzao, Hery José, Aurélie, Kaladia.
Echos du Capricorne
2017/02/15: Radio Gasy with Nicole, Manitra, Henri, Dzao, Hery José, Sarah, Kaladia.
Echos du Capricorne
2017/02/08: Radio Gasy with Nicole, Manitra, Henri, Dzao, Kaladia.
Echos du Capricorne
2017/02/01: Guest: José ANDRIANOELISON 'José kely' was Minister for Agricultural Production and Agrarian Reform in MADAGASCAR in the early nineties...
Echos du Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
2017/01/18: Interview Of Arlette Bruel-Groléas, President & Founder of ASMADA.
Echos du Capricorne
2017/01/11: Interview and live of Mimil, Michel Randrianarisoa with his Oud.
Echos du Capricorne
2017/01/04: Happy new year 2017.
Echos du Capricorne
2016/12/28: Presentation of the last issue of AFASPA (Association Française d'Amitié et de Solidarité avec les peuples d'Afrique) 'Aujourd'hui l'Afrique" Quarterly Revue.
Zooma Capricorne
2016/12/23: Interviews with the group of peasant representatives and experts of Madagasikara, by Jean-Claude Rabeherifara.
Echos du Capricorne
2016/12/21: Surprise visit of Nomena Razafijaonimanana, faithful auditor.
Echos du Capricorne
2016/12/14: Josielle Randriamandranto, Lova Ramanisamanana, celebrates his 20 years of existence as a travel agency with Erick Manana concert / Sahondra lives in Nancy, and often passes in Paris.
Zooma Capricorne
2016/12/09: Olivier Sicard, 5th Dan WTF- World TaeKwondo Federation, 6th Dan Chung Do Kwan and World Instructor Kukkiwon Métis.
Echos du Capricorne
2016/12/07: Samuel Legendre, Project Manager, Network Animation and Associative Life, FORIM representative / Graziella Rakotomanana, Tatiana Razafindrazaka, Hary Robertson, Representatives of the COCOLIGO project team.
Zooma Capricorne
2016/12/02: The artist, CK Zana-Rotsy -Jean Charles Razanakoto- master of Open Gasy songs, métisse rock-folk, Jazz, also by Guitar open tuning, standard, fusion of different styles of music, Tropical, international, Malagasy musics towards bossa, salsa, jazz, blues, funk ... influences.
Echos du Capricorne
2016/11/30: Marcellin Razafindrabe alias Rabo, presents the Concert of Ingahibe Tselonina, in trio Guitars and songs.
Zooma Capricorne
2016/11/25: "Caylah", Katia-Landy, from Mahamasina, Antananarivo, 22 years old malagasy slamers, of «Spoken word».
Echos du Capricorne
2016/11/23: Brigitte Rasoloniaina "Les mots du grand marché : malgache standard et parler Vakinakaratra / Volavie - Ursulla Razafimihanta Concert.
Zooma Capricorne
2016/11/18: Mbosa Rabenasolo representative of the group "R'Imbosa - Ataum Maintimolaly Sehatra Ba Gasy".
Echos du Capricorne
2016/11/16: Linah Ravonjiarisoa - 3rd year of doctoral thesis / Presentation of the book "C.K. Zanarotsy"
Zooma Capricorne
2016/11/11: Hanta & Toto Rakotonirina SCENE Spéciale BA GASY
Echos du Capricorne
2016/11/09: Zo Rasoanaivo & Princy Ducheman, leaders of the association "Junior Pour Madagascar" organize "Startup weekend edition Madagascar" event for the promotion of entrepreneurship.
Zooma Capricorne
2016/11/04: Jean-Jacques Ratsietison, President of FMI Malagasy, Economist new wave singer of the independence of the Malagasy currency and Ariary money.
Zooma Capricorne
2016/10/28: Broadcast the recording of "" and "Echos du Capricorne" with Ludovic Blanc and Claudie Lay Zandriny on the ZAMA Aix-en-Provence meeting of Malagasy Diaspora, 8th July 2016 / Interview of Didier Ramiandrasoa, Gwen Rakotovao & Yvan Fabius and Lando Tiaray.
Echos du Capricorne
2016/10/26: Chloé Chassaigne speaks of his humanitarian trip 5 months in Madagascar - to Hélène Bauer Facebook : "Sur les terres malgaches" / Tao Ravao presents his new album "Au bout du petit matin"
Zooma Capricorne
2016/10/21: Broadcast the recording of "" and "Echos du Capricorne" with Ludovic Blanc and Claudie Lay Zandriny on the ZAMA Aix-en-Provence meeting of Malagasy Diaspora, 9th July 2016.
Echos du Capricorne
2016/10/19: Solofo Rafenombolatiana presents Nosy Be Jazz Festival first edition.
Zooma Capricorne
2016/10/14: Broadcast the recording of the meeting devoted to literary Madagasikara.
Echos du Capricorne
2016/10/12: Boris Lelong present the musical album "Tanga" and his action to safeguard and valorisation of worldwide cultural (Tibet, Philippines, Mauritania, Lesotho ...)
Zooma Capricorne
2016/10/07: Laza, Cineart, Director, Founder of the Festival Rencontres du Film Court de Madagasikara.
Echos du Capricorne
2016/10/05: Michèle Rakotoson, Jean-Luc Raharimanana, Franco Clerc have literary meeting devoted to Madagasikara in the Francophonie Festival Métissée / Samoela for his concert
Zooma Capricorne
2016/09/30: Some extracts sounds on the Malagasy Diaspora meeting ZAMA 2016 in Aix-en-Provence.
Echos du Capricorne
2016/09/28: Louis Heliot and Laza interview for the 25th fortnight of the Francophonie, Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles Paris.
Zooma Capricorne
2016/09/23: We'll cover two activities concerning our countrymen and coutrywomen today.
Zooma Capricorne
2016/09/16: «Les nuits d'Antananarivo» Johary Ravaloson / «Vol à vif», Johary Ravaloson.
Echos du Capricorne
2016/09/14: Info, Diary, Chronicles
Echos du Capricorne
2016/09/07: Mamy Rakotondrainibe representant of the Collectif TANY explains the endanger of rare earth exploitation of Madagasikara / Diarah N'Daw-Spech festival FIFDA director, presentation of the sixth International Festival of the African Diaspora Films in Paris
Zooma Capricorne
2016/08/12: Recovery of one of the co-conducted by Ludovic Blanc et and Claudie Zandriny emissions as part of a partnership between and Echos du Capricorne.
Zooma Capricorne
2016/07/29: Laiarinandrasana - Ari Chez Vous - Livraison de smile musical thrill delivery and smile or how to make your best evenings.
Zooma Capricorne
2016/07/15: Interview with Eusébia Fatoma, Jocelyne and Lalain , a few hours before their concert on July 3rd at the closing of Galerie 59, rue de Rivoli in Paris on the Madagasy Art event 5th edition.
Echos du Capricorne
2016/07/13: Nataly Andria, musician, composer, interpreted his own songs from his EP « Something New » out in 2013.
Zooma Capricorne
2016/07/08: Rakototiana Andriamaholisoa , Agronomist , Freelance Consultant specialized in Rural and Humanitarian Development, Food and Nutritional Security , Environment and irrigation. Works in Niamey - Niger, with the Deutsch Cooperation where They apply the drip system - « Système Goutte à goutte, GAG »
Echos du Capricorne
2016/07/06: Interview of Hanitr'Ony , presentation of his bilingual book Malagasy / French, illustrated by TRACY M : poetry collection "Deux fois Une".
Echos du Capricorne
2016/06/29: Interview of Andriamaholisoa Rakototiana / Report of Tournoi des Iles by Tinah Madonya: New Caledonian, The Kanak beat Malagasy.
Zooma Capricorne
2016/06/24: Former Madagasikara champion, footballers, rugby player, classic dancer, Miss Toliara & Miss Thailand ...
Eric, Chantal, Marimar, Veve and Tinah compose a beautiful panel of high levels athletes from the Big Island.
Echos du Capricorne
2016/06/22: Sexy Expedition Yéyé - Myriam Merch / David Hardy le Suisse Marocain / Sophie Bazin-Ravaloson.
Zooma Capricorne
2016/06/17: Yves Sobinson Ralainirina , money Tranfer, investment opportunity, crowdfunding nationals or natives of Madagasikara, questioning, cogitation, rumination entrepreneur plan.
Echos du Capricorne
2016/06/15: Ari Laiarinandrasana who abandons his profession of computer engineer for a career musician / Hélène Bauer, first chronicle at the antenna , about the dedicated day to the Malagasy press 150 years.
Zooma Capricorne
2016/06/10: Georgette Chenot, President Founder & Michel Chenot, assistant treasurer of the Association SOATATA Association for cultural and educational development of southern Madagascar.
Echos du Capricorne
2016/06/08: Michèle Rakotoson presents « Madame à la campagne , Malagasy Chronicle» / Haga Rakotoson, financial expert, created the guarantee funds in Madagasikara.
Echos du Capricorne
2016/06/01: Anais Chenot , Assistant Secretary of SOATATA in interview.
Echos du Capricorne
2016/05/25: News, chronicle, reporting.
Zooma Capricorne
2016/05/20: Reading alarm, interpellation , information texts.
Echos du Capricorne
2016/05/18: Warning message from the Collectif Tany about the law project related to registered private properties.
Zooma Capricorne
2016/05/13: Rahantamandimbiarisoa Voahangy Lalao, about the Behoririka Raja Yoga Information Center - Brahma Kumaris Spiritual Space.
Echos du Capricorne
2016/05/11: Ours guests were Malala Razafintsalama, Irène and Idealy Andriamanjato, members of Kolo Association, organizers of the dictation contest SORATONONINA.
Zooma Capricorne
2016/05/06: Rakotoarison Corinne Lolla Ihantanirina, Spice and Aroma PDG, General Commissioner of the representation of Madagasikara at the Horticulture Exhibition of Antalya, in Turkey from June until October 2016 / Sister Ravaka second lesson : Positive thoughts , personal development, management and self-realization.
Echos du Capricorne
2016/04/27: Echoing 'Nuit Debout', a special 'Mada debout' with Dr Jean-Claude Rabeherifara.
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2016/04/29: Andriantseheno Lalaoarisoa Marcellin, Specialist on Neuropsychiatric diseases, Professor of Neurology and sociology.
Echos du Capricorne
2016/04/27: We recevied two guests in this broadcast program. Virginie Bommartin who presented her testimony of moral and sexual harassement related in a published book last summer 2015: 'Justice pour un hopital malade'. Her husband presented among all the complicated admnistrative procedure... ANDRIAMBOAVONJY Hanitriniaina Ravaomalala, president of FI.MPI.MA (Fikambanan'ny Mpikabary eto Madagasikara), rhetoricians association, accompanied by Dera Ramandraivonona, president of France division of the association.
Zooma Capricorne
2016/04/22: Sister Ravaka, teacher, leader, educator of the Behoririka Brahma Kumaris Information Center, gives one leson for individual development, «How to manage angriest».
Echos du Capricorne
2016/04/20: Solomalala Rajaobelison presents the universes ('Tontolo') of his father Samuel RAJAOBELISON (1915-1994), the poet ZAKARANDAHY.
Zooma Capricorne
2016/04/08: Compagnie Miangaly Théatre.
Echos du Capricorne
2016/04/06: 4 malagasy guests, representatives of the civil society during the World Forum on access to Land in Valencia Spain (March 31st-April 2nd).
Zooma Capricorne
2016/04/01: Rakotondrazafy Gerard, painter, Cartoonist, focused on the study of Civilization and Madagasikara History is interested also in East Africa , India, Asia, and is hardworking at common resource centers such as the National Library, Malagasy Academy, Museum of Art and Archaeology, or National Archive.
Echos du Capricorne
2016/03/30: Guests: Randrianarivony Henri, president and Eric Rakotomalala vice-president, of association Trano Kolotoraly Malagasy - Andafy.
Zooma Capricorne
2016/03/25: Michèle Rakotoson: «Madame à la campagne»
Echos du Capricorne
2016/03/23: Guest: Marie-Michèle Razafintsalama, CEO of Publishing house Editions Jeune Malgache, president of 'Association des éditeurs de Madagascar'
Zooma Capricorne
2016/03/18: Hery, Maitresse d'école en zone rurale & Ranaivosata, politicien.
Echos du Capricorne
2016/03/16: Guest: Rajaonarimanana Narivelo, Professor, linguist, expert in malagasy grammar, and author of dictonnaries.
Zooma Capricorne
2016/03/04: Interview with Bonia, Farmer, Former official resigned of the Paositra Malagasy, retired without pension of teaching on private and public school,...
Echos du Capricorne
2016/03/09: Our guests were Andy and Stéphane Hamouis from NGO 'Eau de Coco'
Zooma Capricorne
2016/03/04: Interview with Ralijaona Harrhysh (Amanah), marine, various reflection, idea, point of view, and philosophy of life.
Echos du Capricorne
2016/03/02: Our guest is Andrée Ratovonony, sister of Michèle Ratovonony, author of the literary essay released posthumously by Karthala, last automn 2015.
Zooma Capricorne
2016/02/26: Ranaivosata, politician and « Asandratro ny fireneko » Association founder.
Echos du Capricorne
2016/02/24: Our guests are Randriamampionona and Razafindrasoa, founders of an association related to their city called Anjanampara in Vakinankaratra region.
Zooma Capricorne
2016/02/19: Texts reading: Protest against Governement, State, Parliaments New Lands Laws.
Echos du Capricorne
2016/02/17: Our guest is Dominique Ranaivoson, specialist in literature, author of a biography of Jacques Rabemananjara (1913-2005), poet and politician.
Zooma Capricorne
2016/02/12: Ratefiarison Rakotondramasy Lydie, Rabenasolo Mbosa, Tojoniaina Njatoarimanga, Ambassadors of Ba gasy, share their mission with the Sehatra Ba gasy and the Kalon'Imerina on the two-years celebration of 15 years of existence of the group R'Imbosa.
Echos du Capricorne
2016/02/10: Our guest is Mamy RAKOTOMAVO, musician & founder of the band SORA-PO.
Zooma Capricorne
2016/02/05: Second passage to Mr. Ranaivosata, politician, whose aim is the return of Madagascan's dignity.
Echos du Capricorne
2016/02/03: Our guest is NAWAL, franco-comorian artist, currently in art-residence until the end of March at Bouffon Théâtre (Paris 19th).
Zooma Capricorne
2016/01/29: Christian Ranaivoson research on the Austronesian world at he conference of the Academia Malagasy.
Echos du Capricorne
2016/01/27: Our guests are Patrick Rakotomalala, Guy Andriamihamina and Vahinala Raharinirina, member of the organisation Commitee of ZAMA 2016.
Zooma Capricorne
2016/01/22: James Ratsima, professor, politician, "Front Patriotique Malagasy" association founder.
Echos du Capricorne
2016/01/20: Our guests were Françoise Descos and Arlette Bruel, founders of the ASMADA (Association d'aide au développement de communes rurales à Madagascar)
Zooma Capricorne
2016/01/15: Raharimalala Sylviane Interview, Masseuse healthcare in Antananarivo.
Echos du Capricorne
2016/01/13: guest is Olivier Andriamasilalao of the comitee executive for the organisation of the RNS (rencontre nationale sportive) 2016 edition
Zooma Capricorne
2016/01/08: Unrestrained thought (Tsetsatsetra tsy aritra) / Uninvited microphone on the table / Reading text extracted of Rainijaonary's book
Echos du Capricorne
2016/01/06: Welcome and happy new year in French language by Claudie
Music chronicle focused on rock: The Dizzy Brains
Zooma Capricorne
2015/12/25: Ranaivosata (Association "Asandratro ny Fireneko") about new version of Madagascans History and migration of Malagasy people.
Echos du Capricorne
2015/12/23: Our guests Princy Sehenonirina Ducheman and Ernest Dramou are the winners of the Startup week-end Madagascar edition.
Zooma Capricorne
2015/12/18: Razafimanantsoa Marie Anatolie, from a village near Manalalondo, in Arivonimamo, recounts her life and shared her vision of different things.
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2015/12/11: Basile, who come from Ambohimahasoa, a downtown of Fianarantsoa, one part of Betsileo, tells us his home, and about the life in the countryside.
Zooma Capricorne
2015/12/05: Book extracts reading: Rainijaonary
Echos du Capricorne
2015/12/02: Our Guest is Shanyate Soibradine from the association SoaMad (Solidaires avec Madagascar)
Zooma Capricorne
2015/11/27: Life lesson without 'préchi précha' by Razafy Jean Robert
Echos du Capricorne
2015/11/25: Report of Hanta's show in suburban Paris by Nathalie.
Zooma Capricorne
2015/11/20: Interview of Razanarisoa Noéline, director of a bush small private school in Feramanga.
Zooma Capricorne
2015/11/13: Fara Rakotoarison Rasamimanana, 10 years living evaluation, of a former member of the foreign community in France as Malagasy diaspora.
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2015/11/06: Interview with Dominique Ranaivoson Hecht, in connection with her Biography of Jacques Rabemananjara, the story of a man, sometimes revered, sometimes criticized, sometimes controversial.
Echos du Capricorne
2015/11/04: 17th anniversary of our broadcast Echos du Capricorne.
Zooma Capricorne
2015/10/30: Born and grown in the countryside, the young agronomist Herintsoarilalamisainjanahary Nantenaina, is multidisciplinary.
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2015/10/23: Interview from Ambanja with Ralaitsiferana Merci, Djaomamy of the ADDAPS & Zo Randriamaro (CRAAD-OI)
Echos du Capricorne
2015/10/21: Our guest today is Cécile Lavrard-Meyer, author of "Didier Ratsiraka, Entretiens avec un président de la République de Madagascar, Transition démocratique et pauvreté à Madagascar" éditions KARTHALA.
Zooma Capricorne
2015/10/16: Interview from Ambanja, in Madagasikara with:
1/ Eddy Ramaherison, Touristic Guilde Conductor, Kung Fu (The end of broken conversation) about the « Tavy » or « Dorotanety »
2/ Ralaitsiferana Merci and Djaomamy: short explanation of what the « Mpanjakaben'ny tany » or « Arahara » is
3/ Zo Randriamaro, concerning the women right « Miralenta »
Echos du Capricorne
2015/10/14: News prepared and presented by Dzao / Our guest is Nicolas Rasamimanana, CEO and founder of Phonotonic, a connected object able to generate various music depending on the body motions.
Zooma Capricorne
2015/10/09: Interview in Madagasikara with Zafianaka Anastasie, Ralaitsiferana Merci & Eddy Ramaherison
Echos du Capricorne
2015/10/07: Welcome in malagasy with Manitra / News prepared and presented by Dzao / Economic chronicle by Claudie
Zooma Capricorne
2015/10/02: Karoka Rahanta, president of Association Vie, based in Nanterre City.
