Emap.FM - Internet Radio for World Wide Ethno Music and Reports
Echos du Capricorne 2023/01/18

N°1094 - Wed Jan 18, 2023, Duration: 121min

speaker Listen to Echos du Capricorne

=> Archive of the 'Emissions du Capricorne' from 2002 until now!

Radio Gasy with:
Marc DJ Vazahagasy
Damien Benoit
Manitra Ratovohery-Ratobison
Jean-Claude Rabeherifara
Claudia Solofolandy

Vincent Bardi & David Hardy (Moroccan Swiss)
representatives of the Collectif MadaGasyArt which will organize
the Madagasyart exhibition at 59, rue de Rivoli in Paris 75001 in its 9th edition

"Kanto Gasy"
from May 30 to June 10, 2023 will be devoted to music...
photography, painting, sculpture, drawing, illustration, screen printing, street art, digital art... music and workshops
Opening June 3 at 6 p.m.

Playing list:
1/ Donakely - Sora-po, Tselonina, Kolibera
2/ Faniriana - Jean Baths
3/ Ambony ny tanana - Odyai feat Mijah
4/ Diavolana - Marion
5/ Hira fiarenana - Vahombey
6/ Kilalao fahiny - Spésialista
8/ Hir'aina - Nanie

Musics of the generics:
Salama 'nareo Tompoko ô - Rakotozafy
Tombo Daniel
Diora - Datita Rabeson

Emissions du Capricorne
2, rue François Delage – A70 RDJ
94230 Cachan FRANCE

+ 33 9 54 63 27 99


Follow us also on Facebook Video Watch in live:

Radio Fréquence Paris Plurielle 106.3 MHz FM

- Echos du Capricorne
Wednesday 20:30-22:30

- Zooma Capricorne
Thursday midnight to Friday 2 a.m.
Sunday 10am-12pm

Thanks to the Networkers
we can listen the french-malagasy program all over the world
with all the broadcast appli
on computer, phone, TV, and:

https://emap.fm/ondemandpart.php?id=13: archives, live & ondemand

http://radio.toile-libre.org:8000/fpp.mp3: on direct line

https://rfpp.net: on direct line

possible archiving and downloading in the week of broadcast