N°934 - Wed Jul 31, 2019, Duration: 92min
=> Archive of the 'Emissions du Capricorne' from 2002 until now!
Radio Gasy with Jean-Claude Rabeherifara,
Manitra Ratovohery Ratobison, Claudie Lay Zandriny & Kaladia Solofolandy
under the observation of Nathalie & Hery José
Interview with Philippe Suveraie, writer.
Author of the novel "Eva vit et meurt d'amour"
which was just published by Harmattan,
in the collection "Rue des écoles"
Literature - Novel - News.
"From 1830 to the year 2000, from Africa to Europe,
it's the genesis of a French family
that the author enhances the memory of his grandmother Eva."
Philippe Suveraie, aka Eric Oudard,
engineer graduated from the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées
(National School of Roads and Bridges)
Broché - format: 15,5 x 24 cm
ISBN: 978-2-343-17614-7 • 1 juillet 2019 • 324 pages
EAN13: 9782343176147
EAN PDF: 9782140125423
324 pages • 27 €
E-book - PDF. 20,99 €
Editions-Diffusion L'Harmattan
5-7, rue de L’Ecole Polytechnique 75005 Paris
Téléphone : 01 40 46 79 20
Playing list
1/ Zazavavy malagasiko - Naly Rakotofiringa
2/ Frère Jacques - Jeneraly
3/ Bonbô gasy - Lolo sy ny Tariny
4/ Madamo be lamody - Henri Walawala
5/ Fisaraham-panambadiana - Jeneraly
6/ Tady vita fatomaty - Lolo sy ny Tariny
7/ Sabou hainao - Toto Mwandjani
Musics of the generics:
Salama 'nareo Tompoko ô - Rakotozafy
Tombo Daniel
Diora - Datita Rabeson
Kabosy - Gastafaray
Emissions du Capricorne
Claudia Solofolandy
2, rue François Delage – A70
94230 Cachan FRANCE
0 33 9 54 63 27 99
Twitter: @EchosCapri
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Echos Capricorne
Echos du Capricorne
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Radio Fréquence Paris Plurielle
106.3 MHz FM
"Echos du Capricorne"
Wednesday 20h30-22h
"Zooma Capricorne"
Friday 5h-7h
Thanks to the Networkers - we can listen the french-malagasy program all over the world with:
https://emap.fm/ondemandpart.php?id=13: live & ondemand
http://radio.toile-libre.org:8000/fpp.mp3: on direct line