Echos du Capricorne
2015/09/30: News by Dzao / poem of Rabearivelo
Zooma Capricorne
2015/09/25: Collectif Tany represented by Mamy Rakotondrainibe present the urgency and continuing the efforts to convince the Malagasy leaders and decision makers
Echos du Capricorne
2015/09/23: Tribute to Hervé Rakoto - Ramiarantsoa , died Sunday, September 6, 2015, was poet- geographer, professor of geography at the University of Bordeaux Montaigne, Researcher, violinist, valihiste, guitarist, choirmaster , singer ,... and so on.
Zooma Capricorne
2015/09/18: Conversation having as a basic one edition of Karthala, with Muriel Rakotomalala
Echos du Capricorne
2015/09/16: Lalaina Rabetaliana Ramarotafika & Tsifa Razafimamonjy, representatives Chorale Fiderana
Zooma Capricorne
2015/09/11: Reading excercise releases No. 44 and No. 45 of the Collective for the Defence of Malagasy Land - TANY (Collectif pour la Défense des Terres Malgaches - TANY)
Echos du Capricorne
2015/09/09: Text explanation with The TANY Collective (Collectif pour la défense des terres malgaches)
Zooma Capricorne
2015/09/04: Interview of Muriel Rakotomalala about Malagasy women.
Echos du Capricorne
2015/09/02: Interview with Mamy Tiana Raberahona, filmmaker, producer, on the need and the possibility to conserve the archives.
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2015/07/10: Interview of Sylvain Savoia, draftsman, by Philippe Randrianarimanana / Reading texts concerning the island of Tromelin found on the internet
Echos du Capricorne
2015/07/08: Radio Gasy with Claudie, Manitra, Henri, Arnaud (DJ Tanambo), Kaladia. Under the eyes of Nathalie, Sahondra, Mohammed and Lalie
Zooma Capricorne
2015/07/03: Interview of Bodonirina Annie Rahaingomanana, member of the COAC (Comité d'Organisation d'Activités Culturelles) about "Festival de Musique Classique de l'Océan Indien - Nosy-Be Symphonies"
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2015/06/26: Interview of David le Suisse Marocain, Stéphano Alaimo, Vincent Angelo Bardi, Laurent le Gac, artists of 'Mada Gasy Art' which take place at the 59, rue de Rivoli in Paris 75001 between 8th and 26th of June 2015.
Echos du Capricorne
2015/06/24: 1/ Parany Ramaromisa, who tells the birth of the CD album "Mamabe" which he produced and created
2/ Keni Kampbell & Emeline: because of the Madagasikara Independence Day
Zooma Capricorne
2015/06/19: Interview of Andriamparany Ramaromisa about new released CD album: "Mamabe".
Echos du Capricorne
2015/06/17: Radio Gasy with Claudie, Manitra, Henri, Philippe, Kaladia under the eyes of Hery José and Far
Zooma Capricorne
2015/06/12: Remarks, practical information and ideas - Poem of FX Mah reading
Echos du Capricorne
2015/06/10: 1/ Adel Gassard, president of Gasyers present the event on saturday
2/ Vincent Angelo Bardi founder of Mada Gasy Art present Le Grand Sud de Madagasikara à Paris
Zooma Capricorne
2015/06/05: Interview of Razafindambo Jean and Ravoajanahary Vanondahy concerning the brainstorming about the preparation of the General States of the Madagascan Diaspora
Echos du Capricorne
2015/06/03: 1/ Interview of Léa Randriamifidy - Nanah
2/ Jocelyn Maillé present Tao Ravao & Vincent Bucher concert
Zooma Capricorne
2015/05/29: Reading of texts
Echos du Capricorne
2015/05/27: Interview of Annie Rafanomezana of the Rafamiray Jeunes Association
Zooma Capricorne
2015/05/22: 1/ Consultation for the preparation of the General States of the Diaspora of Madagascar
2/ Fokonolona Mivao
3/ Diary
Echos du Capricorne
2015/05/20: Radio Gasy with Claudie, Manitra, Dzao, Elisabeth, Kaladia under the observation of Hery José
Zooma Capricorne
2015/05/15: Texts, poems, and story reading - Malagasy Books Extracts
Echos du Capricorne
2015/05/13: Poem declamation of Malika Kadri
Zooma Capricorne
2015/05/08: Texts, poems, and story reading
Echos du Capricorne
2015/05/06: Interview of Dera Ramandraivonona, FIMPIMA's president about the event "Alin'ny mpikabary"
Zooma Capricorne
2015/05/01: Texts, poems, tales and story reading.
Echos du Capricorne
2015/04/29: Interview of Achille Rajerison of the Association Asasoa - and Pamela Querol Communication about the Event 'Madagascar Terre vivante'.
Zooma Capricorne
2015/04/24: Razafisambatra Louis de mon désir has been Coordinator of University Residences at the Madagascan Embassy in Paris.
Echos du Capricorne
2015/04/22: Interview of Tao Ravao (poly-instrumentalist: harpe valiha, lyre krar, guitare kabosy and lap steel)
Zooma Capricorne
2015/04/17: Rajaobelison Nirisoa et Rajoharison Hugues inform for the festival "Eau, Hygiène et Assainissement"
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2015/04/10: Mahavoatsy Gilbert about the Kere, Natives of the Southern part of Madagascar.
Echos du Capricorne
2015/04/08: Interview de Tinah Madonya, artist, athlet, double-dutcher.
Zooma Capricorne
2015/04/03: Symposium "Protestant Women working for the Malagasy Nation"
Echos du Capricorne
2015/04/01: Jean-Jacques Ratsietison - Economist / Lova Nantenaina director, filmmaker / The Chinese make objects, Malagasy repair.
Zooma Capricorne
2015/03/27: 1/ FX Mah - François Xavier Razafimahatratra speak about the truth 'Ny marina' and 'Ny Fiaraha-monina' The living together in society.
2/ Call for solidarity with the victims of Madagascar by the Collectif Solidarité Madagascar
Echos du Capricorne
2015/03/25: Karine Blanchon Malagasy cinema specialist, speak about Madagascar history on March 29, 1947
Zooma Capricorne
2015/03/20: Book extract reading
Echos du Capricorne
2015/03/18: Thierry Sinda present the12th annual of the Festival du Printemps des Poêtes des Afriques et d'Ailleurs
Zooma Capricorne
2015/03/13: Tahiana Razanamahefa, Lysan Marc Rabenjamina,Thierry Ramangasoavina, Achille Rajerison give information and awareness interview on the proposed organization of a day of solidarity for the victims of the cyclone Chedza by the "Collectif Solidarité Madagascar" Collective of Solidarity to Madagascar, that brings together informally, associations and individuals who wish to act for help. Samedi 28 march 2015 2:00 pm Insomnia - Bretigny sur Orge
Echos du Capricorne
2015/03/11: - Collectif Solidarité Madagascar, inondations par le cyclone Chezda 2015
- Interview of Karine Blanchon, PhD in Language, Literature and Society
Zooma Capricorne
2015/03/06: Chat with Aurélie Ranivoarisoa concerning "The International Mother Language Day"
Echos du Capricorne
2015/03/04: Interview of Ratsimbazafy Andriambahoaka Ranja.
Zooma Capricorne
2015/02/27: Randriamaro Zo Vololona, Coordinator of the CRAAD-OI (Centre de Recherches et d'Appui pour les Alternatives de Développement - Océan Indien)
Echos du Capricorne
2015/02/25: News, chronics, diary...
Zooma Capricorne
2015/02/20: Reading texts from the book of Solo Raharinjanahary "Ny fampiasana ny teny vahiny ao anatin'ny teny malagasy" Vohitsera Edition. The use of a foreign language in the Malagasy language
Echos du Capricorne
2015/02/18: Interview of Mamy Rakotondrainibe, of Collective Tany.
Zooma Capricorne
2015/02/13: Interview of Jean Michel Dewailly vice president of the "Tourism" Committee of the International Geographical Union and Member of "Les Amis de Toamasina" ATOA
Echos du Capricorne
2015/02/11: Interview of Njaka Radaniela, Coach of the men's team Basketball Players Association Clichy Madagascar
Zooma Capricorne
2015/02/06: Interview with Tinah Madonya, formerly Boy Chris, L'Ange Francophone, Artist dancer, singer, high-level sports in athletics, and basketball.
Echos du Capricorne
2015/02/04: Interview of Seheno.
Zooma Capricorne
2015/01/30: Interviews with Rijasoa Andriamanana, Hanjy, Aymar Ralaivao during the LEMUR (Lead and Educate Madagascar for University Research)
Echos du Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
2015/01/21: Interview of Imailo Rabary, member of Clichy Volleyball Club
Zooma Capricorne
2015/01/16: Ravelomanda Ezekiela: multiple offices as former municipal employee, economic operator, ancient conveyer, karateka... multi-tasking,was born, and brought up in Isotry. He tells what he knows about the low district, among the dirtiest and the most disreputable town in Antananarivo.
Echos du Capricorne
2015/01/14: News.
Echos du Capricorne
2015/01/07: News, Chronicles and Diary.
Echos du Capricorne
2014/12/17: News, Chronicles and Diary.
Echos du Capricorne
2014/12/10: News, Chronicles and Diary.
Echos du Capricorne
2014/12/03: News, Chronicles and Diary. Guest: Charles Kely
Echos du Capricorne
2014/11/26: Riana Ratrimoarivony: President of the association SOAMAD
Echos du Capricorne
2014/11/19: Report of the Juliette Ratsimandrava conference at INALCO realized by Dzao
Zooma Capricorne
2014/06/13: Press Conference Réseau Fivoarana Développement (Development Network) for the event "Harendrina 2014" it organizes on the occasion of the Independence Day.
Zooma Capricorne
2014/06/06: Interview of Jean-Jacques Ratsietison,Economist, Founder of "FMI Malagasy"
Echos du Capricorne
2014/06/04: 1/ Marc Chemillier Director of studies at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS)
2/ Jean-Jacques Ratsietison, Economist, Founder of "FMI Malagasy", Fahefa-Mividy Izao.
Zooma Capricorne
2014/05/30: Interview of Franck Williams HART
Echos du Capricorne
2014/05/28: Erick MONJOUR said bar code 1111111111162, questions the news. Key moments and flow of news, our history are remixed and immortalized frozen in oil painting.
Zooma Capricorne
2014/05/23: Interview of Master, Sabonim, Olivier Sicard - 6th Dan
Kukkiwon World Teacher - Chung Do Kwan Métis Malagasy-French (Breton), author of "Les poings d'un destin"
Echos du Capricorne
2014/05/21: 1/ Andry Mahefa Rasolo, talk about his first new album CD "Malagasy aho"-Ankoay.
2/ Elisabeth Logié (AFASPA) and Edouard Joubeaud (Le Zébu Francophone) present the "Printemps malgache à 93170 Bagnolet"
Zooma Capricorne
2014/05/16: Jean Rabenalisoa Ravalitera Poet, academician, writer, teacher and researcher, orator, speaker, general manager of the radio station Anjomara Anjozorobe
Echos du Capricorne
2014/05/14: - Nirisoa Rajaobelison & Hugues Rajoharison of the Tsimoka association present there meeting. organise
- Thierno Camara - FORIM General Secretary, speaks about the Non-Profit Organization FORIM & PRA/OSIM
Zooma Capricorne
2014/05/09: Hugues Rajoharison and Nirisoa Rajaobeloson of Tsimoka association organize "feedback" around an annual solidarity dinner
Echos du Capricorne
2014/05/07: News, Chronicles and Diary.
Zooma Capricorne
2014/05/02: Jean Rabenalisoa Ravalitera managing director of the broadcast "Radio Anjomara 94.8 FM"
Echos du Capricorne
2014/04/30: News, Chronicles and Diary. Guest: Mamy Rakotondrainibe
Zooma Capricorne
2014/04/25: Perle Zafinandro Fourquet, President of Fagnomba was jailed in 2013 for six weeks - Jean Marie Pernelle and Frédéric Lambolez have turned the documentary «Je veux ma part de terre» "I want my share of the land"
Echos du Capricorne
2014/04/23: News, Chronicles and Diary. Guest: Fredy Jaofera, poet.
Zooma Capricorne
2014/04/18: Andry Mahefa Rasolo invites to the Concert Promotion of his first album "Malagasy aho" of his group "Ankoay"
Echos du Capricorne
2014/04/16: - Jeannot Rasolofoarison, Secretary General of the FIMPIMA, and Tafika Rakotomavo, Director of Training and Research of the FIMPIMA, present all the activities to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the FIMPIMA
- Pearl Zafinandro Fourquet, president of the association Fagnomba relate the London meeting with the stockholders of the multinational QMM-Rio Tinto
Zooma Capricorne
2014/04/11: Haingo, Domohina, Mamy are sensitive to the situation that peasants live in Madagasikara.
Echos du Capricorne
2014/04/09: Tao Ravao Quartet - Vincent Bucher, Axel Rasoanaivo, Jean Noel Godard at Studio de l'Ermitage
Zooma Capricorne
2014/04/04: Théophile Rakotonirina, Priest, is preparing a thesis about the "Fokonolona".
Echos du Capricorne
2014/04/02: Eric Rabenja Moscardo, humorist, presents the event "Le Baobab normand" autobiographical one man show
Zooma Capricorne
2014/03/28: Roeke Rajaofetra Coordinator of the week dedicated to Madagascar at the UNESCO: Journées Mondiale de Madagascar-JMU.
Echos du Capricorne
2014/03/26: News, Chronicles and Diary.
Zooma Capricorne
2014/03/21: Professor Stephan NARISON, Research Director at LPTA CNRS-Montpellier
Echos du Capricorne
2014/03/19: News, Chronicles and Diary.
Zooma Capricorne
2014/03/14: Seeking for someone we could be proud of "olomanga malagasy" ... FX Mah - François Xavier Razafimahatratra studied and tells us Rabary story.
Echos du Capricorne
2014/03/12: Rija of the groupe "Jaers" and "Vaika" presents the event Tribute to Kiaka Cabaret Roc
Zooma Capricorne
2014/03/07: Hubert Stalla gives his vision of Madagascar
Echos du Capricorne
2014/03/05: Jocelyn Maillé presents Hot Club Madagascar
Zooma Capricorne
2014/02/28: Velomihanta Ranaivo Rakotoniaina presents her book "Plurilinguisme, francophonie et formation des élites à Madagascar, 1795-2012 - De la mixité des langues"
Echos du Capricorne
2014/02/26: Interview of Aina Randrianaivosoa, Poet, author, songwriter, translator.
Zooma Capricorne
2014/02/21: Jean-Marie Pernelle, filmmaker writer-director lives in La Reunion Island for 20 years. He presents his company, the film project JVMPDT, QMM multinational, Rio Tinto ...
Echos du Capricorne
2014/02/19: Interview of Joel Andrianomearisoa, artist of contemporary art.
Zooma Capricorne
2014/02/14: Echos du Capricorne was present at the Ralf-Alfred Ratsimbazafy, the's webmaster
Echos du Capricorne
2014/02/12: Groupe Alalà with Laurie Rakotomanga, Goul Andriamihanta Mandrantohery, Alice Fearne
Zooma Capricorne
2014/02/07: Raozigasy - Hajalalaina Ramananjato Andriamiharisoa - celebrate "Satria tiako ianao" Valentine's Day in the poem, music, show and dance
Echos du Capricorne
2014/02/05: Raozigasy, artist poet / Hubert Stalla de Cherrier
Zooma Capricorne
2014/01/31: Lalasoa Jeannot Rasoloarison (Chief of History department of Ankatso Humanities Faculty - Antananarivo University) & Ndrianasy Laurens, PhD in Law, Historian, explain the Malagasy administration, trade unions, army, financing and banks with politics and under French colonization.
Echos du Capricorne
2014/01/29: Françoise Descos, member of ASMADA and Lalatiana, artist, For the promotion of humanitarian manifestation which is organized by the association in the former Theatre de Neuilly Saturday, February 8, 2014 for the benefit of the Masindray's fokotany.
Zooma Capricorne
2014/01/24: Holy Razafindrazaka, Association Laka Ensemble, artistic director - and Vonjy Andrianatoandro association Hetsika Nantes president. They have produced together the CD untitled "Laka Ensemble Ratany" Ratany (1856-1944) was a songwriter, professor and counsellor at the Ranavalona II & III kingdom.
Echos du Capricorne
2014/01/22: News, Chronicles and announces events
Zooma Capricorne
2014/01/17: Ramanambelina Henriette, PhD, teacher researcher at the Ecole Normale supérieure d'Antaninarivo.
Echos du Capricorne
2014/01/15: Eric Monjour, code barre 1111111111162, artist world painter, in preparation for his departure in two weeks in Madagasikara, has as objective the creation of a malagasy cultural center "Kolo Project" and will expose himself in a contemporary art gallery in Antaninarivo.
Zooma Capricorne
2014/01/10: Solo Raharinjanahary teacher researcher at the Faculty of letters and sciences of Humanities, at the Malagasy departement wrote the book untitled "Ny fampiasana ny teny vahiny ao anatin'ny teny malagasy" Vohitsera edition. He explain the use of foreign languages in Malagasy speaking.
Echos du Capricorne
2014/01/08: Moïse Ratahina bowling world champion talks about his very young career.
Echos du Capricorne
2014/01/08: Moïse Ratahina bowling world champion talks about his very young career.
Echos du Capricorne
2014/01/08: Moïse Ratahina bowling world champion talks about his very young career.
Zooma Capricorne
2014/01/03: Lalasoa Jeannot Rasoloarison, history department head at the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences of the University of Antananarivo in Ankatso speaks about kingdoms, citizenship and democracy with the Malagasy, in Madagascar.
Echos du Capricorne
2014/01/01: Ramanambelina Henriette member of the association UPEM Havatsa (Union des poètes et écrivains de Madagascar)
Zooma Capricorne
2013/12/27: Jean-André Tsakaison, politician, "Gasipora" which is a regular person used of "Les Emissions du Capricorne", tells us the fruits of his stay in Madagasikara, made ??during election.
Echos du Capricorne
2013/12/25: Exceptionally Pre-recorded because the studio is closed due to holiday Christmas.
Zooma Capricorne
2013/12/20: Patrick Rakotomalala, Ideas, Arts, Culture, Creative contemporary electronic music.
Echos du Capricorne
2013/12/18: PhD Lala Raharinjanahary (Raharimalala Anatolie) & Fanja Andriamanantena
Zooma Capricorne
2013/12/13: Interview with Laeticia Coste - Project Coordinator of Pompiers Humanitaires Français.
