N°899 - Wed Nov 14, 2018, Duration: 90min
=> Archive of the 'Emissions du Capricorne' from 2002 until now!
Radio Gasy with Manitra Ratovohery Ratobison, Henri de S, Anatolie Joséphine Razaiarimalala,
Claudie Zandriny, Jean-Claude Rabeherifara and Kaladia Solofolandy
Under the eyes of Hery José
Interview of Elliot Randriamandrato, Junior Consultant,
Management of risks and crises in business or community.
Administrator of the FB group "Za koa hifidy",
Platform for Presidential Elections symbolic of the diaspora of Madagasikara.
Playing list
1/ Zay Mandresy - Charles Kely Zanarotsy
2/ Kabary lava - Malagasy Guitar Masters
3/ Goha naho kepeke - Salala
4/ Satriko - Groupe Rainibary
5/ Salegy rombotra - Wawa
Musics of the generics:
Salama 'nareo Tompoko ô - Rakotozafy
Tombo Daniel
Diora - Datita Rabeson
Emissions du Capricorne
Claudia Solofolandy Ramananjanahary
2, rue François Delage – A70
94230 Cachan FRANCE
0 33 9 54 63 27 99
skype : Echos du Capricorne
Facebook: Echos Capricorne
Follow us also on Facebook: Echos Capricorne
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Radio Fréquence Paris Plurielle 106.3 MHz FM
Echos du Capricorne
Wednesday 20h30-22h
Zooma Capricorne
Friday 5h-7h
Thanks to the Networkers - we can listen the french-malagasy program all over the world with:
https://emap.fm/ondemandpart.php?id=13: live & ondemand
http://radio.toile-libre.org:8000/fpp.mp3: on direct line
https://rfpp.net: on direct line