N°437 - Fri Nov 25, 2011, Duration: 120min
=> Archive of the 'Emissions du Capricorne' from 2002 until now!
Alice Ranorojaona Pelerin crossed Madagascar in search of her roots, to pay tribute to common history between La Réunion and Madagascar. (http://www.dia50.com).
The film which she introduces redraws this trip and a realization. In 2010 been created the Miara-Dia association for the edification of a stele. (http://www.unestelepourmadagascar.com)
1/ Fomban-drazana - Gas'pira
2/ Stock tampon - Damily
3/ Manonaka - Mamy Brunette
4/ Rila - Mamisolofo
5/ Hasin-drazana - Ranoro
6/ Milamina zaza - Ranoro
7/ Tenindrazako - Ranoro
8/ Maman'i Nety - Jean Kely
9/ Randrako ngita - Basth
10/ Hôpitaly be - Samoela
11/ Lomay - Joro & Fanaiky
12/ Kidaombaramita - Mala
13/ Bararata - Ny Voninavoko
Musics of the generics:
Salama 'nareo tompoko ô (Rakotozafy)
Lasa aiza ilay zoma (Erick Manana)
Echos du Capricorne
Claudia Solofolandy
27, rue de la Gare - 7501
94 230 Cachan
0 33 6 66 19 54 67
0 33 9 54 63 27 99
Radio Fréquence Paris Plurielle 106.3 mhz/FM
Echos du Capricorne: wednesday 20h30-21h30
Zooma Capricorne: Friday 05h-07h
Thanks to the Networkers
we can listen the french-malagasy program all over the world with:
https://emap.fm/ondemandpart.php?id=13: live and on demand
http://radio.toile-libre.org:8000/fpp.mp3: on direct line