Echos du Capricorne
2013/12/11: - Teta is artist with the Tsapiky a southern music between traditions and modern influences. Jean Claude "Teta" : guitar, vocals
- Kirasoa Nomenjanahary: accessories korintsana, voice
- Rindra : Volunteer Africolor
Zooma Capricorne
2013/12/06: Binomial interview with Radio Toko Telo through Miora of Lalasoa Jeannot Rasoloarison (Historian) and Bearisoa Rakotoniaina known as Printsy (sociologist) for the promotion of the book about Madagascar under the french colonization from 1896 to 1960 untitled "Madagascar sous la colonisation française de 1896 jusqu'en 1960".
Echos du Capricorne
2013/12/04: Mamy Rakotondrainibe President of the Collective for defence of Malagasy Lands - TANY
Zooma Capricorne
2013/11/29: Poet artist, For those who appreciate literature and music, Arison Jaha
Echos du Capricorne
2013/11/27: - PhD Lalasoa Jeannot Rasoloarison, Director-teacher of the Department of History Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines at the University of Antananarivo. Publication of the work with prediff - Editions Jeunes Malgaches", "Madagascar sous la colonisation française de 1896 à 1960.
- Rajoharison Razay of the SOAMAD association, about the event "Grand spectacle Bazar"
Zooma Capricorne
2013/11/22: Interview with Michel Randria ( Mimil - Michel Randrianarisoa), Guitarist, concertist, performer Specialist of World music, classical, jazz Manouche, Malagasy, Blues and so on ... Music expert.
Echos du Capricorne
2013/11/20: Melanie Boulechlouche Member of "Homme et Environnement"
Barbara, Exhibition designer Sylvain Courdil, Stylist of Ethnosoul Bank, Graphic artist Representative of Reunion Island, Jean-Marc Seres - Représentant de Homme et environnement Airjp Tagman - Pascal, painter, Street arts, graphiste
Member of the association, "unit Metis"
Zooma Capricorne
2013/11/15: Tirike, artist, will be candidate in the legislatives elections in Madagasikara, to be a member of the National Assembly. Before leaving France to go to the country, he held a conference on September 8th, in Paris
Echos du Capricorne
2013/11/13: Chronicles, news and agenda.
Zooma Capricorne
2013/11/08: Rajaonah Andrianjaka, President of the political party Otrikafo
Echos du Capricorne
2013/11/06: Interview for the presentation of the various activities of the descendants of the poet Dox in the centenary of his birth, with Hanitr'Ony Salomon, Raivo Patricia Salomon and Dede Sorajavona.
Zooma Capricorne
2013/11/01: Jocelyn Rakotomalala, represents the multinational group "Toliara Sands"
Echos du Capricorne
2013/10/30: Interviews with Jean Razafindambo & Lea Randria
Zooma Capricorne
2013/10/25: Interview with Alice Rabemanantsoa, Albert Rakoto-Ratsimamange and Malagasy Institute of Applied Research
Echos du Capricorne
2013/10/23: Interviews with Stéphane Hamouis, Eau de coco, Jose Luis Guirao Pineyro & Haminiaina Ratovoarivony
Zooma Capricorne
2013/10/18: Franck Ramarosaona, Editor
Echos du Capricorne
2013/10/16: - Committee of the Green Party
- Presentation of the event expected by the association Tany Harena with ambassadors, Christelle and Natasha.
Zooma Capricorne
2013/10/11: Monique Rakotoanosy teacher researcher at the University of Antananarivo Ankatso. interdisciplinary Department of Vocational Training, Faculty of Arts, letters, languages, culture and communication.
Echos du Capricorne
2013/10/09: Jocelyn Rakotomalala, Toliara Sands Regional representative, explain environmental management and the complaints about the negative impacts of the presence of the multinational in the South West Region and especially in the area of Mikea.
Zooma Capricorne
2013/10/04: In february 2013, The artist D'Gary tells the writer Jean-Luc Raharimanana his point of view about the Madagascar's situation because of politics, military, police and dahalo responsibles of villagers poverty and rural farms deterioration.
Echos du Capricorne
2013/10/02: Georgette and Michel Chenot speak about SOATATA, association to promote the music and dance culture on the Mahafaly plateau.
Zooma Capricorne
2013/09/27: Bruno Tompson Raharivelo conversation, during his visit in France. He derived from the student Malagasy diaspora and lives in Madagascar. DEA public and administrative science - University of Paris Sorbonne, Actually Superior Council of Transition with MONIMA party, Works as Professor in Ankatso.
Echos du Capricorne
2013/09/25: Isabelle Gachie presents his husband Jean-Claude Vinson's new album untitled "Blue Bird".
Echos du Capricorne
2013/07/31: Interview with Gabrielle Lorne, about the Festival des films de la diaspora Africaines, on 6, 7, 8th september 2013 where the malagasy film titled "Légendes de Madagascar-Malagasy Mankany" will be screen at the Salle le Brady 7th september 39, Bd de Strasbourg 75010 Paris.
Echos du Capricorne
2013/07/24: Interview with the representatives of associations community : Soamenakiniaiana, Sobinson Yves Ralainirina, Vero David Rasoamanana Ranaivo Francine, Fara Sahondra Andriamihoatra of the Fikambanana Mada Change, AIFM and Miaraka about the event " Journée de Madagasikara à Cachan, on 27th july 2013 at the salle le Marché - La plaine at 18h.
Echos du Capricorne
2013/07/17: Radio gasy with Philippe Randrianarimanana, Manitra Ratovohery-Ratobison, Franz Andy Rakoto (FAR), Claudie Zandriny, Claudia Solofolandy.
Echos du Capricorne
2013/07/10: Entretien avec les Poètes malagasy présents dans l'anthologie de Thierry Sinda: Antsiva, Fredy Jaofera, Fx Maha, Francine Ranaivo.
Echos du Capricorne
2013/07/03: Radio gasy with Philippe Randrianarimanana, Manitra Ratovohery Ratobison, Dzao (Jean-Claude Rabeherifara), Claudie Zandriny.
Zooma Capricorne
2013/06/14: Rakotoniaina Bearisoa and Lalaina Razanamandimby of the Réseau Fivoarana Développement association.
Zooma Capricorne
2013/06/07: Andriamanalinarivo Rainibemirindra, Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts, des Lettres et de la Culture Malagasy, President of Speakers FIMPIMA Région Antaninarivo, Member of the Office Malagasy du Droit d'Auteur - OMDA and the Union des Poètes et Ecrivains Malagasy - Havatsa-UPEM Madagascar.
Echos du Capricorne
2013/06/05: Dr. Lalaina Razanamandimby of the Réseau Fivoarana Développement association is organizing the popular event "Harendrina 2013" on June 22 at the Trocadero Garden between the Avenue des Nations-Unies and the Avenue de New York in Paris 16, with boarding on a Seine's bateau-mouche.
Zooma Capricorne
2013/05/31: Tribute to Lalao Randriamampionona, President of the National Platform of Civil Society Organizations of Madagascar - PFNOSCM 1939-2013 died April 20 in Antananarivo, Madagascar.
Echos du Capricorne
2013/05/29: Our Guests: Soa Menakiniaina, Francine Ranaivo, Hajaina Andrianasolo present some activities of the AIFM Alliance Internationale des Femmes de France & Madagascar / Culture & Traditions of Madagascar "Ny Fomba Malagasy" / - Beauty Anne-Sophie, image consultant, personal advice / - Conference debate Voluntary intervention of Dr. Laurence MARRIE.
Zooma Capricorne
2013/05/24: The guest on the program, Rakotondratrimo Joseph reflects his life and his vision of Madagascar and Malagasy from France where he has lived since 1971.
Echos du Capricorne
2013/05/22: - Tao Ravao in concert Wednesday, May 29, 2013 for the promotion of the CD "Vazo"
- Jocelyn Maillé -
Zooma Capricorne
2013/05/17: Guest: Raparison Eric Hermann, Land Expert, Consultant, National Coordinator of the SIF, Solidarité des Intervenants sur le foncier.
Echos du Capricorne
2013/05/15: Faraniaina Ramarosaona - Member of CCOC Collectif des citoyens et des organisations citoyennes
Zooma Capricorne
2013/05/10: Guest: Jean Razafindambo
Echos du Capricorne
2013/05/08: - A call for expression of interest for the establishment of a new civil society for observation and effective citizen elections from the Collectif des Citoyens et des Organisations Citoyennes (CCOC), and the Women and Youth's League for Democracy (WYLD)
- Madagascar Résistance
Zooma Capricorne
2013/05/03: RANAIVONIRINA Jean Berchmans, Mayor of Ambohibary a rural town of 62,000 inhabitants in the district of Antsirabe 2th in the Vakinankaratra region.
Echos du Capricorne
2013/05/01: Second Tribute to Lalao Randriamampionona alias Lalao Floriane Clementine Rasoanoro.
Zooma Capricorne
2013/04/26: Ndranto Razakamanarina agronomist specializing in forestry, in development based on community, consultant (USAID Peregrine fund, SAF / FJKM - PACT / GMU, etc ...).
Echos du Capricorne
2013/04/24: Tribute to Lalao Randriamampionona - activist. Lalao Floriane Clementine Rasoanoro. scientist, philosopher, sociologist, writer under the pseudonym "Lyra", died at age 74 due to stroke.
Zooma Capricorne
2013/04/19: The Collectif Tany represented by Mamy Rakotondrainibe, Jean-Claude Rabeherifara, Samuel Jocelyn Rabemananjara speak about landgrabbing in Madagascar with projects in agriculture, mining, tourism and conservation of protected areas injuring the rights of farmers and cause the eviction from their land.
Echos du Capricorne
2013/04/17: France Diego Suarez Association AFDS with the president Mihary Jaofeno, and Zahara Said, Vice-président talk about their invitation to a gourmet trip around the northern region of Madagascar.
Zooma Capricorne
2013/04/12: Randrianazary Solofomanantsoa Eddy, Dentist, searcher Sociétés savantes, Société de Chirurgie Maxillo-Faciale de Madagascar.
Echos du Capricorne
2013/04/10: Association Tsimoka with the president Nirisoa Rajaobelison, and Josoa Rajoharison, the administrator, to talk about the event they organize on saturday 12th april 2013.
Zooma Capricorne
2013/04/05: Lalie, photographer artist, freelance writer, selfdefined as non-academic and autodidact.
Echos du Capricorne
2013/04/03: Ujjaya - Hery Randriambololona, French artist Madagascan UJJAYA crossed Indian instruments, Malagasy, Chinese ...
Zooma Capricorne
2013/03/29: Nampoina Ranarivelo and Hajanirina Tolojanahary Rakotozafy spoke about politics, and the FFM (Filan-kevitry ny Fampihavanam-pirenena) council for National Unity.
Echos du Capricorne
2013/03/27: Our guest: The Collective for the Defense of Malagasy Lands - TANY Mamy Rakotondrainibe, President and Samuel Jocelyn Rabemananjara, Vice-President of the Collective TANY
Zooma Capricorne
2013/03/22: JFK - Jean Félicien Korodo Rasoloniaina, intends to present himself as a candidate in 2013 presidential elections in Madagascar.
JFK spoke on Zooma Capricorne N°382 - Fri October 29th, 2010.
Echos du Capricorne
2013/03/20: Our guests: The CdSM (Consortium de Solidarité avec Madagascar - Consortium of Solidarity with Madagascar)
- Bénédicte Goussault President
- Philippe RANDRIANARIMANANA, former president
- Jean-Claude RABEHERIFARA, Vice President
Zooma Capricorne
2013/03/15: Thibeaud Obou, strategy consultant and expert in organization wrote the book: "L'universalité africaine face à l'ingratitude du monde européen et sémite"
Echos du Capricorne
2013/03/13: Radio Gasy with Philippe, Manitra, Dzao, Tanambo and Claudia.
Zooma Capricorne
2013/03/08: - Vahinala Baomiavotse Douguet-Raharinirina, PhD Ecological economics & Sustainable Development European project on Environmental Justice
Echos du Capricorne
2013/03/06: Boris Lelong describes the project's "Les paroles ont des ailes"
Zooma Capricorne
2013/03/01: - Hajanirina Tolojanahary Rakotozafy, lawyer, political perspective of Madagasikara.
Echos du Capricorne
2013/02/27: - Houssen Mebobaly, Leo Club International spoke about fund raising for tropical cyclone "Haruna"
- Bien Rajaonson, Jocelyn Gavalda and Manambina Razafinimanana, Members representing the volleyball team of Clichy-Madagascar association.
- and Hyppolite Rabary, Former international volleyball player, Current president of Clichy-Madagascar and Co-trainer of its volleyball team.
Zooma Capricorne
2013/02/22: - Roberson Franck, political commitment and explanation.
- Reading text from the book: "Rakibolana ho an'ny ankizy - Miampy rakipahalalana"
- Poems extracted from Fredy Jaofera's works.
Echos du Capricorne
2013/02/20: Our guests in promotion of their work and activities:
- Josie Dominique, AFDS Association France Diego Suarez
- Carméla Pépin, Soamad
- Edouard Joubeaud, Zébu Francophone
Zooma Capricorne
2013/02/15: 60 YEARS invitation to the UPEM (Union des Poètes et Ecrivains Malgaches)
Echos du Capricorne
2013/02/13: Jocelyn Maillé Madagasikara lovers / Hanitr'Ony and Fredy Jaofera of the 'Fikambanan'ny Poeta sy Mpanoratra Malagasy' / Laurent Boireau producer tour have to discuss about the new Mikea album 'Hazolava'.
Zooma Capricorne
2013/02/08: Tina Madonya, Before Chris Victor, Artist of the Indian Ocean. She calls herself "The Angel Francophone" "The slave Princess". Portrait.
Echos du Capricorne
2013/02/06: Anitha Marie Jaotody organize with the association GIRAF, CEMAF: Centre d'études des Mondes Africains
Projection of the Documentary film entitled « Sable bitumineux : jusqu'au bout de la terre »
Followed by a conference and debate on the theme of «Crise politique malgache et échec de la gouvernance des ressources naturelles»
Zooma Capricorne
2013/02/01: Lollita Andriamanohera, economist, and Thierry Bonnard, project designer, analyst and information system, architect
Echos du Capricorne
2013/01/30: Roundtable about the language of instruction in Madagascar Elisabeth Logié, Claudie Benoit, Jean-Claude Rabeherifara, Manitra Ratovohery Ratobison, Richard Randriambololona.
Zooma Capricorne
2013/01/25: Association Tsimoka with Razay Noely Rajoharison, Nirisoa Rajaobelison, Hugues Rajoharison. Their development project is the Improvement of living conditions and the empowerment of women by bringing drinking water in the village with solar energy and building a house of women, through logistics support for the implementation of activities generating income and cultural and educational activities. Madiokely where they are working, is 400km from Antananarivo and between Antsirabe cities and Miandrivazo.
Echos du Capricorne
2013/01/23: Francine Raseta and Claude Rakotondranahy tribute to the work led for humanity and science of Professor Albert Rakoto Ratsimamanga. The Association des amis du Professeur Albert Rakoto Ratsimamanga exposes photos tracing the origins of Professor Ratsimamanga and his life until his death.
Zooma Capricorne
2013/01/18: Alain Rakotoniaina member of the "Congrès de la Transition", gave his point of view about the situation of Madagascar.
Echos du Capricorne
2013/01/16: Richard Randriambololona member of the association Akon'Iarivo (AKI) presents the events they organize on saturday 19th of January.
Zooma Capricorne
2013/01/11: Jean Michel Dewailly author was in Toamasina, for two month on october. "Tamatave, porte historique de Madagascar (1660-1970)" has been presented on there. He is member of the association "Les Amis de Toamasina" (ATOA).
Echos du Capricorne
2013/01/09: Marc Chemillier directeur d'études at the EHESS (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales). Autor of the studies:
"Les Mathématiques naturelles" Edition Odile Jacob.
Modélisations des savoirs musicaux relevant de l'oralité.
Tradition et modernité dans la musique à Madagascar
Zooma Capricorne
2013/01/04: Professor Ralalaoherivony Baholisoa Simone, PhD, Theoretical linguistics and formal. Research Director and Responsible for doctoral training at Faculty of Arts and Humanities Department of Languages, malagasy Letters and Human sciences University of Antananarivo.
Echos du Capricorne
2013/01/02: Chronicle, news and agenda.
Zooma Capricorne
2012/12/28: - Albert Raharijaona, anthropologist tells us about malagasy child playing.
- Viviana Varin Campaigner Extractive industry and Private finance of the association Les Amis de la Terre France.
Echos du Capricorne
2012/12/26: Chronicle, news and agenda.
Zooma Capricorne
2012/12/21: Chantal Constant was Born in Madagascar on 1948. She lives in Bordeaux and remains committed to the Big Islamd. Nomadic storyteller, in France, Quebec, Madagascar.
Echos du Capricorne
2012/12/19: Collectif Tany with Philippe Randrianarimanana, Mamy Rakotondrainibe. Pour la Féfense des terres malgaches pour s'opposer à la spoliation des citoyens et paysans malgaches de leurs terres.
Zooma Capricorne
2012/12/14: Eric Hermann Raparison is a lawyer in environmental, land, decentralization, public, socioeconomics law.
Echos du Capricorne
2012/12/12: Rodrigue Colvil coach of the women's volleyball of the association AS Clichy Madagascar Volley, wich organizes meeting tournaments of volleyball "Tournoi de Noël 2012 - 11 édition".
Zooma Capricorne
2012/12/07: Xhi Rajaofetra, Mpimasy, priest king.
Echos du Capricorne
2012/12/05: Regis Gizavo Malagasy world music ambassador in accordion will be in concert with some guests in New Morning 7-9, rue des Petites Ecuries 75010 in Paris at 20h30 with « Ilakake », new album CD, on tuesday 18th December 2012.
Zooma Capricorne
2012/11/30: Razafiandriambelo Njato Harinony, member of Congrès de la Transition, Vice-President in charge of economy and finances.
Echos du Capricorne
2012/11/28: Carméla Pépin and Georgette Chenot of the Soamad Association (Solidaire avec Madagascar), present the 9th Bazaar season year-end that they organizes on Saturday 1st December 2012 at CICP 21 ter, rue Voltaire - in Paris.
Zooma Capricorne
2012/11/23: Herimanana Razafimahefa member of the Conseil Superieur de la Transition, President of the commission of Agriculture and Rural development.
Echos du Capricorne
2012/11/21: L'opéra du bout du monde: A road movie history,behind the scenes of the opera Maraina, between La Reunion and Madagascar ... Paris, to discover music history of the first inhabitants of the islands of the Indian Ocean.
A bridge film between worlds that are found only rarely, between the opera and the general public, between cinema and opera, between written history and oral memory between the mainland and overseas with Laterit Productions Marie-Clémence & Cesar Paes, Jean-Luc Trulès & Emmanuel Genvrin.
Zooma Capricorne
2012/11/16: Hery Rakotobe President of the Parliamentary Group ESCOPOL, (Espace de Convention des Partis et Organisations Politiques), Member of the politic party Grad Iloafo lives in Madagascar for about 10 years.
Echos du Capricorne
2012/11/14: Chantal Ernoult Rakotofiringa manageress of ER-Mada. "Equitable et Rare de Madagascar" that Organizes Days of Malagasy from November 23 to 25 in The castle of La Chesnaie Eaubonne.
Established in 2007, Er-Mada, aims to raise awareness among the general public the diversity of Malagasy products, but also producers and creativity, because it is they who are the source of his adventure.
Zooma Capricorne
2012/11/09: Jalal Benjamin Andriambalo, director of the OFNAC Office National des Arts et de la Culture - Ministère de la Culture et du Patrimoine of Madagascar.
Echos du Capricorne
2012/11/07: 14th anniversary of Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2012/11/02: Vahinala Baomiavotse Douguet Raharinirina Environmental and Ecological Economist natural resources.
Echos du Capricorne
2012/10/31: Solohery Rakotobe Economist-Manager Member of the Conseil Supérieur de la Transition de l'Union Nationale Président of the Parliament Group Escopol National General Secretary of the political party GRAD-ILOAFO
Njato Harinony Razafiandriambelo Computer Engineer Vice President of the Congrès de la Transition de l'Union Nationale of Antananarivo Province. Member of the Political Bureau of GRAD-ILOAFO.
Anthèlme Ramanana Ramparany Agronomist Engineer. Member of Conseil Supérieur de la Transition de l'Union Nationale Originally from the South East. President of the commission Environnement et Forêt Member of the Comité de Coordination du Groupe Escopol
Zooma Capricorne
2012/10/26: The association Upem Havatsa in Madagascar celebrates the 60th anniversary of its creation, UPEM Havatsa France Section with Abel Andriarimalala, François Xavier Razafimahatratra, Aurélie Ranivoarisoa, Fredy jaofera and Lalaina Razanamandimby tells us its history.
Echos du Capricorne
2012/10/24: Vahinala Baomiavotse Douguet Raharinirina Economist natural resources specialized on issues of sustainable development, economic redistribution, ecological and environmental governance, Worked mainly on the issues of deforestation, biodiversity governance, conflicts over natural resources in Madagascar and in developing countries. Currently working on issues of environmental justice and social metabolism in the context of a European project (called EJOLT) Vahinala is also president of a French association of solidarity with Madagascar for Education. She assumes the status of "blogger committed"
Zooma Capricorne
2012/10/19: Ravelomanantsoa Elia, Founder of Fashion Festival Manja, Madagascar Women entrepreneurs, Carrefour French entrepreneurs, and Synergy-FCB, Group Communication Consulting Agencies. Also was elevated to director of the Global Congress of Black Women (seat Houston United States), Member of the Escopol (space conventions political parties and organizations) with his political party "Madagasikarantsika" is now Minister of Culture and Heritage in the government of national unity at the HAT (High Authority of Transition).
Echos du Capricorne
2012/10/17: Solo Razaf artist musician guitarist composer, came down on the day of the plane from Madagascar. Solo Razaf lives in France. Story of the traveler.
Zooma Capricorne
2012/10/12: Victoire Rasoamanarivo Ramilison, National Coordinator of the Center for the Public Reading and Cultural Activities Development of Madagascar
Echos du Capricorne
2012/10/10: Michèle Rakotoson author was named Commander of Arts and Letters, and received the medal of the Francophonie by the French Academy. She tells her activities in Madagascar where she returned permanently. She is the manager of the guest house "Chez Haga" artist residency at Ambohimanga. Table d'Hôtes - Spécialité malagasy et européenne tél : (00) 261 34 16 704 63
mail :
ouverture : 7j/7 sur réservation
Zooma Capricorne
2012/10/05: Marc Reymond is member of the Survie association Which has three main objectives: to bring politics democracy of France in Africa (Françafrique and fight against neo-colonialism), to combat the trivialisation of genocide and reinvent international solidarity by promoting goods global public.
Survie conducts information campaigns and questioning citizens and elected officials to reform the politics of France in Africa and North-South relations. Survie bases her action on the legitimacy challenge incumbent upon all of its elected and require effective control of politics choices in all areas.
Marc Reymond reminder of the historical Geopolique between France and Madagascar. The Government and militarian relations Franco-Malagasy.
Zooma Capricorne
2012/09/28: Albert Raharijaona is an anthropologist. He was Teacher, school director, graduated of French literature. The dahalo and the criminal acts of the "jiolahy" is his contribution to the study of a form of violence in Madagascar. Banditry has been interpreted by Albert Raharijaona as a symptom of social conflict.
Zooma Capricorne
2012/09/21: Jean Michel Dewailly taught two years between 1968 and 1970 at the Lycée Rabemananjara of Tamatave. For nearly 10 years, he returned regularly to Tamatave, to help the local association "Les Amis de Toamasina" (ATOA). He published the book "Tamatave, porte historique de Madagascar (1660-1970)" which, using extracts from stories by many authors, recounts episodes known and less known in the history of the city, showing how before the plane supplant the ship, Tamatave was really the "door" of the country. This book, whose aim is to make the easy reach of teachers, students, tourists, professionals, guides ... stories informative and easy to deal with. All copyright and benefits attached to them will be donated to ATOA to help safeguard and valorisation of the heritage of Toamasina. To order: Tel. fixed: 04 78 04 09 65, Mobile 06 74 03 75 44.
25 euros to address: 25 rue Guillaume Apollinaire, 69330 Meyzieu
Zooma Capricorne
2012/09/14: Abel Andriarimalala explains what wisdom is in Malagasy philosophy.
Poems of Lanto of Maisons-Alfort: "Ilaikely", "Imahaketraka sy Imahakivy" & "Ho taona tsara"
Zooma Capricorne
2012/09/07: Pierre Mesmin Rabotovao is economist, Trainer-Controler-Designer-Manager Project, Program Director, consultant in bank, insurance, industries. Pierre Mesmin Rabotovao offers a model of development in the everyday life of citizens in terms of production.
Zooma Capricorne
2012/08/31: - Abel Andriarimalala explains what is the "Hainteny". Malagasy culture and philosophy.
- Extracts of Poems written and declaimed by Lanto of Maisons Alfort. "Aiza ny paika, aiza ny fika?" "Afabaraka"
Zooma Capricorne
2012/08/24: - Jean-Claude Rabeherifara, sociologist. Lighting on Malagasy music: Identity, challenge and mixing. "Entre la parole et l'écrit, La chanson magache dans les années 1970-1980" Between speech and writing, malagasy songs in the years 1970-1980
- Extracts of Poems written and declaimed by Lanto of Maison Alfort. "Ho ritra ve?" "Izy roalahy" "Ankadasitra sy ankisolo"
Zooma Capricorne
2012/08/17: Ranaivoson Toloniaina alias Petsambava, activist and committed artist on behalf of the Malagasy people.
Zooma Capricorne
2012/07/27: Pierre Mesmin Rabotovao economist, Trainer-Controler-Designer-Manager-Project and Program Director, consultant in bank, insurance, industries, proposes an elaborated developement state program Model for Malagasy based on all Malagasy Natural Resources.
Echos du Capricorne
2012/07/25: Chronicle about Menalamba, News ...
Zooma Capricorne
2012/07/20: Abel Andriarimalala was professor of literature, French and Malagasy, artist, songwriter and performer. He speaks to us today about the malagasy manners and customs. Tsiny sy Tody ary Andriamanitra Zanahary sy ny Razana.
Echos du Capricorne
2012/07/18: Interview of Dominique Ranaivoson about "Au delà des rizières" written by Naivo, Sépia Edition. Dominique Ranaivoson, French, married to a Malagasy, mother of four, lives in France, is a researcher, literary critic and "Maitre de conférence HDR".
Naivoharisoa Patrick Ramamonjisoa, alias Naivo, author, was a teacher and journalist. Son of a diplomat, Naivo lives now in Canada with his family.
Zooma Capricorne
2012/07/13: - Ralison Andriamandranto, is our guest as SEFAFI Coordinator, Observatory of public life (civil society), which aims is to identify and deepen society's problems and to disseminate the results of its work towards a better practice of democracy and the rule of law.
- Roland Randriambololona and Riri Ramandiamanana members of the association AKI tell us their views on the history of Madagascar about the "Return to the independence".
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2012/07/06: Roland Rajaonarivony president of the association AKI and member of the group Soatoavina. Pianist and valihist. He tells us about the classification of Malagasy music.
Echos du Capricorne
2012/07/04: We have invited Dama, born as Rasolofondraosolo Zafimahaleo who is a member of musical group "Mahaleo". Sociologist, Dama was a member of the malagasy parliament, elected with the label Mahaolona.
Zooma Capricorne
2012/06/29: The princess Razafindrahety who became Queen Ranavalona III was the last queen of the Merina dynasty.
She kept an illusory power for a few months before being arrested by surprise on the night of February 28, 1897, by General Gallieni, when the French colonial empire taking possession of the island.
She was sent with his family in exile on the island of Reunion and then in Algeria, where she died on May 23, 1917. Lucas du Gouëgon wrote a play about this impeachment in dramatic comedy.
Echos du Capricorne
2012/06/27: Harison Ramanantsoa. multifaceted man. Interview as a Poet in this time.
Zooma Capricorne
2012/06/22: Njaka Andriatefiarinesy journalist from Madagascar of the newspaper Taratra.
Echos du Capricorne
2012/06/20: Interview with Claire Riffard, of the Institut des textes et manuscrits item CNRS, about the books "Oeuvres complètes Jean Joseph Rabearivelo Tome 1 et 2" edited by the CNRS.
Zooma Capricorne
2012/06/15: Witches and witchcraft in Malagasy society, a chronicle of Fx Mahah, poet, writer, academician.
Presentation of the Fraternal Lunch "Sakafom-piralahiana" organized by Akon'Iarivo (AKI) on the occasion of the celebration of what they call the "restoration" of independence. With Clarisse Ranarijaona, Pascaline Ravaoarimanana Madhow and Roland Rajaonarivony (President of AKI).
Invitation of the President of the association UPEM Havatsa Fx Mahah for the show co-organized with the FIMPIMA untitled "Ry tanindrazanay malala o".
Echos du Capricorne
2012/06/13: Interview whith Randriambololona Richard, member of the association (Akon'Iarivo) AKI that organizes a friendly lunch on June 23 at Sèvres.
Zooma Capricorne
2012/06/08: A historian by training, Olivier Favier is a translator, author, photographer. He coordinates the Italian committee of Maison Antoine Vitez He hosted sites,, and Insomnia Blog on Médiapart. Olivier Favier began a search on forgotten places "lieux d'oubli" in French history, which led him back across a number of colonial histories. His research results over the meetings, by interviews, articles, lectures which will culminate in a book... He now operates on Zooma Capricorne to remind us of colonial facts of France in Madagascar. You can find his writings on the site
Echos du Capricorne
2012/06/06: Interview whith Honty and Ranto of The pop rock malagasy group Ambondrona which will performing at La Cigale in Paris Saturday, June 9th at 19h30.
Zooma Capricorne
2012/06/01: Faraniaina Pierre Bernard Ramarosaona has a background in economics. She is an active member of CCOC (Collectif des Citoyens et des Organisations Citoyennes). civil society committed to information, education, citizen watch, good governance. She has created an association which works in the evaluation of public services by citizens users.
Echos du Capricorne
2012/05/30: Interview of Jaojoby the master of salegy will be performing at "Petit Bain" in Paris Saturday, June 9. He talks about "Mila anao" his new album.
Zooma Capricorne
2012/05/25: Interview with Gérard Zafilaza, Serge Marohavana, Jean Bellarmin Lava, Farmers producing cocoa, lychees, whole sugar, vanilla, etc. for the fair trade.
Echos du Capricorne
2012/05/23: Interview of Kamel Dafri, director of the association Villes des musiques du monde that organizes a show on Friday June 1 at 9:30 p.m. in Stains.
Zooma Capricorne
2012/05/18: Interview with Theo Rakotovao, author, composer, performer, leader of the group on tour "Mikea".
Echos du Capricorne
2012/05/16: Interview of Zérane S. Girardeau, designer, producer, distributor of the exhibition "Madagascar, 47 Portraits des insurgés" of Jean-Luc Raharimanana and Pierrot Men, at the Cloître des Billettes in Paris.
Zooma Capricorne
2012/05/11: "Voix d'insurgés", read music at Cloître des Billettes, on Madagascar in 1947, and Sétif-Algérie in 1945.
Echos du Capricorne
2012/05/09: - Theo Rakotovao Mikea group singer-songwriter-composer landed that morning from Madagascar with his musicians and talks about his tour outside the country.
- Faraniaina Pierre Bernard member of civil society CCOC (collectif des citoyens des organisations citoyennes) makes sentinel surveillance, ensures informations from the press, and the news from organizations with which Madagascar is called to work...
Zooma Capricorne
2012/05/04: Hajaina, specializing in public Malagasy speaking shows us how to present the condolences, how to make a speech during each stage of farewell and to the deceased family support.
Echos du Capricorne
2012/05/02: Lea Randria - Nanah talk about her programmation of the Arts cultural Thursday at Massai Mara, openings, dances, film screenings, fashion shows, concerts, exhibitions, sales, book signings...
Zooma Capricorne
2012/04/27: Reading of texts extracted off the book untitled "Madagascar 1947" written by Raharimanana - Vents d'ailleurs Editions and texts of the website
Echos du Capricorne
2012/04/25: Interview of
- Christophe Gasnot, secretary of the association Unité Madagascar.
- Vahinala Raharinirina, president of the association Réseau Kilonga.
- Andry, studying business and geopolitics.
Zooma Capricorne
2012/04/20: Music program
Echos du Capricorne
2012/04/18: Arnaud Lemaire collector of vinyl records is sharing the music of Madagascar of his vinylothèque.
Zooma Capricorne
2012/04/13: Léa Randria, Nanah performer
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2012/04/06: François Xavier Razafimahatratra tells us what we need to know about vazimba. Text of Solonavalona Andriamihaja which tells us what we need to know about the March 29th, 1947
Echos du Capricorne
2012/04/04: Vola Rasoamanana director of the magazine presents the evening they called "Nuit Blanche" that her team organizes.
Zooma Capricorne
2012/03/30: Andriantsilefimiampita Raveloarisoa Lydie Noroseheno, doctoral training in economic sciences, graduated in law, management and technology business.
Echos du Capricorne
2012/03/28: The AFASPA quarterly magazine "Aujourd'hui l'Afrique" will celebrate its 40th anniversary. Jean-Claude Rabeherifara editorial board member, took the opportunity to talk about the number 123 and included articles on Madagascar in its columns.
Zooma Capricorne
2012/03/23: Jean Aimé Rakotoarisoa, Jeograph and archeologist. Professor at the Inalco in Paris, at the Antananarivo University, and associed professor at the Michigan University of USA.
Echos du Capricorne
2012/03/21: Interview of Françoise Thiennot of the EduQuaMada, "association pour une EDUcation de QUAlité à MADAgascar" who helps to improve the quality of education, which purpose is that the malagasy children think personally and have method, know their country, their Culture and their Nature in danger, learn French, language of books and of studies.
Zooma Capricorne
2012/03/16: Nanah - Léa Randria, artist have a concert in Paris. She speaks about her.
Echos du Capricorne
2012/03/14: Interview of Olivier Ramanana-Rahary about the malagasy RNS (Rencontre National Sportive) which take place on the 7,8,and 9th of April in Vichy.
Zooma Capricorne
2012/03/09: Malanjaona Rakotomalala, Professor, Anthropologist wrote the book untitled: "A coeur ouvert sur la sexualité merina, Madagascar. Anthropologie du non-dit" edited at Karthala, that he presents us.
Echos du Capricorne
2012/03/07: Interview of Jacky Jayat, economic actor of the firms "Quad Sainte Marie" and "Mada Buggys Tour". Founder president of the association "Vala Mada", He offers a program of sustainable and united action in favour of populations.
Zooma Capricorne
2012/03/02: Laza, productor with Rozifilms, movie maker, director of the RFC... presents "Rencontres du Film Court de Madagascar" which takes places at the forum des images in Paris on friday, 2nd march 2012 at the Place Carrée of les Halles.
Echos du Capricorne
2012/02/29: Homage to Jean-Luc Andriamifidy.
- Laza, producer, film-maker, film director, manager... presents "Rencontres du Film Court de Madagascar" which will take place at the forum des images of Paris on friday march 2th at 20h.
- Patrick Rakotomalala speaks about the book: "Madagascar, le coup d'état de mars 2009" edited by Karthala.
Zooma Capricorne
2012/02/24: Musical program
Echos du Capricorne
2012/02/22: Marie Clémence Paes of the Latérit edition presents us the Latimer Rangers's book: "Transes, divagations et délire" and "Mahaleo, 40 ans d'histoire(s) de Madagascar" writen by Fanny Pigeaud.
Zooma Capricorne
2012/02/17: Torimbaliha - "Ny Tantara sy ny Haisoratra" Special program by the Havatsa-Upem, sampana Frantsa, association. Text of François Xavier Razafimahatratra. Production: Hanitra Salomon with: Antsiva, Bana rahalahy, Lalaina, Hanitr'Ony, FX Mahah.
Echos du Capricorne
2012/02/15: Yasmine Bouagga, doctorante in sociology, and Marylène Honoré, agriculturist economist, coordinator of Zebunet, are speaking about ethical savings and united investment in Madagascar.
The video on the activities of micro-credit is on youtube "ombi vache à crédit".
Zooma Capricorne
2012/02/10: Interview of Jean-Luc Raharimanana, author.
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2012/02/03: Reading of hainteny and poems.
Echos du Capricorne
2012/02/01: comments, reactions of the team of the Echoes of the Capricorn of both presentations Of "Des ruines" and "Excuses et dires liminaires de Za"
Echos du Capricorne
2012/01/25: Consultant researcher to IFRI, Institut Français des relations Internationales, Specialist on Madagascar, Mathieu Pellerin gives us some explanation on the ancient Chinese, those of the 1990 and the newcomers.
Zooma Capricorne
2012/01/20: Francois Xavier Razafimahatratra, Fx Mahah, academician, author, Upem-Havatsa France association's president, speaks about "Fihavanana"
Echos du Capricorne
2012/01/18: Françoise Descos about the ASMADA association. They organize their annual party on Saturday, February 4th in Neuilly in aid of rural district of Masindray which is located in 25 km of Antananarivo.
Zooma Capricorne
2012/01/13: Interview of Bako Nirina Rasoarifetra, archeologist, professor at Antananarivo University, researcher at The museum of Antananarivo.
Echos du Capricorne
2012/01/11: Albert Raharijaona of the UMASSAC association : Union des Malgaches et leurs amis : Soutien, Sports et activités culturelles. The purpose of the association is to regroup younger in sports, support and mutual aid between the followers, partnership in France and Madagascar.
Zooma Capricorne
2012/01/06: Aurélie and Gabrielle recorded the children with Béatrice Rafanomezantsoa & Lila Rakotoarivelo, of the Chauchat church in Paris.
Echos du Capricorne
2012/01/04: Mamy Rakotondrainibe and Philippe Randrianarimanana of the Collectif Tany explain their commitment against the landowning predators and their political activism for the land.
Zooma Capricorne
2011/12/30: Interview regarding the subject of thesis of Nelly Rakoto-Tiana: "Primary school for all, the job of the children".
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2011/12/23: Marie de Chantal Radimilahy and Rafolo Andrianaivoarivony, Professors, Researchers of archaeology, speak about Madagascar History.
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2011/12/16: Interview of René François, Zanatany, ancient of Madagascar, nostalgic of the island.
Echos du Capricorne
2011/12/14: Interview of Rafolo Andrianaivoarivony, Teacher-Researcher of archaeology, ancient history and heritage, Professor in the faculty of letters and human sciences of Antananarivo University, Member of the National Academy of arts, letters and sciences...etc
Zooma Capricorne
2011/12/09: Interview of Heriniaina Eugène, webmaster.
Echos du Capricorne
2011/12/07: Looks crossed between Elizabeth and Aurélie. Debate on exhibition in Musée du Quai Branly which is held until June 3rd, 2012.
Interview of Fanny Pigeaud, journalist, author of the book: "Mahaleo, 40 ans d'histoire(s) de Madagascar".
Zooma Capricorne
2011/12/02: Jean Michel Razanatefy the most older of the malagasy artists celebrates his 60 years of painting. He is the guest of honour in the exhibition "Salon Arts 19" until December 5th in the town hall of Paris Mairie XIXè Place Armand Carrel.
Echos du Capricorne
2011/11/30: Interview of Malanjaona Rakotomalala, Anthropologist, specialist of the society and Malagasy culture, he speaks to us about his book on the sexuality of Merina which is going to go out to Karthala edition.
Elisabeth speaks with Carméla Pépin and Ihasindrazana Soudjay about the Solidaire avec Madagascar Association, SOAMAD works in the field of health and rural development and organizes a cultural demonstration on Saturday, December 3rd, 2011 at 13h at CICP.
Zooma Capricorne
2011/11/25: Alice Ranorojaona Pelerin crossed Madagascar in search of her roots, to pay tribute to common history between La Réunion and Madagascar. ( The film which she introduces redraws this trip and a realization. In 2010 been created the Miara-Dia association for the edification of a stele. (
Echos du Capricorne
2011/11/23: Interviews of:
- Josielle Randriamandranto, head of Jacaranda travel agency. She is also chairwoman of the association Jardins des Lumières.
- Sonny Jaofeno, Vice-président of the France Diégo-Suarez Association, AFDS works in the field of education, social, health, culture and économic in the Northern region of Madagascar. AFDS organizes a cultural demonstration on Sunday, November 27th, 2011 at 13h at the Foyer Grenelle.
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
2011/11/16: Interview of Mamy tiana Raberahona who represents the association "Vu autrement" about the show Rock of Madagascar its organizes on Friday, November 25th with Bismack, Crescendo and Night Flight.
Zooma Capricorne
2011/11/11: Conversation with Razafindramena Albert, Pensioned off.
Interviews by Vola of:
- Muriel Rason-Andriamaro stylist of Urban wear junior, creator and manager of "Klung Malagasy"
- Emmanuel Gendrin author, director of the Opéra "Chin" - théâtre Vollard.
Echos du Capricorne
2011/11/09: Interview of Mamy tiana Raberahona who represents the association "Vu autrement" about the show Rock of Madagascar its organizes on Friday, November 25th with Bismack, Crescendo and Night Flight.
Zooma Capricorne
2011/11/04: Interview of Dédesse, Bezara Ernest. Author, composer, musician, performer.
Echos du Capricorne
2011/11/02: Interviews of:
- Tovo Rajaona president of the association of the ancient of Saint-Michel, The Semigany, and Lova Rasolofoarimanana treasurer.
- Hoby Landy Rajaonarison of the group Famaky about the party they organize on Friday, November 4th.
- Mamy Tiana Raberahona for the broadcasting of his report "Les gardiens du temple" on television on TV5 on Saturday, November 5th and on RTBF.
Zooma Capricorne
2011/10/28: Education and developpement, progress, evolution with FX Maha.
Echos du Capricorne
2011/10/26: Interview of Lalaina Razanamandimby and William Ravison Ralainarivo, joint president of the association Collectif Famine. The Collective organizes a day of solidarity in favour of the population of Betioky.
Zooma Capricorne
2011/10/21: Musical program
Echos du Capricorne
2011/10/19: Interview of Dera Ramandraivonona president of FIMPIMA - section France (Fikambanan'ny Mpikabary eto Madagasikara - sampana frantsa) about the show of speech (oratory art)
Zooma Capricorne
2011/10/14: Interview of - Raharinaivo Andrianantoandro, president of the congress of transition.
- Razia, artist about the protection of national parks and her plans on environment.
Echos du Capricorne
2011/10/12: Interview of Thierry (VAIKA group lead vocal) and Hoby Landy (FAMAKY group) about the SOUND FEST 2011 they organize in Paris - Saint-Denis on saturday 15th of october. They will be 11 groups.
Zooma Capricorne
2011/10/07: Musical program
Echos du Capricorne
2011/10/05: Chronicles
Zooma Capricorne
2011/09/30: Musical program
Zooma Capricorne
2011/09/23: Musical program
Zooma Capricorne
2011/09/16: Musical program
Zooma Capricorne
2011/09/09: Musical program
Zooma Capricorne
2011/09/02: Musical program
Zooma Capricorne
2011/08/26: Musical program
Zooma Capricorne
2011/08/19: Reading the poem of Fara mananjandry, of the book untitled "Hira ny fiainana ary mitohy ny tolona" september 2004.
Zooma Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2011/08/05: Life declares love - "Aina mitory fitia" with Aina Randrianaivosoa, Author, translator, Poet, lyricist, composer
Zooma Capricorne
2011/07/29: Interview of Joséphine Soanorondriaka Andriamamonjiarison President of the GEM - Groupement des Entreprises de Madagascar.
Echos du Capricorne
2011/07/27: Interview of Shaani, internationnal DJ
Zooma Capricorne
2011/07/22: Interviews performed on sunday, 10th July, 2011 with Alain Lapierre, Florence Deslandres, André Paris, of the Zoma Association ( which objective is to support solidarity initiative of equitable sale in Madagascar.
Echos du Capricorne
2011/07/20: Interview of Nicole Simonet Planchon, about her book untitled "Tonga soa eto Madagasikara!" in which she tells: childhood, Trip, discovery of Imerina and the independence of Madagascar. She is Student in Inalco, voluntary of workshops of writing for teenagers, vice-chairwoman of international competition of poems, was Professor in Paris until 2007, and have the Diplome of agregation of Letters.
Zooma Capricorne
2011/07/15: François Xavier Razafimahatratra, Poet and author, Fx has just made a book which title is: "Rindran'ny tsiahy".
Echos du Capricorne
2011/07/13: Ferdinand Mahafaly, President of the association C.A.S: Cercle d'Action of de la Sofia, guest of the program EDC, talks about the party they organize on Saturday, July 16th, 2011 in Villepinte 93 420, Region Ile de France.
Zooma Capricorne
2011/07/08: Andrianasolo Hajaina Naomy, Presidente of education and research of the association of Mpikabary, Vice - presidente of Upem havatsa Madagascar, chairwoman of the association AIFM Antananarivo section.
Echos du Capricorne
2011/07/06: Interview With Mary-Clémence Paes, of laterit Production, private firm of promotion of culture. She presents the "Zoma" which take place in Les Voutes on sunday 10th july.
Zooma Capricorne
2011/07/01: José Randrianasolo (general secretary of the FISEMA - general Confederation of workers' labour unions of Madagascar - and general coordinator of the CTM - Conference of the workers of Madagascar, national union Platform)
Echos du Capricorne
2011/06/29: Interview with Fx Mahah, writer, researcher. author of "Rindran'ny Tsiahy". This book of poems that we can command at 01 47 46 06 80 or by mail at
Zooma Capricorne
2011/06/24: Point of view for a resolution in the promotion and in the distinction of the malagasy national language with Rahaingoson Henry, alias Di, National Academy Arts and languages section, education-searches University of Antananarivo, holder of the agrégation of Lettres Françaises, writer, poet Upem Havatsa.
Echos du Capricorne
2011/06/22: Radio Gasy with Elisabeth, Claudie, Dzao, Mahatsangy, Claudia.
Zooma Capricorne
2011/06/17: Foxy, artist, globe-trotter, of passage on Paris, shares his reflexion on the situation of Madagascar and The Malagasy.
Echos du Capricorne
2011/06/15: Radio Gasy with Elisabeth, Dzao, Dahyiandy, Claudie, Claudia.
Echos du Capricorne
2011/06/08: Go back to live in the country for 5 years, afterwards of regular visits in France, Rija Robson tells to us his experience as businessman in Madagascar.
Zooma Capricorne
2011/06/03: Loving behaviour and sexuality: evolution of presentations and practices in Madagasikara with Solotiana NIRHY-LANTO RAMAMONJISOA. Master of conferences in Inalco, Africa department, malagasy section. She Was Professor of malagasy at the secondary school of Antsirabe during 10 years. Qualified of the University of Franche-Comté, Besançon on human Sexuality, doctor of african Study - Author of articles on malagasy modern literature and of work called: "Anthologie bilingue de littérature malgache".
Echos du Capricorne
2011/06/01: Radio Gasy with Dzao, Elisabeth, Gaby, Dahyiandy, Claudia.
Zooma Capricorne
2011/05/27: Manakasitsara-Manakasina-Gasy with Olombelo Ricky Randimbiarison, artist, performer, musician, composer ...
Echos du Capricorne
2011/05/25: Interview of Dany Rakotoarimalala, responsible of Marketing, communication & strategy of the Association Mimosa Madasport.
Zooma Capricorne
2011/05/20: Interview of Gino Hadjee, Ulrich Andriatiana, Blaise Ravelo have to speak about the Association France Diego Suarez.
Echos du Capricorne
2011/05/18: Interview of Bana Rahalahy. poet, composer, performer, musician about his book "Ny Rongoniko"
Zooma Capricorne
2011/05/13: Interview of Bana Rahalahy (Jean Hajanirainy Marline), artist, poet, performer, compositor, musician.
Echos du Capricorne
2011/05/11: Interview of Ericka Minazara-Erambert and Sonny Jaofeno of the "Association France Diego-Suarez - AFDS", about the annual meeting that they organize to present their actions, plans, achievements and to show of culinary diversity arts from the north of Madagascar.
Zooma Capricorne
2011/05/06: Interview of Victor Randrianary, Ethnomusicologue, researcher, philosopher.
Echos du Capricorne
2011/05/04: Interview of Patrick Ramonjavelo and Anne-Sophie Castel of the "Association Finaritra" about the event called "Mois de Madagascar à la Celle Saint-Cloud" they organize.
Zooma Capricorne
2011/04/29: Interview of Aina Randrianaivosoa, Poetèsse, lyricist, composer, translator.
Echos du Capricorne
2011/04/27: Interview of Roeke Rajaofetra, cultural Consultant and coordinator who tells us the two days JMU Journée Madagascar à l`UNESCO which topic this year is to promote the malagasy language: "The malagasy master of word". Exhibition, shows, conference ...with kabary (oratorical battles - sparring match), ohabolana (Proverbs), beko (laments song, wailings), hainteny, stories and legends.
Zooma Capricorne
2011/04/22: Interview of Rasoamampionona Clarisse head of the higher school preparing teachers for the education of Fianarantsoa. She is the author of study having as topic: "Problématique du genre en milieu traditionnel du Betsileo sud à Madagascar".
Echos du Capricorne
2011/04/20: Interview of Charles Kely, virtuoso of the open tuning guitar, singer, introduces his new album "Zoma Zoma", of a music bathed by sun in the malagasy roots, tinted of Bossa, Jazz and Salsa. Concert: 19 & 20 Mai - Zèbre de Belleville (Paris 11ème).
Zooma Capricorne
2011/04/15: Interview of Jean-Luc Raharimanana, writer, co-author of exhibition «47, insurgents´ Portraits» which was held in Nanterre University Paris X from March 15th till April 5th, 2011.
Echos du Capricorne
2011/04/13: Interview of Richard Randriambololona, second vice president of Akon´Iarivo association which organizes a lunch of brotherhood on Saturday, April 16th, 2011 in Paris.
Zooma Capricorne
2011/04/08: Interview of Narivelo Rafaralahy Georges Rajaonarimanana : Linguist, specialist of the malagasy language, Doctor in litteracy and human sciences, teacher, researcher, Writer, poet. Director of the "Centre de recherche sur l'océan Indien occidental et le monde austronésien (CROIMA-ASIEs, INALCO)".
Echos du Capricorne
2011/04/06: Interview of the artists : Dimitri Dourantonis, performer-composer, guitarit and Baptiste Herin, saxophonist of the OURANOS QUARTET band, which will play during the Festival Paris Jazz Outre-Mer, and which will play on April 20th at the Duc des Lombard.
Zooma Capricorne
2011/04/01: Interview of Fredy Jaofera. Poet, speaker. Mpanao tononkalo, mpikabary, mpitoriteny.
Echos du Capricorne
2011/03/30: Short passage of Mamy Tiana Raberahona about the projection of his documentary film "Les gardiens du Temple". News and rendez-vous.
Zooma Capricorne
2011/03/25: Interview of Ralalaoherivony Baholisoa Simone, Teacher-chercheure, professor ESR, Department of Languages, malagasy Letters and Human sciences University of Antananarivo. Development of a methodology for the study of the varieties of malagasy with the intention of safeguarding and enriching the common fund (linguistic heritage). Exam of the effect of human intervention (by neology and other actions) in linguistic development. In the Interdisciplinary Centre of Research Applied to the Malagasy (CIRAM) and Research centre in Communication (CERCOM).
Echos du Capricorne
2011/03/23: Chronicles, news and rendez-vous.
Zooma Capricorne
2011/03/18: Interview of Nicolas Sersiron, member of the Comité pour l'Annulation de la Dette du Tiers Monde (CADTM). His last post, wrote on february 12th was 'Microfinance, surendettement et suicides de femmes'.
Echos du Capricorne
2011/03/16: Interview of Thierry Bongarts Lebbe producer, manager of tour, musician, historian of music. He accompanies the career of "Ny Malagasy Orkestra" Group.
Zooma Capricorne
2011/03/11: Interview of Mathilde Deverchin Rakotozafy, specialized in Linguistics General Applied to the Didactics of Languages and to Traductique, researcher, was teacher of secondary education, university professor and researcher, provide bilingual educational support to secondary and primary schools in Madagascar, member of Malagasy Academics,literary circles, songwriter and performer.
Echos du Capricorne
2011/03/09: Interview of François Regourd master of conferences department of history Nanterre Paris ouest university La Défense where he teaches modern history (XVI-XVIIIth century s.) and the history of America. François Regourd initiated and was in charge of the programming of the event "Histoire(s) et mémoire(s) coloniales : Madagascar 1947". With the participation of Fuxa Léa, student 3rd year of licence in history and economie.
Zooma Capricorne
2011/03/04: Interview of Ange Christophe Félix Andrianarisoa: Leader of the Mouvance Ratsiraka, ancient minister of Higher education, ancient Président of National Assembly and Professor in the Faculty of medicine of Madagascar.
Echos du Capricorne
2011/03/02: Intervention of Jean-Claude Rabeherifara regarding the Worldwide Social Forum of Dakar in which he participated.
Zooma Capricorne
2011/02/25: Interview of Joseph Raharijesy who campaign against any interhuman domination-prédation, and for responsible and universal, united, horizontal "Toi-ET-moi" so that we live very together on our common planet everywhere. Battle for Fokonolona mivao since February 7th, 2009. Member of the PCF since the seventies.
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2011/02/18: Interview of Ralison Roger, president of GTT Montpellier, the Gasy Tia Tanindrazana association, which supports Marc Ravalomanana.
Echos du Capricorne
2011/02/16: Interview of Saida Faouzia, artist, stylist. Her grand mother was BOENY ZAKIA (author-compositor of "MANGINA ZAZA" and "BOANA MALILO") and his father Nourdine Andriamitsara is Singer, guitarist, pianist, percussionist, author and compositor of "LA VIE A NOSY BE", and also leader of the group " "TIGRE DU VIEUX PORT de Nosy-be".
Zooma Capricorne
2011/02/11: Interview of Razafimanazato Julien, Minister of the National Education at the Government of the High Authority of Transition of Madagascar.
Echos du Capricorne
2011/02/09: Interview of Sonny Jaofeno and William Ravison, Joint presidents of the Collective Famine Madagascar. They explain us the two days of demonstration of sensitization on situation in the South in Betioky.
Zooma Capricorne
2011/02/04: Musical program
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2011/01/28: Musical program
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2011/01/21: Musical program
Echos du Capricorne
2011/01/19: The guest is Prof. Irene Rabenoro. Ambassador. Assessment of the mandate of Professor Rabenoro during the period may 2007-december 2010.
Zooma Capricorne
2011/01/14: Musical program
Zooma Capricorne
2011/01/07: Musical program
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2010/12/31: Musical program
Zooma Capricorne
2010/12/24: Musical program
Echos du Capricorne
2010/12/22: The guest is Mister Raharinaivo Andriantoandro. Among the founder of the political party TIM of the former president Ravalomanana, he joins the actual authorities as the president of 'Congres de la Transition' since october 2010.
Zooma Capricorne
2010/12/17: Musical program
Echos du Capricorne
2010/12/15: Presentation of the new book 'Rabearivelo, Jean-Joseph Œuvres complètes', Tome I: Le diariste (Les Calepins bleus) L'épistolier - Le moraliste Edition critique coordonnée par Serge Meitinger professeur à l'université de la Réunion, Liliane Ramarosoa et Claire Riffard Claire Riffard, responsable à l'Institut de Textes et Manuscrits modernes(ITEM). Paris: CNRS Editions / Présence Africaine Editions. Release in France: October 2010 - 1275 pages - price 35 euros
Zooma Capricorne
2010/12/10: Musical program
Echos du Capricorne
2010/12/08: Reading of poem and text:
- Elie Rajaonarison
- Jean-Joseph Rabearivelo "Calepin bleue"
Zooma Capricorne
2010/12/03: Musical program
Echos du Capricorne
2010/12/01: Interview of: - Sakina, artist of the Perle noire group.
- SOAMAD association (Solidaire avec Madagascar) for its Bazar event presentation with Carmela Pépin and Hasy Soudzay.
Zooma Capricorne
2010/11/26: Musical program
Echos du Capricorne
2010/11/24: Interview of Dera RAMANDRAIVONONA from FI.MPI.MA french section (Fikambanan'ny Mpikabary eto Madagasikara). He is telling about "kabary", malagasy traditional speech.
Zooma Capricorne
2010/11/19: Musical program
Echos du Capricorne
2010/11/17: Minosoa Rabetrano with Damien Vernet, of ONG Coeur et Conscience, co-accomplished: "Fihavanana, Solidarity in Madagascar" which will be cast in preview in party movies-concert, with the cooperation of the compositor of the original soundtrack of the film, Rola Gamana. Documentary film of meeting with 5 persons enlisted men in humanitarian in Madagascar to understand their motivation to act and show that each in his manner can contribute to change the inequality of this world.
Reaction and debate of 3 existent citizens of the malagasy diaspora of the Ile-de-France : Richard Randriambololona, Mamy Ranaivoarivony, Solofo Rafenombolatiana.
Zooma Capricorne
2010/11/12: Musical program
Echos du Capricorne
2010/11/10: Interview of Johary RAVALOSON also known as Arius, author. He is a malagasy novelist and short-writer. He has published "Géotropiques", novel, éditions Vents d'ailleurs, La Roque d'Anthéron, 2010.
Zooma Capricorne
2010/11/05: Interview of Liva Eliasy, president of the Fiangonana Katolika Malagasy eto Parisy sy ny manodidina. Chapelle Saint Paul 171, bd Brune 75014 Paris. M°Porte d'Orléans.
Echos du Capricorne
2010/11/03: Interview of Patrick Rajoelina, professor jurist, essayist on Madagascar contemporary History and on Malagasy political life, by Philippe. Patrick Rajoelina is the author of several books on Madagascar. He is, besides, a collection director at L'Harmattan. Implied in the constitutional consultative Committee (CCC) created by the HAT (High authority of the transition), he participated in the reflexion on the project of fundamental law proposed in next November 17th referendum: he explained the reasons he calls to vote YES. . .
Zooma Capricorne
2010/10/29: Interview of Jean Félicien Rasoloniaina Korodo, president of the association "Graine d'Espoir", holder of plan in favour of the underprivileged in Madagascar. The program of the association was set up on April 23rd, 2007.
Echos du Capricorne
2010/10/27: Interview of Mrs Nosy Rabejaona (our guest coming from Madagascar) by Aurélie about the Malagasy cultural national patrimony. Mrs Rabejaona is the president of Mamelomaso, an association based in Madagascar further to the fire of Rova of Antananarivo and acting for the conservation of the national cultural patrimony: material (Vakoka, palaces etc.) and immaterial (rites, customs etc.)
Echos du Capricorne
2010/10/20: Chronicle of explanation of text on new malagasy constitution, to subject November 17th, 2010 to referendum. By Jean-Claude Rabeherifara.
Echos du Capricorne
2010/10/13: - Chronicle of Aurélie: "How respect traditions,in the epoch of globalization?".
- The Mutual insurance company of Madagascar celebrates its 20 years of existence. Interview of Dera Ramandraivonona his president.
- Report of Claudie: About the seminary held in INALCO by Solofo Randrianja on October 8th, 2010: "Rereading of the history of the nation: The provisions of the junior groups".
Echos du Capricorne
2010/10/06: Return of vacation of a party of the Echos du Capricorne's team. In program for this new year 2010-2011: songs, chronicle, information and agenda of demonstrations.
Echos du Capricorne
2010/07/28: - Interview of Aurélie Ranivoarisoa about the association "Sport Asa Tany" sports free time in touch with the job of fields.
- Interview of Vonjy of the association Hetsika "accueil, arts et culture de Madagascar" Nantes 44100.
- Column obituary notice on Pierre Vérin (following).
Echos du Capricorne
2010/07/21: - Report of the Festival of Nantes.
- Translation of the Poem "Rajakom-bazaha" of Jean Narivony.
- Interview of Mirella Tovoarimino, singer Gospel song, which on Tuesday, July 27th at 8pm will be in concert in the Club Restaurant Live "L'Etage" 77,rue du Faubourg du Temple - Paris 75010 M°Goncourt. available album to
- Column obituary notice on Pierre Vérin.
Echos du Capricorne
2010/07/14: Malagasy vision of the celebration of the French national holiday of July 14th, 2010.
Echos du Capricorne
2010/07/07: Interview of Jean-Claude Rabeherifara who presents the book: "Expériences socialistes en Afrique, 1960-1990" Editions Le Temps des cerises
Echos du Capricorne
2010/06/30: Interview of Martial RAHARIRIAKA, political exile accepted in France upon the return to the power of RATSIRAKA, who remains attached to the country and follows the political situation of Madagascar nearly. He took up the "Collectif pour la Démocratie et le Developpement de Madagascar", and the website
Echos du Capricorne
2010/06/23: Interview of misters Eddie FERNAND, Ralava BEBOARIMISA, Hyacinthe BEFENO TODIMANANA representatives and editors of the news on line
Echos du Capricorne
2010/06/16: Interview of the GTT collectif mouvance Ravalomanana with Manu Rajaonarivony and Manohisoa Rakotomahenina. Explanation of actions and positions of the grouping.
Echos du Capricorne
2010/06/09: Interview with RABESAOTRA Guy Vincère, who explains us the choice of topics of the Conference-Debate on Saturday, June 12th at 3pm in MJC of Fresnes (94) 1960 on 2010: 50 years of African and malagasy independence.
Echos du Capricorne
2010/06/02: Interview with the members of TGV International: Rabehaja Narindra, Rabehaja Andriamanana Faniry, Rakotoarisoa Bruno
Echos du Capricorne
2010/05/26: The guests from the association "Les amis de Madagascar de France" AMDF: Roberto Robert, Christian Assomany, Caleb Andrianasitera, Ralainirina Yves, came to speak about event "Madagascar Tous ensemble" that they organize in Savigny-le-Temple between 12 and June 27th on the occasion of the 50th birthday of the independence of Madagascar.
Echos du Capricorne
2010/05/19: Interview of Jacky Ramanoelina, hospital Doctor, libertarian Activist (a bit active with RESF of the Lilas, SURVIE association, CADTM) organized cycle on Madagascar in April, 2010 at the popular Dionyversité university.
Echos du Capricorne
2010/05/12: Radio Gasy with Philippe, Gaby, Claudie, Mahatsangy, Claudia.
Echos du Capricorne
2010/05/05: Interview with Patrick Rakotomalala, who works in the field of the communication of firm and leads a career of scriptwriter and musician at the same time. He intervened twice, during April dedicated in Madagascar, at the Popular University of St Denis.
Echos du Capricorne
2010/04/28: Interview with Patrick Rakotomalala, createur of the Internet site
Echos du Capricorne
2010/04/21: Interview with Armand Rajarison Rary, Hélian Ralison, the GTT (Gasy Tia Tanindrazana, malagasy patriots) and Tina Raoelina from whom his family saw painful instants with events in the country.
Echos du Capricorne
2010/04/14: Interview with Nirintsoasily HASINIHANITRA, Mamisoa and Jean-Christophe on artistic project called "We Malagasy".
Echos du Capricorne
2010/04/07: With Aurélie, Jean-Claude, Claudie, Mahatsangy, Claudia.
Echos du Capricorne
2010/03/31: Interview of José Randrianasolo, general secretary of the FISEMA, coordinator of the Conference of the workers of Madagascar (national union platform) and one of the "pillars" of CCOC (Collective of the citizens and organizations citizens), one of the main actors of the axle "inclusive, consensual and peaceful exit from crisis".
Echos du Capricorne
2010/03/24: Interview of Roberto Sambahita, Hilarion Rasamimanana, Organès Rakotovao about feedback of meeting with French lessors and the demonstration of Toulouse organized by TGV France.
Echos du Capricorne
2010/03/17: Interview of Thierry Bedard, movie director, as part of the presentations of the piece of théatre "47" of the writer Jean-Luc Raharimanana in the festival V(ill)es.
Echos du Capricorne
2010/03/10: Presentated by Claudi, news by Philippe
Echos du Capricorne
2010/03/03: Interview of Mrs Bruel and Descos about the activities of ASMADA and LCDM France
Echos du Capricorne
2010/02/24: Presentation: Aurélie, intervention: Jao, news: Philippe
Echos du Capricorne
2010/02/17: Call to the civic realization and citizen partnership of exchange across the song "zay mihitsy"
Echos du Capricorne
2010/02/10: Interview of Anyah, malagasy singer,among the new generation of the tananarive soul music style.
Echos du Capricorne
2010/02/03: Presentation: Claudie, Chronicle: Aurélie, Interview of the zanatany, René François on a problem of piece of land concerning the public, communal garden, of Ampasimazava in Tamatave. News: Philippe
Echos du Capricorne
2010/01/27: Presentation by Claudie Chronicle by Aurélie and Jao News by Philippe, interview of Rabenasolo Andriamanganiaina, on the activities of the association FPMMF: monthly letters of information, conferences.
Echos du Capricorne
2010/01/20: Presentation by Claudie, chronicle by Gaby, news by Philippe
Echos du Capricorne
2010/01/13: Presentation by Claudie, chronicle by Aurélie, news by Philippe
Echos du Capricorne
2010/01/06: Presentation by Claudie, chronicle by Aurélie, agenda by Gaby
Zooma Capricorne
2019/01/04: Rajaobelison Nirisoa (President) and Rajoharison Hugues (Project Manager) of the Tsimoka association, Review and Prospects.
Echos du Capricorne
2009/12/30: Presentation by Mahatsangy and Aurélie. News by Jao
Echos du Capricorne
2009/12/23: Presentation by Mahatsangy. Chronicle by Aurélie. News by Fabrice
Echos du Capricorne
2009/12/16: Presentation by Claudie and Mahatsangy. Chronicle by Aurélie. News by Fabrice
Echos du Capricorne
2009/12/09: Presentation by Claudie and Mahatsangy. Chronicle by Aurélie, news by Philippe, rendez-vous by Gabrielle
Echos du Capricorne
2009/11/11: Interview of Solofo Rafenombolatiana about the social networks in touch with malagasy and Madagascar. Presentation by Claudie and Mahatsangy News by Philippe
Echos du Capricorne
2009/11/04: Presentation by Claudie and Mahatsangy, chronicle by Aurélie, News by Philippe
Echos du Capricorne
2009/10/28: Presentation by Claudie and Mahatsangy, chronicle by Aurélie, News by Philippe
Echos du Capricorne
2009/10/21: Interview of Seheno, artist, songwriter who will be in party - meeting with its blows of heart on October 23rd in the cultural centre "La Clef"
Echos du Capricorne
2009/10/14: Interview of Mamy andrianarivony about the dictation soratononina 2009 which will take place on the 24th of october and organized by Kolo association
Echos du Capricorne
2009/10/07: Interview of Esperé Ranivo and Armand Rajarison (Rary) of the GTT (Gasy Tia Tanindrazana)
Echos du Capricorne
2009/09/30: Interview of Sylvie Clerfeuille and Jocelyn Mahé on the demonstration of week on Madagascar which they organize in the cultural space Saraaba. http//
Echos du Capricorne
2009/09/23: Interview with Muriel and Aurélie of FX Mahah (François Xavier Razafimahatratra) for his book of six malagasy poetes that he translated into French.
Interview of Patrick Rakotoasitera, writer and painter who displays this September till the beginning of October in the hotel de ville of Boulogne and in his workshop.
Zooma Capricorne
2009/09/18: Interview of Arsene Raveloson, national coordinator of NGO malagasy Taratra, by Philippe Randrianarimanana
Echos du Capricorne
2009/09/16: For this second broadcast program of the season for which we have a comfortable half hour more, our guests were the association AFDS - Association France Diego-Suarez and Bokiko Project. These organisms organise a cultural journey about Madagascar at about thirty kilometres at the east part of Paris (Esbly) this saturday the nineteenth. AFDS has been represented by Ericka Erambert, Josie Dominique, Bokiko project by Michèle Rakotoson, Patricia Ramahandry and Muriel Rakotomalala. Chronicles news were dynamically prepared as usual by el amigo del pueblo Philippe. Musical playlist has been established by myself so no rock music was programmed. Be patient till the next week with the return back of el man Mahatsangy. Of course the realisation is performed by Claudia S, the only malagasy speaking in the parisian wave...
Zooma Capricorne
2009/09/11: The first program of the season 2009-2010.
Interview of Saraha Georget Rabeharisoa, leader of Hasin'i Madagasikara, the green party of Madagasikara, by Philippe Randrianarimanana
Echos du Capricorne
2009/09/09: First broadcast program for the season 2009-2010 Interview of Roberto Sambahita, Mahafaly and Bruno Dompson about the "Convention FIAP Paris 2009".
Musics, rendez-vous and news from Madagascar
Zooma Capricorne
2009/07/03: Last program of the season 2008-2009. Next date in September
Echos du Capricorne
2009/07/01: Last broadcast program for the season 2008/09. Interview of Rajery which will be with Mikea in concert on July 11th at the Cabaret Sauvage of La Villette, as part of Summer stages. Musics, rendez-vous and news from Madagascar
Zooma Capricorne
2009/06/26: Musical Program
Echos du Capricorne
2009/06/24: Interview of Haja Ramananjato about
Musics, rendez-vous and news from Madagascar
Zooma Capricorne
2009/06/19: Musical Program
Echos du Capricorne
2009/06/17: Chronicle of Aurélie questions on relation between developpement of Madagascar and national identification of the successive presidents of Madagascar. Musics, rendez-vous and news from Madagascar
Zooma Capricorne
2009/06/12: Musical Program
Echos du Capricorne
2009/06/10: Emmanuel Genvrin managing and movie director, with Holy Razafindrazaka, member of the chorus of "Maraina" the opera of Indian ocean. Musics, rendez-vous and news from Madagascar
Zooma Capricorne
2009/06/05: Musical Program
Echos du Capricorne
2009/06/03: Hama Doucoure and Olivia who are members of the association Mosaïque Mundi introduce the program of their next event « DESTINATION MADAGASCAR » which will take place on Thursday, June 11th on the Péniche ANAKO, starting at 19h30 till 23h30. Musics, rendez-vous and news from Madagascar
Zooma Capricorne
2009/05/29: Musical Program
Echos du Capricorne
2009/05/27: Iantra Razanamahefa, the guest of this program, is a member of the Tana Gospel Choir and we speak about their new album taken out last month. Musics, rendez-vous and news from Madagascar
Zooma Capricorne
2009/05/22: Musical Program
Echos du Capricorne
2009/05/20: Intervention on the exit from crisis and the situation of the Right Human beings in Madagascar of Faraniaina Pierre-Bernard Ramarosaona (Collectif des citoyens et des organisations citoyennes) - Musics, rendez-vous and news from Madagascar
Zooma Capricorne
2009/05/15: Musical Program
Echos du Capricorne
2009/05/13: Interview of Tao Ravao, artist director of the group Malagasy Orchestra. Musics, rendez-vous and news from Madagascar
Zooma Capricorne
2009/05/08: Musical Program
Echos du Capricorne
2009/05/06: Interview of Patricia Ramahandry about his book untitled "L'autre côté de la montagne - de l'Albanie au Kosovo" edited by Elytis.
Musics, rendez-vous and news from Madagascar
Zooma Capricorne
2009/05/01: Musical Program
Echos du Capricorne
2009/04/29: Musics, rendez-vous and news from Madagascar
Zooma Capricorne
2009/04/24: Musical Program
Echos du Capricorne
2009/04/22: Musics, rendez-vous and news from Madagascar
Zooma Capricorne
2009/04/17: Musical Program
Echos du Capricorne
2009/04/15: Musics and news from Madagascar
Zooma Capricorne
2009/04/10: Musical Program
Echos du Capricorne
2009/04/08: Interview of Kilema, artist. Musics, Rendez-vous in Paris and news from Madagascar
Echos du Capricorne
2009/04/01: Interview of Jean Andrianaivo Ravelona artist painter. Musics, Rendez-vous in Paris and news from Madagascar
Zooma Capricorne
2009/03/27: Musical Program
Echos du Capricorne
2009/03/25: Interview of FX Mahah - François Xavier Razafimahatratra Upem Havatsa president. Musics, Rendez-vous in Paris and news from Madagascar
Zooma Capricorne
2009/03/20: Musical Program
Echos du Capricorne
2009/03/18: Musics, Rendez-vous in Paris and news from Madagascar
Zooma Capricorne
2009/03/13: Musical Program
Echos du Capricorne
2009/03/11: Interview of Arlette Bruel and Damien Schoëvaërt about the event prepared by the association ASMADA.
Zooma Capricorne
2009/03/06: Musical Program
Echos du Capricorne
2009/03/04: Interview of Lapé, Hery Ralainarivo, compositor, author, performer who takes out his new album.
Zooma Capricorne
2009/02/27: Musical Program
Echos du Capricorne
2009/02/25: Interview of Michèle Rakotoson, chief redactrice of Enjeux Challenger, magazine of analysis and economic perspectives.
Zooma Capricorne
2009/02/20: Musical Program
Echos du Capricorne
2009/02/18: Interview of Mary-Clémence Paes, film director, producer who arranges a manifestation on february 21th for a carte blanche to Bekoto.
Zooma Capricorne
2009/02/13: Musical Program
Echos du Capricorne
2009/02/11: Interview of Toto Mwandzani and Dodol, artists author compositor, performer. They'll have a show on saturday 14th february
Zooma Capricorne
2009/02/06: Musical Program
Echos du Capricorne
2009/02/04: Interview of Ralava Beboarimisa and Samuel Jocelyn, president and vice president of the association "Collectif pour la defense des terres malgaches".
Zooma Capricorne
2009/01/30: Musical Program
Echos du Capricorne
2009/01/28: Interview of Ariane Delamarre of the french political party young centrist.
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2009/01/16: second time: announcement on affair Daewo-Ravalomanana and call to petition.
Echos du Capricorne
2009/01/14: Interview of Augustin Andriamananoro spokesman of the mayor of Antananarivo Andry Rajoelina at the origin of the call to demonstration of Saturday, January 17th in front of the malagasy embassy.
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
2009/01/07: Interview of Ranjeva Rabetafika Haja regarding his firm in Madagascar on the management of heritage.
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2008/12/19: Chronicle of Abel Andriarimalala, "Raccourcis et redécouvertes", which subject is "La place de la mort dans la pensée malgache" (part 1)
Echos du Capricorne
2008/12/17: Interview of Luc Bongrand, documentary film-maker, about his new film "Nomades du lagon" produced by FMC production.
Zooma Capricorne
2008/12/12: Musical Program by Vola Ralambo
Echos du Capricorne
2008/12/10: Interview of Dr Andriamampionona Razafindramboa about his book untitled: "itinéraire d'un insulaire" editions TdB.
Zooma Capricorne
2008/12/05: Musical programm
Echos du Capricorne
2008/12/03: Interview of Mamy Ratrimoarivony and Carméla Pépin about their association Soamad. Solidaires avec Madagascar.
Zooma Capricorne
2008/11/28: Musical schedule by Vola Ralambo - Interview of Mr and Mrs HAVARD, owner and chef of "Fleur de Tana", a Malagasy restaurant in Clichy.
Echos du Capricorne
2008/11/26: Interview of Nirina and Tsilavo Rasolo about their association Rakala France
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2008/11/14: Musical schedule by Vola Ralambo
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2008/11/07: Musical program
Echos du Capricorne
2008/11/05: Report by Abel Andriarimalala and Jean-Claude Rabeherifara
Zooma Capricorne
2008/10/31: Musical program
Echos du Capricorne
2008/10/29: Interview with Caroll Ravoahangy, pianist author, compositor
Zooma Capricorne
2008/10/24: Musical program
Echos du Capricorne
2008/10/22: Interview about the association Rafamiray with Annie Ranaivoarimanana.
Zooma Capricorne
2008/10/17: Musical program
Echos du Capricorne
2008/10/15: Interview with Tao Ravao (polyintrumentists, compositor and arranger)
Zooma Capricorne
2008/10/10: Musical program
Echos du Capricorne
2008/10/08: Jean-Marc Ceres and Rôla Gamana's interview by Mahatsangy.
Zooma Capricorne
2008/10/03: Musical program
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2008/09/26: Musical schedule
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2008/09/19: Debate with Mrs Aurélie Ranivoarisoa about reforming the system of the Malagasy Education.
Echos du Capricorne
2008/09/17: Jaojoby's interview before his show at the Olympia on Saturday, September 20th 2008.
Zooma Capricorne
2008/09/12: Musical program.
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2008/07/25: Musical program. Last emission of season 2007-2008. We are on vacation until September 10th.
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2008/07/18: Solo Randrasana, famous malagasy film director. His interviews with Far Rakoto is about his new film: Sambatra (about circumcision) and cinema issues at Madagascar.
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2008/07/11: Musical program
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2008/07/04: Musical program
Echos du Capricorne
2008/07/02: Interview of Olombelo Ricky
Zooma Capricorne
2008/06/27: Musical program
Zooma Capricorne
2008/06/20: Musical program - Vola Ralambo
Zooma Capricorne
2008/06/06: Musical program
Zooma Capricorne
2008/05/30: Musical program
Zooma Capricorne
2008/05/23: Rachel Ratsizafy interview about her new album: natural born stranger.
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2008/05/16: Musical program
Echos du Capricorne
2008/05/14: Interview of Jean-Luc Raharimanana about his eighth book "Za" editions Philippe Rey.
Zooma Capricorne
2008/05/09: Musical program
Echos du Capricorne
2008/05/07: News by Philippe and Vola. Chronicles by Aurélie
Zooma Capricorne
2008/05/02: Musical program
Echos du Capricorne
2008/04/30: Reading of some extracts of "Discours sur le colonialisme" Of Aimé Césaire by Aurélie. News by Philippe and Vola.
Zooma Capricorne
2008/04/25: Musical program
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2008/04/18: Musical program
Echos du Capricorne
2008/04/16: Interview of - Heritiana Rakotomahefa and Haja Andriamanantenasoa about "Galassam" - Léon Razafindrakoto coordinator at the origin of the days of support of the conservation of biodiversity
Zooma Capricorne
2008/04/11: Musical program
Echos du Capricorne
2008/04/09: Reading about Etienne de Flacourt by Claudie
Zooma Capricorne
2008/04/04: Musical program
Echos du Capricorne
2008/04/02: Interview of Michèle Rakotoson, Author, "Juillet au pays", Elytis Edition
Zooma Capricorne
2008/03/28: Musical program
Echos du Capricorne
2008/03/26: Musics, news and rendez-vous
Zooma Capricorne
2008/03/21: Musical program
Echos du Capricorne
2008/03/19: Musics, rendez-vous
Zooma Capricorne
2008/03/14: Musical program
Echos du Capricorne
2008/03/12: Musics, news, rendez-vous. Interview of Peter Soul, performer, author, composer.
Zooma Capricorne
2008/03/07: Musics
Echos du Capricorne
2008/03/05: Musics, news, rendez-vous
Zooma Capricorne
2008/02/29: Musics and rendez-vous
Echos du Capricorne
2008/02/27: Musics, news, chronicles, rendez-vous
Zooma Capricorne
2008/02/22: Meeting with the new elected mayor of Antananarivo Andry Rajoelina
Echos du Capricorne
2008/02/20: Musics, news, reports and rendez-vous. Interview of Françoise Descos of the association ASMADA.
Zooma Capricorne
2008/02/15: Musical program
Echos du Capricorne
2008/02/13: Musics, news, reports and rendez-vous
Zooma Capricorne
2008/02/08: Reading of texts about coutumn extract of "Ny riba malagasy" book wrote by François Rakotonaivo
Echos du Capricorne
2008/02/06: Interview of Melky, young artist performer composer
Zooma Capricorne
2008/02/01: How malagasy ancestors gave name, by Lalaina Razanamandimby.
- Reading of Hainteny malagasy - popular poems, collected and translated by Jean Paulhan
Echos du Capricorne
2008/01/30: Interview of Môta, young artist performer composer.
Zooma Capricorne
2008/01/25: Comment une recette permet l'organisation sociale par Lalaina Razanamandimby et Hary.
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2008/01/18: Musical Program
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2008/01/11: Musical Program
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2008/01/04: Musical Program
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2007/12/28: Musical Program
Echos du Capricorne
2007/12/26: Interview of Andriamanganiaina Rabenasolo, members of the FPMMF: Firalahiana Protestantan'ny Malagasy sy Mpankafy Malagasy eto Frantsa. The association organizes a show with Henri Ratsimbazafy. The benefits of which will go to the pastors and teachers in retirement of Madagascar.
Zooma Capricorne
2007/12/21: Musical Program
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2007/12/14: Musical Program
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2007/12/07: Musical Program
Echos du Capricorne
2007/12/05: Interview of François-Xavier Razafimahatratra (FX Mahah) President of the French section of UPEM-Havatsa Union of the Malagasy poets and authors.
Zooma Capricorne
2007/11/30: Musical Program
Echos du Capricorne
2007/11/28: Interview of Edgard Ravahatra, musician, performer, author, composer and poet. Edgard Ravahatra is in show in the Espace Jemmmapes in side of the cannal St Martin and produces his fourth album.
Zooma Capricorne
2007/11/23: Program realised by Claudia Solofolandy. Poems by Andamioly
Echos du Capricorne
2007/11/21: Salama nareo tompoko o - Rakotozafy Tombo Daniel
Zooma Capricorne
2007/11/16: Program realised by Claudia Solofolandy. Poems by Andamioly
Echos du Capricorne
2007/11/14: Interview about the works of the association SOAMAD (Solidaire avec Madagascar) with Mamy Ratrimoarivony, Jean-Claude Rabeherifara, Muriel Rakotomalala
Echos du Capricorne
2007/11/07: Interview by Muriel Rakotomalala of Velomihanta Ranaivo professor researcher who works on the education and on the didactics of the teaching the French language in Madagascar
Echos du Capricorne
2007/10/31: Production and realisation of Claudie Zandriny and Claudia Solofolandy by the aids of Gaby - Dahyiandy - Aurélie talks about feelings - and news of Madagascar from Philippe
Echos du Capricorne
2007/10/24: Aurélie Ranivoarisoa talks about the malagasy coutumn and tradition throughougt globalization. News by Philippe Randriarimanana
Zooma Capricorne
2007/10/19: Interview with Jean Andre Tsakaison - president of the association HAFA "Ho an'ny Fandrosoana" which participates at the politics of Madagascar
Echos du Capricorne
2007/10/17: Aurélie Ranivoarisoa talk about the coutumn of the gift, a tradition throughougt merchandising. Interview of Michèle Rakotoson, author of "Juillet au pays - Chronique d'un retour à Madagascar" edited by Elytis. The book is published this week.
Zooma Capricorne
2007/10/12: Musical Program by Claudia Solofolandy
Echos du Capricorne
2007/10/10: Production and realisation by Claudie Zandriny and Claudia Solofolandy with the aid of Gaby, Aurélie, Philippe
Zooma Capricorne
2007/10/05: Musical Program by Claudia Solofolandy
Echos du Capricorne
2007/10/03: Interview of the Association "LCDM Lutte Contre la Drépanocytose à Madagascar" with Pascale Jeannot about Drepanocytose
Echos du Capricorne
2007/09/26: News by Philipppe Randrianarimanana
Echos du Capricorne
2007/09/19: Muriel Rakotomalala told us her holidays on job in Madagascar
Echos du Capricorne
2007/09/12: Portrait of Unity Dow. Judge, human rights activist, and writer from Motsudi of Botswana. She worked for the ONG "Women and Law in southern Africa" and about the "CitizenShip Act".
Echos du Capricorne
2007/09/05: Production and realisation by Claudie and Claudia
Zooma Capricorne
2007/08/03: Interview of Lanto Rajaofera about the musics of Isambilo and Yaroun two artists on the Hard Core in Madagascar.
Zooma Capricorne
2007/07/27: Interview of Joseph Rajaonavah (Didi Beby John) - Information about drepanocytose - Announcement of manifestation of SAVA-Toulouse - Pety and Ialy Rakotoniaina situation
Zooma Capricorne
2007/07/20: "The contingency factors of the adoption of accrual accounting in the Malagasy's municipalities" - Interview of RAKOTO Harimino Oliarilanto.
Zooma Capricorne
2007/07/13: Reading of Poems written by Fara Mananjandry
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2007/07/06: Special Program
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2007/06/29: Special Program Torimbaliha with Andamioly, Fredy Jaofera and FX. Maha. of the tribute to Jean-Joseph Rabearivelo. Interview of Mamy and Eric Sambatra artists of the "Gasy music" group which have a concert in Amiens saturday 30th june 2007 at the Festival de musique des amis du Cloître.
Echos du Capricorne
2007/06/27: News and agenda of events are prepared and presented by Olivia Rakotomalala
Zooma Capricorne
2007/06/22: Interview of Phabien Salany, member of the association called SAVA Toulouse, which works for the population of north east Madagascar
Echos du Capricorne
2007/06/20: Interview of Tsiliva and Fandrama artists in concert on saturday 23th of june.
Zooma Capricorne
2007/06/15: Diffusion of the Thursday literary Meeting of February 8th, 2007 with Brigitte Rasoloniaina teacher
Echos du Capricorne
2007/06/13: Interview Of Kaiamba with Zezé Mahanoro, Jean Kely and Dédé Fenérive who are in concert on saturday 16 June
Zooma Capricorne
2007/06/08: Diffusion of the literary meeting of March 29th, 2007 with Jean-Luc Raharimanana writer
Echos du Capricorne
2007/06/06: Interview Of Dominique Rolland who written the book "Glissement de terrain". Elytis edition
Echos du Capricorne
2007/05/30: Reading of the second extract of the book "Glissement de terrain" written by Dominique Rolland
Zooma Capricorne
2007/05/25: Interview of Brigitte Rabarijaona about 2007 African week celebration of UNESCO
Echos du Capricorne
2007/05/23: Reading of the first extract of the book "Glissement de terrain" written by Dominique Rolland
Zooma Capricorne
2007/05/18: Interview with Jacquelin Rananjason about sport in Madagascar & Interview of Seheno, artist singer, performer who will be in concert on friday May 18th at FIAP
Echos du Capricorne
2007/05/16: Announcement of events. News by Claudie. Reading of Pierrot Rajaonarivelo's communication
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
2007/04/25: Interview of André Vignau. Author, éditor of "Les brouettes de l'espoir" - Le Lectambule
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
2007/04/18: Interview of the Gospel group Seven T, News by Philippe & Rendez-vous by Gaby
Zooma Capricorne
2007/04/13: Only musics on this program
Echos du Capricorne
2007/04/11: Editorial and Solidarity Programm to Rado by Claudie. News concerning results of the referendum to Madagascans revision of their Constitution.
Zooma Capricorne
2007/04/06: Reading of official statement, proclamations concerning the referendum made by MFM, Manaovasoa, FISEMA.
Echos du Capricorne
2007/04/04: EMISSION Report of april 4th, 2007 by Far Rakoto. Leading article of Claudie which gives us some confidences...
Zooma Capricorne
2007/03/30: Declamation of poem by the author Ramiara Espéra. Official statement of Manaovasoa Association about Ravalomanana's referendum. Declaration of PSDUM Europe Socialist & Democratic Party for Madagascar Union
Echos du Capricorne
2007/03/28: Interview of Claudie with J.L.Raharimanana, the occasion of the publication of its recent book "Madagascar 1947"
Zooma Capricorne
2007/03/23: Michèle Rakotoson interview of Eric Rabemananoro who realized a book about Air Madagascar. Interview of Charles Leong Elie about the 1947's malagasy 29th march events to remember the french killing in Madagascar during colonization.
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2007/03/16: Diffusion of malagasy musics. Example of malagasy soratononina 2004 dictation for experiment. Written composition. Annonce of manifestations.
Echos du Capricorne
2007/03/14: Report of FAR Rakoto - Emission of the 14/03/07. Agenda of the malagasy events in Paris
Zooma Capricorne
2007/03/09: Diffusion of malagasy musics and Meeting made by the platform against Ravalomanana's election of Dec 3rd, 2006 in Toamasina
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2007/02/23: Diffusion of malagasy musics. Tales of Volanoro - Mavana, Poem of Fara Mananjandry & Annonce of manifestations.
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2007/02/16: Meeting organized by ASMADA - Neuilly sur Seine about Madagascar
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2007/02/09: Diffusion of musics, texts and malagasy hainteny. Manifestations and rendez-vous.
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2007/02/02: Interview with Rajaonah Andrianjaka, president of the association Otrikafo, who is in France to meet Malagasy
Echos du Capricorne
2007/01/31: Political news, flash from World Social Forum of Nairibi where malagasy delegation were present.
Zooma Capricorne
2007/01/26: Reading of the Otrikafo Communication about the result of malagasy presidential election on Dec 3rd. Program to the association UPEM-Havatsa France section.
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2007/01/19: Conference with Daniel Rajakoba (candidate at malagasy presidential elections), Solonjatovo Rakotonirina (Professor at Univ. of Madagascar) and Rija Rakotonirina on Jan 12th
Echos du Capricorne
2007/01/17: Jean-Claude Rabeherifara about his voyage at the International Social Forum. Malagasy events in Paris
Zooma Capricorne
2007/01/12: Songs and musics by malagasy artists. Interview with Senator Joseph Yoland (President of "Infrastructure et aménagement du territoire" a commission inside the Malagasy Senate)
Echos du Capricorne
2007/01/10: Music and Politics once again! Special focus after the president election on Dec 3rd
Zooma Capricorne
2007/01/05: Songs and musics by artists from Madagascar or malagasy in France. Interviews with Senator Joseph Yoland.
Echos du Capricorne
2007/01/03: New-year editorial in Main malagasy "rendez-vous" in Paris for the first semester of 2007
Zooma Capricorne
2006/12/29: Interviews with Tony Rakotobe (Réunion) & Francine Ranaivo (president of the association AIFM). Manifestations in Ile de France at the end of the Year
Echos du Capricorne
2006/12/27: Interview with Jeanne Joseph Lemoine. Malagasy end of years festivity in Paris
Zooma Capricorne
2006/12/22: songs and musics by artists from Madagascar or malagasy in France. Reading of poems. Interview with Philippe Randrianarimanana. Manifestations to the end of the Year
Echos du Capricorne
2006/12/20: Communication via Guest: Sylvain Razafinirina (young project manager of a humanitary mission)
Zooma Capricorne
2006/12/15: Songs and musics by malagasy artists. Internet discussions about elections
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2006/12/08: "the Place of the litchis on the international market" at the WORKSHOP: "Promotion of the Litchis of Madagascar". Rojo Rakotozafy, Gasy of andafy who tells Madagascar and sings.
Echos du Capricorne
2006/12/06: President election on Dec 3rd, a special focus on the journey and the preliminary results
Zooma Capricorne
2006/12/01: songs & musics by malagasy artists in France, interview about The malagasy dancing, manifestations in Ile de France
Echos du Capricorne
2006/11/29: Music and Politic! The malagasy community around Paris come to see our artists' performances
Zooma Capricorne
2006/11/24: Musics by artists from Madagascar or malagasy in France. Diffusion of the rendez-vous manifestation in Ile de France & broadcasting of the meeting with Malanjaona Rakotomalala.
Echos du Capricorne
2006/11/22: Guests: Mamy Ratrimoarivony, Vahinala Raharinirina, Carmela Pépin, de l'association SOAMAD, Solidaires avec Madagascar.
Zooma Capricorne
2006/11/17: Musics by malagasy artists & interviews about the week on the Madagascar culture in Cachan.
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2006/11/10: Musics by malagasy artists & interviews with Raymonde Grossman, Fanantenandrainy Ratsimbazafy, Joséphine Ramodiharilafy, Daroussy Boinaidi, Josias Rasolo Narivo, Lucien Ratovohery, Adrien Rakotonirina who support Marc Ravalomanana.
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2006/11/03: Musics by malagasy artists, performer from Madagascar or from all over the world. Interview by Muriel Rakotomalala with Fela Karlynah Razafiarison and Haingomalala Ratsimbazafy (comedians in the theater "L'Improbable vérité du monde")
Echos du Capricorne
2006/11/01: Songs, musics, information with Philippe Randrianarimanana, diary of the demonstrations in Paris Ile-de-France and interview by Olivia Rakotomalala.
Zooma Capricorne
2006/10/27: Musics by malagasy artists, performer etc ..., rendez-vous on Ile-de-France and diffusion of the interview with Ny Aina Rasolojaona, who promote the malagasy Hip hop by the association Jeunesse de Madagascar.
Echos du Capricorne
2006/10/25: Guests: Lova of Kanto Prod and Niry of interviewed by Olivia about their website and their anniversary's date
Zooma Capricorne
2006/10/20: Musics by malagasy artits & interviews with Andriamanamirija Dominique (FKMP - diocèse Parisy) & Totobenazara Jean Laurent, general secretary of "DUR"
Echos du Capricorne
2006/10/18: Songs, musics, information of the Island with Philippe Randrianarimanana, diary of the demonstrations in Paris on Ile-de-France. Interview of Pr Narivelo Rajaonarimanana by Claudie Zandriny.
Zooma Capricorne
2006/10/13: Musics from Madagascar, meeting concerning Albert-Rakoto-Ratsimamanga's book "La vie d'un précurseur de la médecine traditionnelle scientifique" written by Dr Ho Hai Viet
Echos du Capricorne
2006/10/11: Guest: Fara Stormy and Patricia Salomon
Zooma Capricorne
2006/10/06: Diffusion of Madagascar music and the conference held in Antananarivo on Sept 1st on the presentation of the Madagascan presidential candidature of Herizo Jossicher Razafimahaleo.
Echos du Capricorne
2006/10/04: Guest: Cédric Tuil, engineer, on humane mission within the framework of its third cycle in international solidarity.
Zooma Capricorne
2006/09/29: Malagasy artists present various areas at "Ile de France". Debate of Friday at MIE about coming presidential election.
Echos du Capricorne
2006/09/27: Guests: Bekoto and Fafa of the Mahaleo group. One evening (one moreover) but concert karaoké at Saint Germain Les Corbeil
Zooma Capricorne
2006/09/22: Recording of conference debate of "Otrikafo" on Friday, Sept 15th with Fara Rajaonah Andrianjaka. Informal meeting concerning the presidential elections. New conference on Friday 29th.
Echos du Capricorne
2006/09/20: Guest: Patricia Salomon, daughter of the poetry DOX (1913-1978). Dox malagasy poetry will be celebrated along 2006. The presentation of the CD 'Fo mihira' with 33 poems is planned for the 23th in Paris.
Zooma Capricorne
2006/09/15: The fruits of voyage carried out by Claudie Zandriny during the festival of insular film in the Island of Groix. Recorded on August 25, 2006
Echos du Capricorne
2006/09/13: Guest: Hery J., author, composer for his new released album 'Miala satroka' - 11 titles. Grande festo (extract) - Trait d'union songs in esperanto.
Zooma Capricorne
2006/09/08: Holidays advantageous even for us who did not leave far because those which returned did not forget not to bring back of their voyage, the fruits of their peregrinations. Example this recording of conference discusses carried out by Claudie Zandriny during the festival of insular film in the Island of Groix. Recorded on August 26, 2006.
Echos du Capricorne
2006/09/06: First broadcast program of the 2006-2007 season after summer holidays. First song dedicated to Jaojoby after his accident.
Extract of a debate during the "Festival International du Film Insulaire". Also evening concerts with malagasy band (Rossy, Seheno and Regis Gizavo).
Zooma Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2006/07/14: Interview on the diffusion of the Malagasy language within the diaspora malagasy, testimony of Beatrice, Sariaka and Njaka.
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2006/07/07: Interview of a young person resulting from the diaspora malagasy: Razafinirina Sylvain, 24 years.
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2006/06/30: Text reading: "Fita mora mandavo ny vositra" Ramangamalefaka, "Madagasikara" Gilles Andriamahazo, "Hanin-kavana" Rivo Zandriny
Zooma Capricorne
2006/06/23: Speaking with Doctor Laurence Ratsimba who even thought she works in Paris could give us some lighting about the malagasy system of health and prevention because of her experience many years ago in Madagascar.
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
2006/06/16: Presentation of new released albums. Listeners can win several albums.
Echos du Capricorne
2006/06/14: Our guest were the two doctors Laurence Ratsimba and Danny Andrinarison. The Malagasy Health system was explained by our guests.
Zooma Capricorne
2006/06/09: Interview of Dina Ratsimbazafy who present the Gasy linux association. The program of "Echos du Capricorne and Zooma Capricorne" are diffused at the net by Gasy linux.
Echos du Capricorne
2006/06/07: Another long introduction about: football! young malagasy players actually in France & immigration, about last announcement of french minister. Our guest is the Damily Tsapiky group from Tulear on the first tour in France
Zooma Capricorne
2006/06/02: Interviews about the exposition homage to Gabriel Andriamahaleo by François Xavier Razafimahatratra & with the representatives of ANCMF
Echos du Capricorne
2006/05/31: A long introduction about various subjects: french festival "Musiques Metisses", latest newspapers delivered by "Consortium de Solidarité pour Madagascar" and news of the malagasy choregraph Faffa Andriamilantonirinason
Zooma Capricorne
2006/05/26: Interview about FPMA Cergy Fiangonana Protestanta Malagasy aty an-dafy - Tafo Cergy with Holitiana Andrianony, Olga Ratsimbazafy, Pastor Andriamanohisoa Rakotonarivo.
Echos du Capricorne
2006/05/24: Interview of two malagasy stylists: Loa Andriamasinoro and Angela Rajaonarivo
Zooma Capricorne
2006/05/19: Interview about FPMA Melun Fiangonana Protestanta Malagasy aty an-dafy - Tafo Melun with Ramahatafandry Andrianavelasoa, Dina Ratsimbazafy, Ranaivoson Njato.
Echos du Capricorne
2006/05/17: News prepared and presented by Philippe Randrianarimanana Ho Hai Viet, wrote a biographie about Professor Albert Rakoto Ratsimamanga.
Zooma Capricorne
2006/05/12: Interview of the president of Association ASMADA: Arlette Bruel-Groleas about the activities of development aid of rural communes that her association carries out in Madagascar.
Echos du Capricorne
2006/05/10: Samoela, musician - author - composer, came to present albums and show.
Zooma Capricorne
2006/05/05: Interview carried out on "Danse l'Afrique Danse" at the Paris International Theater by Muriel Rakotomalala, with: - Julie Iarisoa, Robinson Razafimahafaly, Herimanana Ralaihary, Abdu Salam Elcarhy Ben Marouf, Bodonirina Lalaoarimanana, Dina Nirinasoa about the Company "Anjorombala" - Arira Andriamoratsiresy on "Zazandrano" - Zoe Randrianjaka of the Company "Tahala"
Echos du Capricorne
2006/05/03: Seheno, artist, author and performer came to present her album which is expected this year.
Zooma Capricorne
2006/04/28: Interviews of: Christina Rabemananjara, AFRAMADIJ (Association Madagascar France for the Insertion of the Young people) and Yolande Rakotomalala, Malanjaona Rakotomalala and Hasina Ramanantoanina concerning the meeting organized the 6 and 7 of May by Association of the old of the college Paul Minault inviting the "Maintimolaly" installed in Europe.
Echos du Capricorne
2006/04/26: 4 members of Hetsika Diaspora France: Nambinintsoa Rabenarison, Ralava.Beboarimisa, Lalaina and the president Tafika Rakotomavo. Subject: focus on one of the actual projects of the association: "Bokiko" Book operation for Madagascar.
Zooma Capricorne
2006/04/21: Three guests: Solo Ravoahangy Andrianavalona, José Randrianasolo and Frère Jacques Tronchon.
Echos du Capricorne
2006/04/19: Interview of the malagasy musical rockers Kiaka's group by Fandala Andriamanantena. NINI, JOJO, JOCE, DADDY, DEBA and JONNY have a concert on saturday april 22.
Zooma Capricorne
2006/04/14: Repeat broadcast of the Third part of the son of Joseph Ravoahangy Andrianavalona, Malagasy Deputy under the colonial empire.
José Randrianasolo: secretary-general of the general confederation of the trade unions of the workers of Madagascar - FISEMA.
Brother Jacques Tronchon, founder of association ASA - Assistance for the Homeless people, Ankohonana Sahirana Arenina.
Echos du Capricorne
2006/04/12: RNS 'Rencontres Nationales sportives' edition 2006, which takes place in Vichy (Allier-France). A big rendez-vous of malagasy community during 3 days around sport, and for 3 years, cultural events.
Guest: Doda Raonimahary - member of the CEN website
Zooma Capricorne
2006/04/07: Interview of DJ Dina Rabe Herivola, Madagascar representative, who will take part in the championship of the World of Disc Jockey Champion Chip.
Third part with Solo Ravoahangy Andrianavalona, Doctor Joseph Ravoahangy Andrianavalona's son, Malagasy deputy under the colonial empire. Lighting on the history of Madagascar.
Echos du Capricorne
2006/04/05: Interview of Julio Rakotonanahary, lead of the musical group Wa-Zimba.
Zooma Capricorne
2006/03/31: Replay of the program diffused on 17th march 2006. Interview of Charles Maurin Poty, artist, performer, producer. Director of Malagasy Cultural Promotion at the ministry for the Culture and Tourism of Madagascar.
First part of the intervention of Solo Ravoahangy Andrianavalona, Doctor Joseph Ravoahangy Andrianavalona's son, Lighting on the history of Madagascar. The creation of the "VVS" and the "Diego Suarez Opinion"
Echos du Capricorne
2006/03/29: Special emission topicality on the commemoration March 29, 1947. Malagasy press review, and exchanges between the history and the literature.
Zooma Capricorne
2006/03/24: Second part of the intervention of Solo Ravoahangy Andrianavalona, the son of Doctor Joseph Ravoahangy Andrianavalona, lighting on the history of Madagascar. - First election of malagasy deputy under the colonial empire. - Strategy to cover national sovereignty.
Echos du Capricorne
2006/03/22: Guests: "Association des Anciens du Lycée Jean-Joseph Rabearivelo" ALJJR with: M. Martin Rabenjamina and Mme RAJAONAH Arlette (Ancienne enseignante).
Zooma Capricorne
2006/03/17: Interview of Charles Maurin Poty, artist, performer, producer. Director of Cultural Promotion at the ministry for the Culture and Tourism of Madagascar.
Lighting of Solo Ravoahangy Andrianavalona, wire of Doctor Ravoahangy, on the history of Madagascar during the colonial time... three parts.
Echos du Capricorne
2006/03/15: We were talking about french law project about immigration also known as Sarkozy's law presented in november 2005.
Guest: 3 Members of AEOM, Association des Etudiants d'Origine Malgache: Emma Ravololonirina, President, Philippe Randrianarimanana, and Hugues Rajoharison AEOM is among the eldest malagasy association abroad.
Zooma Capricorne
2006/03/10: Extract of the Otrikafo texts about the history of Madagascar. Thanks to all the friends "Les amis des Echos du Capricorne", who allowed the success of the Program of the Festival des Printemps des Poêtes des Afriques et d'Ailleurs that we organized in Cachan.
Echos du Capricorne
2006/03/08: 8 march, mondial journey for women, an indispendable journey but not sufficient. we starts this broadcast program with portrait of malagasy woman, descibed in a book edited by AFASPA's association : Gisele Rabesahala (Elles font bouger l'Afrique, Ed Tireisaias)
Guest: Solo Ravoahangy Andrianavalona, journalist and son of Dr Ravoahangy Andrianavalona, one of the founder of the M.D.R.M
Zooma Capricorne
2006/03/03: Extract of the texts joined together and presented by Andre Velter and Jean-Claude Perrier in the "Le chant des villes". Tananarive by Pierre Sogno.
Program of the Festival des Printemps des Poêtes des Afriques et d'Ailleurs in Cachan, Homage to Jacques Félicien Rabemananjara.
Echos du Capricorne
2006/03/01: The thema of today is the transmission of the malagasy culture to the young generation born here in France. Guest: Abel Andriarimalala, professor of malagasy-french, poetry, has proposed chronicle about malagasy culture in Echos du Capricorne.
Zooma Capricorne
2006/02/24: Interview of Mamy Rakotomavo, returned back definitively to the country six years ago, has defended the bà-kira malagasy with his group "Sora-Po". It is their first album. - extract of the "Sora-Po" text "Afindrafindraon'ny manam-panahy" by Pomn. - Homage to Jacques Rabemananjara by Houria, poetess.
Echos du Capricorne
2006/02/22: Winter Chronicle about Madagascar, my exotic country and Hautes-Alpes, famous skiing resort. News with Claudia Solofolandy.
Guests: Thierry Sinda, Houria, and Ben Nodji. We were talking about the festival "Printemps des poètes des Afriques et d'ailleurs - 3ème édition, from the 5th to 12 march 2006".
Zooma Capricorne
2006/02/17: Reading of the book written by Jean-Luc Raharimanana. "L'arbre Anthropophage". Edition Joelle Losfeld in competition to win the price "Grand public du Salon du Livre".
Echos du Capricorne
2006/02/15: Guest: Fontaine Paul Marius artist performer shares his dreams. Multi instrumentalist: percussions, drums, guitar, Kabossy, Marovany, Katsa, harmonica, ...etc
Zooma Capricorne
2006/02/10: Reading of texts about Jacques Félicien Rabemananjara. Extracts from the "Cahiers de poésie verte" of the "Friches N°67". Under the way of leading of Jean-Pierre Thulliat and assembled in file by Jacques Taurand.
Echos du Capricorne
2006/02/08: Guests: Serge and Nivo Rahoerson, the heart of the famous jazz band Serge and Nivo Rahoerson group. Serge plays three instruments (saxo, drums, piano) annd is author-composer.
Zooma Capricorne
2006/02/03: Reading of texts about the Women. "Ny Vehivavy" extracts from the book of DRV "Historical Malagasy Portraits - Dinika sy Rindra Ho an'ny Vehivavy".
Echos du Capricorne
2006/02/01: Guest: Annick Herimalala, singer, author-composer, guitarist. She created her own group 'Bismak' in Paris, few years after her famous rock band 'Dillie', composed in Madagascar by 4 girls in the 90's.
Zooma Capricorne
2006/01/27: "Torimbaliha 4" Special program with the association UPEM Havatsa France, concerning the "Hainteny" and about a remembering of Dox, Presented by Ibana, F. X. Mah and Andamioly.
Echos du Capricorne
2006/01/25: Guest: Marc-Antoine BRENAC and Julien PEYCELON of IDEES's association (Ingineers pour Development and Exchanges of Enginneer School ESME-Sudria).
Zooma Capricorne
2006/01/20: Musical program : Songs before yesterday, yesterday, today and according to tomorrow. Poems and legend.
Echos du Capricorne
2006/01/18: Guest: Jobily Weber, author composer and singer, he just released an album called 'Fitiavana vrai be'.
Zooma Capricorne
2006/01/13: Musical program : Songs of yesterday and today.
Echos du Capricorne
2006/01/11: Guest : Dominique Dimey, french singer for children, one of the recent thema treated by Dominique Dimey is the children's rights.
Zooma Capricorne
2006/01/06: Interview of musical artists: Dana Ramahaleo Bilo) & Lola (Ratovoson Roland).
Echos du Capricorne
2006/01/04: Happy new year 2006! Special broadcast program focused on cultural events on year 2005. Mix musical and extracts of pieces of teater and movies sound...
Zooma Capricorne
2005/12/30: Interview of musical artists: Mira, Dana & Lola.
Echos du Capricorne
2005/12/28: Interview of Dana Ramahaleo (Bilo), Jaojoby Eusèbe and Lola. Three malagasy artists who animate the celebration of the midnight 2005 - 2006 end of the year.
Zooma Capricorne
2005/12/23: Interview of: - I-Ray new group of musical artists with Stéphanie, Mamitiana,Haja and Lalaina. - The Politician & Businessman Herizo Razafimahaleo get out of his three years of silence.
Echos du Capricorne
2005/12/21: Two guests for this edition: Herizo Razafimahaleo, politician and business man, founder of the political party Leader Fanilo. The second intervention is with an young female singer, composer and writer: Mira.
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
2005/12/14: Guest: Christian Dumoux, author of the novel 'Une enfance malgache'.
Zooma Capricorne
2005/12/09: Interview of Christian Dumoux, author of "Une enfance malgache" L'Harmattan Edition.
Echos du Capricorne
2005/12/07: A chronicle in french language about the rebuilding of the Rova Palace, as we received a poem 'Gasy ka Ratsy' & an extract in malagasy language of the movie Tankafatra of Hery A. Rasolo, our guest at 23th of november.
Zooma Capricorne
2005/12/02: Interview of Mamy Ratrimoarivony, President of the association Soamad & Poem of Rado.
Echos du Capricorne
2005/11/30: The painter Jean A. RAVELONA won 2 prizes in Annet Plastic Arts Salon (november 2005)
Guests: Mamy Ratrimoarivony and Istychane NAFOATA respectively president and vice-president of the association SOAMAD (Solidaires avec Madagascar).
Zooma Capricorne
2005/11/25: Interview of Louis Paul Randriamarolaza, Principal private secretary of the Malagasy Ministry for the Public Office, Work and the Social Laws. Michèle Rakotoson, Author, journalist. Christiane Ramanantsoa, Actress. Tantely Ratsimbazafy, Culture manager.
Echos du Capricorne
2005/11/23: Guest: Hery A. Rasolo, a malagasy video film maker, who performs an original documentary film about 'Famadihan', a malagasy ceremony.
Zooma Capricorne
2005/11/18: Interview of Napa - Groupe Mala & Poem of Fara Mananjandry.
Echos du Capricorne
2005/11/16: Guests: Augustin Andriamananoro, from & Claude Rakotondranja, president of Croix Rouge Malagasy
Zooma Capricorne
2005/11/11: Interview of: MR Zafilaza: Minister of population, Social protection and Leisure. MR Ibrahim Abdoulaye Sidibe : International Co-ordinator of the Joint-programme. MR Remamoritse : beneficiaries of the programme. Mrs Yvonne Razafinjato : Malagasy Co-ordinator of the Joint programme.
Zooma Capricorne
2005/11/04: Special emission "Torim-baliha 3rd" of UPEM-Havatsa France Association. Union of the Malagasy Poets and writers in France. With Lalaina, Antsiva, Aina, Abel.
Echos du Capricorne
2005/11/02: Birthday Celebration: The malagasy programm in Fréquence Paris Plurielle has 7 years old. Emotion and Satisfaction!
Zooma Capricorne
2005/10/28: Extract of the "Poeme" of Jean Joseph Rabearivelo
Echos du Capricorne
2005/10/26: Guests: Mr EM Guiton and Mr M. Rabetsimamanga from ORES.PMA
Zooma Capricorne
2005/10/21: Interview with Serge Zafimahova whose association organizes at the french Parliament a debate about the debts of Madagascar.
Echos du Capricorne
2005/10/19: Guests: Ramah Rajohson of the Association TALENTA & the painter Clark Andriambelo.
Zooma Capricorne
2005/10/14: The Malagasy theater "Imahavita": Hoby Randrianarivony and Jeannot Randriandalaoarivony.
Echos du Capricorne
2005/10/12: Guest: Tarika Imahavita, teater show in malagasy language, first representation in Paris.
Zooma Capricorne
2005/10/07: Intervention of Alain Ramaroson & Adolphe Ramasy
Echos du Capricorne
2005/10/05: Guest: Fandala Andriamanantena, he presents a double album produced by Fanja Andriamanatena
Zooma Capricorne
2005/09/30: Intervention of Petsam-bava and Rivoarison Rabeniaina
Echos du Capricorne
2005/09/28: Guest: Tsakaison Jean-André
Echos du Capricorne
2005/09/21: Short discussion with a malagasy artist Rézy Lorentz
Echos du Capricorne
2005/09/14: Guests: Michèle DECASTER and Jean-Claude RABEHERIFARA of AFASPA. Character description of 52 women of Africa.
Echos du Capricorne
2005/09/07: Interview of Marthe Rasoanatenaiana, polyvalent artist (dancer, tales, theater player...)
Zooma Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
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Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
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Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
Zooma Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne